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Ancient Cultural Heritage Studies: Interdisciplinary Aspect
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with specific facts, phenomena and processes characteristic of ancient cultural heritage in the context of European culture and from the global perspective, paying special attention to the relevant interdisciplinary aspects, which are considered in long-term development and interaction. Exploration of the aspects of ancient cultural heritage reveals the transmission, adaptation and role of ancient Greek and Roman culture in a variety of fields, including the creative industries. The course focuses on the aspects of ancient cultural heritage in aesthetic and gender studies, as well as on the interpretation of practical and pragmatic aspects in the history of European culture, and the depiction of ancient cultural heritage in contemporary performing arts and mass culture. The tasks of the course: 1. to provide general information on certain aspects of the ancient cultural heritage that have influenced European cultural awareness; 2
Advanced Studies in Chinese Language and Communication Culture II
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to learn to speak Chinese fluently on various topics while continuing grammar learning, as well as to develop listening, reading and writing skills up to B2 level, taking into account the most important features of verbal and non-verbal communication adopted in Chinese culture and the most significant public prohibitions. The tasks of the course are: 1) To continue to learn Chinese phonetics, correct speech and spelling; 2) To continue acquaintance with the morphology and syntax of the literary Chinese language; 3) To broaden the vocabulary of the most necessary Chinese words (at least 500 words) and phrases (on the mentioned topics) for daily communication; 4) To give a further introduction of the norms of polite verbal and non-verbal communication in various communicative situations in the context of the Chinese cultural environment; 5) To get acquainted with the Chinese perception of the world
22.08.2022 15:04 Content
Sports at the University of Latvia Libary of the University of Latvia Student accomodation at the University of Latvia
Kultūras un sporta virziens
21.03.2024 23:56 Content
Cultural and Sports affairs handle various projects. Every year, significant and large-scale events such as " Aristotle", the UL Student Sports Games and the UL SP Annual Awards are organised. The process of organising events is also a good way to make new contacts and have fun outside of studies. If you would like to take the opportunity to work throughout the year on a variety of annual and new projects, to make student life more colourful and diverse, and to feel a greater sense of belonging to UL, please contact Evelīna, Head of Cultural and Sports affairs ( ).
Alumīnija reciklēšana ūdeņraža iegūšanai - no atkritumiem caur ūdeņraža radītu enerģiju uz alumīnija oksīdu – AliCE-WHy (Aluminum in circle economy - from waste through hydrogen energy to alumina" – AliCE-WHy)
13.06.2024 19:00 Content
Period 01.02.2023. - 01.04.2023. | 03.04.2023. As planned in February the project had a joint workshop with REVEAL project from Switzerland ( ), where current and previous results were discussed. Groups agreed to look for further opportunities to collaborate in the future. As a part of the project, Kārlis Grava, a student of the Riga State German Gymnasium, received a second degree diploma at the 47th Latvian students' conference of scientific research works in the group of natural sciences. Kārlis conducted a study on the effect of seawater on the AliCE-WHy process.
Kristaps Morbergs
02.09.2020 19:09 Content
"Filantropijas stāsti" ("Stories of Philanthropy") was opened in his apartment at Z.Meierovica bulvāris on 20 September 2019, followed by reception of UL patrons. A memorial event was held at Lielie kapi (Great Cemetery of Riga), attended by the Acting Rector of the University of Latvia, Professor Gvido Straube, Chair of the UL Foundation’s Board, UL Professor Emeritus Ivars Lācis and Managing Director of the UL Foundation Laila Kundziņa. Support Long before his late years, K.Morbergs deliberated upon the best use of his material resources to benefit humanity. He defined a perfect goal – to help his nation rise mentally and ethically. Therefore, he donated all his property to the University of Latvia. K.Morbergs in his will chose the University of Latvia as his general legatee and in 1928 bequeathed eight houses in the centre of Riga and Jūrmala to the University. K.Morbergs left his legacy with the aim of making the acquisition of higher education as accessible as possible to everyone
My story
13.12.2021 11:11 Content
strong programs in the natural sciences, mathematics, and computer science ), because sciences seemed easy. When the chemistry started, everything we learned seemed very logical, interesting, but I noticed that not for everyone. Many people think that chemistry is a great mystery, but for me everything seems obvious. My school and teachers motivated me. I have attended two schools. When I was in the first, I never thought that my future could be in science. In my second school, I had a wonderful chemistry teacher. Either I was good at understanding or he taught everything so intelligibly, but maybe those both factors together made me interested in chemistry. Teachers at school worked hard, helped, motivated, and encouraged students with potential. During secondary school, I participated in chemistry Olympiads, attended additional classes, and the teacher encouraged me. At one point, I realized that it would be illogical not to improve the acquired knowledge and go study something completely
My story
10.02.2022 12:14 Content
strong programs in the natural sciences, mathematics, and computer science ), because sciences seemed easy. When the chemistry started, everything we learned seemed very logical, interesting, but I noticed that not for everyone. Many people think that chemistry is a great mystery, but for me everything seems obvious. My school and teachers motivated me. I have attended two schools. When I was in the first, I never thought that my future could be in science. In my second school, I had a wonderful chemistry teacher. Either I was good at understanding or he taught everything so intelligibly, but maybe those both factors together made me interested in chemistry. Teachers at school worked hard, helped, motivated, and encouraged students with potential. During secondary school, I participated in chemistry Olympiads, attended additional classes, and the teacher encouraged me. At one point, I realized that it would be illogical not to improve the acquired knowledge and go study something completely
After being nominated for the Erasmus+ traineeship
25.01.2022 12:47 Content
The student has to prepare the traineeship agreement (Learning Agreement: Before the Mobility) [ Contact Person - International coordinator , Responsible person at the Sending Institutio n - Director of your study programme at the UL], which is one of the most important mobility documents. The Learning Agreement (LA) is prepared before the mobility. Before preparing the document, discuss the objectives of traineeship and the possible credit point amount with the programme director and the host party. After obtaining all 3signatures, save the document as PDF and send it to the Mobility Division. The Mobility Division shall invite the student to sign the contract when all 3parties have signed the LA.
17.08.2023 15:44 Content
OAPEN (Open Access) OECD iLibrary Old Maps Online ONLEIHE: DIE DIGITALE BIBLIOTHEK Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science (ODLIS) Online Dictionary of the Social Sciences OpenGeoscience Open Humanities Press Open Music Library Open Library of Humanities (OLH) Optipedia Orbis Access provided only for the students, faculty and researchers of theFaculty of Business, Management and Economicsof the University of Latvia Osmikon: the Research Gateway to Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe Overleaf Commons Access provided only for the students, faculty and researchers of the UL Natural Sciences Faculties Oxford Journals Online Oxford Text Archive
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