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State-funded scholarship
11.08.2021 18:26 Content
Scholarship for undergraduates, graduates and students of professional programmes Application for scholarship must be submitted in the electronic system of the ULLUIS within 10 days from the beginning of registration week of the respectivesemester according to the calender of academic year. The documents confirming student's eligibility for the scholarship must be submitted to the secretary of the faculty.
Cooperation with universities and and research institutes
07.11.2021 17:34 Content
The Faculty cooperates with Daugavpils University (the cooperation in the field of science, implementation of study programmes, including Doctoral study programme of History, organization of seminars, exchange with guest lecturers, etc.), Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (guest lectures). The staff of the Faculty regularly teaches history and philosophy courses at pther faculties of the University of Latvia and universities. In cooperation with other faculties of the University of Latvia the implementation of Doctoral schools also takes place. The Faculty cooperates with other research centres and institutes of history and philosophy – Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latvia , Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the University of Latvia , etc. (cooperation in research, conference organization, regular visits of students to institutes, contacts with consultants and reviewers, students participate in archaeological research work and preparation
In 2016
13.07.2020 14:44 Content
of the old asphalt paths have been replaced with cobblestones and historic gravel, the pond has been cleaned in the central part, benches and wooden footbridges have been placed around it. In September 2014, within the framework of the program “Art in Public Space” implemented by the Boriss un Ināra Teterev Foundation, the first urban art object was opened in the garden area - the work “Still Life” by the artists Brigita Zelča-Aispure and SandisAispurs. Thanks for the support! University of Latvia annual event "Studenta kurpēs" The annual eventtook place from April 4 to 8, 2016. The event is intended for high school students. During this time, they are given the opportunity to participate in the study process at the University of Latvia. It is an opportunity to participate in lectures, seminars, laboratories and practical work, as well as to get acquainted with the UL study programs, their content and study process, which would help to make a motivated decision in choosing further
24.10.2023 13:30 Content
Working Hours: on Weekdays and Saturdays 8.00 - 22.00 on Sundays and public holidays closed UL students and employees with a certificate or access card have access to the libraries 24/7.
Atvērto durvju dienas
07.11.2021 13:38 Content
Annually every interested person is invited to get impressions and get to know their future study environment by attending the “Open Days” of the University of Latvia. It is an opportunity not only to be in your future study premises, but also to participate in various cognitive events organized by the faculties and to ask questions in person, that will definitely help you make decision about the most suitable study programme. At the Faculty of History and Philosophy students traditionally are addressed by the Dean of the Faculty, Associate Professor Valda Kļava, as well as directors of History and Philosophy Bachelor study programmes’, introducing them with each study programme, study process and amount of budget places. The “Open Days” are students’ opportunity to receive answers about the study process, admission procedures, starting studies and other current topics. Students are introduced to internship opportunities and opportunities to participate in foreign studies (study
02.05.2024 15:28 Content
Bookyards Cambridge Journals Online Cogent OA DigiKlase Directory of Open Access Books Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) EBSCO host Central & Eastern European Academic Source Emerald eJournals Premier Archive available through 28 February 2020 ERIC Eurostat Data Google Scholar IEA Journals for Free JSTOR LETA Letonika OECD iLibrary Oxford Journals Online Passport Pirmsskolā Access provided for the students and academic staff of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia on LUIS Mans portāls – Aktualitātes – Bibliotēkas Project Gutenberg ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global ProQuest Ebook Central Academic Complete Collection SAGE Journals SAGE Research Methods Scopus Skolas Psiholoģija Access provided for the students and academic staff of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia on LUIS Mans portāls – Aktualitātes
Supervision of students' research work
The aim of the study course is to develop the doctoral student's competence in supervising students' research works, which is necessary for successful academic work. Doctoral students are involved in the implementation of study programmes as supervisors of students' course/practice research or final theses. The tasks of the study course are: 1. to improve the competence of academic work; 2. to gain experience in supervising research work; 3. to acquire skills necessary for the development of academic career. The course is taught in English and Latvian.
Supervision of students' research work
The aim of the study course is to develop the doctoral student's competence in supervising students' research works, which is necessary for successful academic work. Doctoral students are involved in the implementation of study programmes as supervisors of students' course/practice research or final theses. The tasks of the study course are: 1. to improve the competence of academic work; 2. to gain experience in supervising research work; 3. to acquire skills necessary for the development of academic career. The course is taught in English and Latvian.
11.01.2022 23:47 Content
Exmatriculation is student’s exclusion from the register of current students. Exmatriculation is regulated by the Law on Institutions of Higher Education, Section 49. The student can be excluded from the list of current students, if: the student wishes so him/herself; the student has completed the requirements of the study programme and has obtained a degree or qualification; the student has completed the requirements of the theoretical part of the study programme, but has not passed the final examinations (Regulation of the final examinations at the UL, 5.17., 5.18); it has been ascertained that admission of the student has been influenced by deception, corrupt practices or other behaviour with which the principle of the equality of applicants has been violated; student has not complied with the requirements set out in the Study agreement. (2) In an institution of higher education exclusion of a person from the list of students shall
Entrance requirements
26.05.2020 14:53 Content
If you would like to study at the University of Latvia for one semester of full academic year and then transfer your credits to your home university, you can apply for exchange studies. You can be considered as an exchange student if there is a valid student exchange agreement between your home university and the University of Latvia or between your home country and the Republic of Latvia.University of Latvia accepts exchange students within ERASMUS+ , CAMPUS EUROPAE, Utrech Network (MAUI (Mid-America University International), AEN (Australian-Europea Network) and ISEP (International Student Exchange Program) programmmes, bilateral cooperation agreements with other universities and cooperation agreements between countries. The International Office at your home university can give you more information about the exchange programmes that your university has with the University of Latvia. International exchange students who plan to study at the University of Latvia for up to one year
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