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French I
Course (continue)
The course goal is to form and to develop the basic speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in French which are necessary for communication in everyday situations as well as in professional context. The course provides basic knowledge in phonetics, the vocabulary and grammar elements that are essential for primary communication focusing on the learners communicative competence (linguistic, socio-cultural and learning competence). All the class activities are based on practical real life situations so that the students can become active participants in learning process. All the lessons have joint approach: 1) reading/listening of the document (text, dialogue), 2) verification of understanding, 3) memorization, 4) communication, 5) consolidation of knowledge. This course corresponds to beginner level (A1 - „Breakthrough”) of the Common European framework for language learning.
Course (continue)
Improve knowledge and practical skills for ear, nose and throat diseases. During lectures there will be emphasized latest trends of diagnostics and treatment of ORL diseases, obstructive sleep apnea Otorhinolaryngological aspects, latest technology usage options in ORL, and re-focused attention on the actions of emergency situations. There is specifically designed information to emphasize the choice of antimicrobial treatment strategy and the duration of treatment. There will be updated general practitioner’s responsibilities for postoperative period management of patients’ operated in ORL clinic. During practical lessons students will have training on ORL objective investigation, hearing investigation with tonometer, ear and nasal foreign bodies removal and ear plugs sulfur leaching. During the course there are planned two discussions about different questions interesting to general practitioners about ear, nose and throat diseases.
Hybrid Libraries Management
Course (continue)
Objective of course – to equip students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills on strategic planning of hybrid library and digital resources. The course gives an overview about new trends in library science and library work. Different definitions of hybrid, digital, electronic or virtual library are discussed. A new strategy towards an integrated library will be presented. The tools needed on the way to a hybrid, digital and integrated library are described and discussed, i.e. aspects like project management, change and strategic management. The second part of the course starts with the discussion of basic techniques for the digitization of library materials and for electronic archiving and leads to the presentation of all relevant electronic media and electronic services. Electronic journals and monographs are presented as well as new electronic services and the changing role of library catalogues in a hybrid library.
Creating a business in the digital age – developing entrepreneurship competencies for young Europeans through eMentorship – CReBUS
17.09.2020 13:03 Content
Mentorship. To develop an online community and a social network including young entrepreneurs, trainers and the other stakeholders. To exploit the potential of project outcomes for further development and sustainability beyond the EU-funding period Summary: The emerging needs of a post-crisis society, the prospective studies at European level about the "new skills for new jobs", the strategy documents for Europe 2020 shows that new sectors will appear, new skills are needed, and among them, all have in common the entrepreneurial and ICT skills as basic ones. As demonstrated in the OECD Innovation Strategy, entrepreneurial skills and attitudes, risk-taking behaviour, creativity, etc. will be crucial competencies in the economy of the future (Policy Responses to the Economic Crisis: Investing in Innovation for Long-Term Growth, OECD 2009). CReBUS project is aiming to develop a training system in order to facilitate the development of entrepreneurship competences for students/graduates between 18
Eurofusion/FuseNet panel of PhD programmes Baltic States
03.09.2021 19:12 Content
The EUROfusion/FuseNet panel of PhD programmes Baltic States was organized by the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia and was held on December 5-7, 2018. During the meeting Baltic State activities were discussed and the future possibilities enlighted. In total 26 participants took an active part in the meeting discussions and decision making. The FuseNet Association is an independent legal entity that was founded in December 2010 to provide a platform for the coordination of European fusion education activities, as a sustainable continuation of the EU FP7 FuseNet programme. The aim of this seventh framework programme was the establishment of a European Fusion Education Network (FuseNet) for education in fusion science and technology, in order to increase, enhance, and broaden fusion training and education activities in Europe. FuseNet targets students from high school to the PhD-level, with a strong emphasis on the university Master level. Some of its activities
Internship offers abroad
02.11.2023 15:03 Content
:// www.espauk.comstudents/ European Youth Portal. Internships and jobs in Brussels. UNICEF internship programme. Other links to internship offers: Internship in Malta Internship offers in Spain Internship in Spain Internship in Spain Internship in Spain Jobs and internships in UK Jobs and internships in Ireland Internship in Slovenia Internship in Malta Tips for finding an appropriate internship . Scholarships: Sweden France UK US Australia Canada https
Introduction to Software Testing QT1
Course (continue)
The QA1 course introduces with the tester's profession – what are the tester’s daily tasks and why testing is important during a software development process. The course will look at the steps a software tester performs in software development process and the skills required to complete basic tasks – analyzing documentation, what kind of necessary questions have to be asked to business analysts, creating test cases, testing and documenting incidents detected in the program, making simple SQL requests. Course Aim To improve the students' understanding of the principles and basics of software testing during the educational process. Review software testing according to standard IT practices. Tasks The computer system tester plans, prepares and executes software tests, processes and analyses obtained information about the software, identify risks and document the errors found during checks and their relevance requirements. Language of instruction is Latvian.
Basics of Python programming language
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to update and improve the student's understanding of the basic concepts of Python and the possibilities of the programming language, to learn the language syntax and to acquire the skills to work with Python standard libraries. The tasks of the course are to acquire the following skills: • understands programming principles and approaches; • knows the syntax and main operators of Python programming language; • understands different types of data and their applications; • has mastered Python logical operations and loops; • is able to write functions; • has mastered data structures - such as lists, tuples, sets and dictionaries; • uses Python standard modules and packages; • is able to use data output formatting, file reading and writing; • has mastered the basics of error and exception handling; • has mastered the basics of object-oriented programming - class creation, properties, methods; • has mastered working in a virtual environment and packet management
Platform development and application building
Course (continue)
The aim of this study course is to provide students with knowledge of low-code/non-code Microsoft Power Platform-tools, which allow analyzing company data (Power BI), automate processes (Power Automate), create applications (Power Apps) and chatbots (Power Virtual Agents), and to demonstrate tool capabilities through practical examples in the automation of enterprise processes. Course tasks: 1. Learn about the capabilities of low-code/no-code platform Microsoft Power Platform. 2. Perform enterprise data analysis with the Power BI tool. 3. Learn the basics of rapid low-code/no-code application development with the Power Apps tool. 4. Get familiar with the automation processes of the company's robotics using the Power Automate tool. 5. Get acquainted with the development of chatbots using the Power Virtual Agents tool.
The language of instruction is English.
Mathematical Olympiad Practicum [Dat]
The course deals with the main mathematical Olympiads problem solving ways and the most commonly used methods, as well as pupils' work evaluation principles. Much attention is dedicated to problem solving. There is also provided an insight into the Latvian mathematical Olympiad system and problem set
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