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28.06.2024 16:18 Content
The Faculty of Humanities offers PhD level study programme “Language and Culture Studies” under the study field “Language and Culture Studies, First Language Studies and Language Programmes”. The PhD school “Letonics and Intercultural Research” at the Faculty of Humanitiesunites PhD students of various programmes in humanities. It is an opportunity to gain knowledge about ralated disciplines, listen to guestprofessors, discuss one’s PhD thesis in seminars with PhD students from other fields, thus getting new ideas and a new approach to one’s research.
Environmental Law
The goal of the course is to promote understanding of the environmental and nature protection law, as well as environmental rights in national legal system, to provide skills in law enforcement and identification of legal issues. The main tasks of the course are to ensure that students are able to describe the types of sources of environmental law, understand and orient themselves in key normative acts (laws) in the field of environmental protection, acquire basic skills in the application of law and legal reasoning, are able to identify legal issues in the field of environmental protection and suggest possible solutions. The course is taught in Latvian.
General Theory of State
The aim of the course is to provide to the students the understanding of state, its social, legal and political structure. The objective of the course is to acquire basic knowledge necessary to understand the state organisation and functioning; the role of law in social organisation; the role of civil society in a democratic constitutional state, and to promote an easier and deeper understanding of Constitutional Law (in the Republic of Latvia and abroad) and international public law. To develop the critical thinking skills in order to analyse the political processes in the state and the values at the basis of the law creation; to separate democratic politics from non-democratic; the limits of state interference in the life of society with a regulatory framework.
Bachelor’s degree programme Cultural and Social Anthropology
25.04.2024 20:05 Content
for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship. More information: ERASMUS + study mobility ERASMUS + traineeship moblity Admission requirements General secondary high school diploma; English language proficiency . The average grade of the secondary education document in all subjects must be at least 6 (on a 10-point scale). Enrollment criteria (for students competing for the state-financed study place) 1. The grade in English (60%); 2. The grade in Mathematics (20%); 3. Grade point average (20%); 4. Additional points (10%) may be received for a grade in social studies. Please note! Only EU/EEA/Swiss citizens and EU long-term resident status holders can competefor a state-financed study place. As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. More information: Autumn Intake (application start: 1 Nov 2023; studies start in Sept 2024) Full-time Contact person
International Trade and Arbitration Law
The goal of this course is to introduce the students with the development of international trade law, its principles and practice and dispute resolution. Students shall gain knowledge of the basic sources regulating international trade law, i.e., CISG, UNIDROIT International Commercial Principles etc. and their application in the practice. Comparative analyzes of national legal and international trade law systems are exercised during the course. Course also covers the main principles of resolving the disputes in international arbitration. The language of instruction is English.
International Trade and Arbitration Law
The goal of this course is to introduce the students with the development of international trade law, its principles and practice and dispute resolution. Students shall gain knowledge of the basic sources regulating international trade law, i.e., CISG, UNIDROIT International Commercial Principles etc. and their application in the practice. Comparative analyzes of national legal and international trade law systems are exercised during the course. Course also covers the main principles of resolving the disputes in international arbitration. The language of instruction is English.
Doctoral studies and residency in medicine
28.06.2024 16:36 Content
Doctoral studies are the postgraduate studies in doctoral programme with the aim of obtaining a doctor's degree. Studies in the doctoral programme are carried out in accordance with the regulations approved by the Senate "Doctoral studies at the UL". Doctoral study programme is open to students with a previously acquired master's degree. The duration of doctoral studies is six semesters. To obtain a doctor's degree, a doctoral thesis must be developed and defended at the end of the studies. Students of doctoral and master's study programmes can participate in the UL doctoral schools. Doctoral schools are formed by at least two doctoral programmes, thus providing the involved students with extensive scientific cooperation opportunities. The residency in medicine is offered in the second level professional higher education study programme "Medicine" for obtaining the qualification of a doctor of medicine. The programme is open to those who have completed the six-year second
Thinkers’ Laboratory / Prātnieku laboratorija
28.08.2020 18:03 Content
The project will ensure creation of a unique interdisciplinary educational programme for primary school students (grades 4–6) at the University of Latvia. Pupils will have the opportunity to acquire a complex, successive curriculum, using the technical, technological and material provisions available at the University premises and corresponding to the age group, which, in turn, will promote the growth of pupils’ knowledge and skills in exact subjects and attract the pupils to study at the University of Latvia. An innovative practice system and provision of a teacher study programme for science and mathematics teachers will be created. On the other hand, the teachers and the UL students will be given the opportunity to study under the guidance of the UL Interdisciplinary Centre for Educational Innovation experts. Thus, in the newly created learning environment teachers and students will learn to use the new learning tools effectively, so that the acquired knowledge, skills and ability
Active recreation events
07.09.2022 12:01 Content
At least once a semester, various active recreation events are organized, which is the best way to meet other students and employees of the University of Latvia informally, as well as simply have a good time. In recent years, such events have been organized as "Gadsimta kalns", where all LU students and staff were given the opportunity to actively relax on the hill and participate in a fun relay, "Lielais pārgājiens", where LU staff had the opportunity to go on a fun hike with their families, and UL Holiday photo orienteering, in which participants had the opportunity to search for various objects found in nature and perform various tasks, thus accumulating points and fighting for the first place. About 3 weeks before each event, information about the upcoming event is posted on the UL Sports Facebook page and the UL Sports page. Active recreation events are available free of charge to all LU students and employees. For active leisure activities of the 2022/2023 fall semester
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