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Doctoral programme in Natural Sciences (Biology)
25.04.2024 20:20 Content
academicians. Acquisition of transferable and academic teaching skills is required; three theoretical examinations have to be passed: field, specialization and language. The degree is awarded on the basis of Thesis, which are presented in an open seminar. The research results have to be published beforehand. The graduates have wide opportunities of academic and industrial employment. ERASMUS+exchange possibilities UL full-time students, regardless of their citizenship, have the opportunity to apply for the ERASMUS + exchange program for studies or/and traineeship. More information: ERASMUS + study mobility ERASMUS + traineeship moblity Admission requirements Master’s Degree or equivalent in Life Sciences, Medicine or Chemistry English language proficiency. As a part of the admission process applicants will be asked to participate in an online interview. Autumn Intake ( application start: 02 Jan 2023; studies start in Sept 2023) Full-time Contact persons for more information
Pēteris Sniķers (1875–1944)
07.11.2022 17:59 Content
was unveiled at the house in Rīga, Brīvības Street 39 (which was built by his order and also belonged to him). In honor of its founder, the student corporation Fraternitas Metropolitana established the Peter Sniker Medal in 1996, with which it awards its most notable philistines.
Džons Golde
27.08.2020 19:56 Content
-cherished ideas, including one of the most financially extensive projects in its history – establishing and equipping a modern conference hall with permanent translation booths and further equipment. This was made possible by investing significant own funds and the grant ofUSD 5 000from the patron. The second donation in the same year, also amounting toUSD 5 000, was used to purchase a professional camcorder and sound system to make the UL Faculty of Law conferences, seminars, moot courts and many more events available to those who would not be able to be present in person. The new technical capabilities enable high-definition video recording of various events, as well as live streaming on the Internet. In 2015, the patron grantedEUR 4032.26(USD 5 000) to the American Law Summer School, organized by the University of Latvia Faculty of Law. In the same year, John Golde also supported the UL Student Business Incubator by donating further EUR 4032.26(USD 5 000) to the UL Business Idea Foundation
01.07.2021 16:46 Content
and quality of education. Proceedings of scientific papers (pp. 22–32). Rīga: Latvijas Universitātes Akadēmiskais apgāds. Fernández González, M. J., Pīgozne, T., Surikova, S. and Vasečko, Ļ. (2019). Students’ and staff perceptions of vocational education institution heads’ virtues. Quality Assurance in Education , 28(1), 1–18. Fernández González, M. J. (2019). At the Heart of Virtue Growth: ‘Self-of-virtue’ and ‘Virtue identity’. Estudios sobre Educacion 36, 9–29. Fernández González, M. J. (2019). Legitimation of virtue education in teacher training discourse during soviet Latvia. Society. Integration. Education. Proceedings of the international scientific conference. Rēzekne (Latvia), May 24–25, 2019 Volume 1, pp. 194–204. Latvia: Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija.
Professional bachelor’s degree programme “Teacher”
10.05.2024 12:51 Content
The study programme was accredited on 3 August 2022. The purpose of the study programme: to provide locally and internationally competitive professional bachelor's studies in education sciences by promoting the development of the general and professional competence of a teacher in accordance with the professional standard “Teacher” in the areas of training chosen by a student.| A unique approach combining the content of two or more subjects areas and the teaching methods selected among several sub-programmes. FULL-TIME STUDY options for sub-programmes: 1) studies in one of the sub-programmes: Latvian Language and Literature teacher Mathematics teacher Teacher of Social Science and History English teacher and German teacher English teacher and Latvian as second language and as foreign language teacher English teacher and Russian as foreign language teacher English teacher and Social Science teacher Computer Science teacher and English teacher
LZP fundamental research project No 08.2153 "The Historical Development of Pedagogy in the Baltic Countries: European Context"
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
LZP fundamentālā pētījuma projekts Nr. 08.2153 "Pedagoģijas vēsturiskā attīstība Baltijas valstīs Eiropas kontekstā" ( The Historical Development of Pedagogy in the Baltic Countries: European Context ) Projekta vadītāja: Dr.paed., vad.pētn. Iveta Ķestere Projekta īstenošanas laiks: 2008. gads Projekta mērķis: Izpētīt un atklāt Latvijas un ārzemju interesentiem (vēstures pētniekiem, studentiem, pedagogiem) Baltijas pedagoģijas vēsturi kā Eiropas kultūrvēstures sastāvdaļu. Projekta uzdevumi: Kopīgi ar Lietuvas un Igaunijas pedagoģijas vēsturniekiem izstrādāt pētnieciskās sadarbības koncepciju. Veidot informācijas bāzi angļu valodā par nozīmīgākajiem pētījumiem Latvijas pedagoģijas vēsturē un pedagoģijas vēstures faktiem. Veikt Latvijas pedagoģijas vēstures historiogrāfijas analīzi angļu valodā. Apkopot un analizēt faktus, kas Latvijas pedagoģijas vēsturi saista ar Eiropas kultūrvēsturisko kontekstu. Pētījuma rezultātus kopā ar Igaunijas un Lietuvas pedagoģijas
Results in 2017
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
Paedagogica Vilnensia Vol. 38 (2017), p.143-158., URL: , URL: ISSN 1392-5016 Iesniegti un apstiprināti projekti: L.Daniela, R.Strods. OSMOZE programmas projekts (Hubert Curien program) "Plaisa starp politikas plānošanas dokumentiem un realitāti augstākās izglītības digitalizācijā (The gap between political development documents and real practice of digitalization of higher education)". Iesaistīti studējošie: PBSP ''Skolotājs'' studente Katrīna Elizabete Biezā Noslēgti starpinstitūciju līgumi: Z.Rubene. Atjaunots sadarbības līgums ar Leipcigas Universitāti, Vācijā. Jaunizveidota partnerība un tīklojums: Z.Rubene. Uzsākta partnerība starp LU un Lietišķā menedžmenta augstskolu, Ismaninga, Vācija. Kopīgas doktora studiju programmas “Pedagoģijas zinātne” īstenošanai. Citi sasniegumi: R.Strods, L.Daniela, Z
Public events
13.09.2021 15:18 Content
to be no interest in such a concept during the first six centuries of Christianity? And what has changed and why should we want to think about this question today? After the main lecture, there were responses by Lāsma Puķina-Slava, a Ph.D. student in the LU Department of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry, and from Father Ilmārs Tolstovs, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Lublin and the pastor of the catholic parish of Salaspils. The lecture took place on June 11, 2021 and is also available on the LU TF Facebook page .
Latvijas atklātā astronomijas olimpiāde
18.12.2023 15:48 Content
The Open Olympiads in Astronomy have been organised by the Latvian Astronomical Society since 1973. The Olympiad is open to any student from 8th to 12th grade, regardless of their level of astronomy knowledge. The Olympiad takes place in two rounds, usually in April.Since 2015, the Latvian Astronomical Society, in collaboration with the Department ofPhysics of the faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry, organises the first round of the Olympiad online, similarly to the Physics and other subject Olympiads. Number of participants in the 1st stage since it is organised online. Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Number of participants 34 50 60 87 97 Year 2020 2021 2022 2023 Number of participants 152 63 104 133 The first stage of the Olympiad lasts for 3 hours, when participants solve the Olympiad problems using a variety
Kvalitātes vadība
12.05.2023 20:24 Content
to strategic goals, action plans, programmes, including indicators, can be adopted. The quality management system is implemented following a coordinated decision by the top administration of the UL and the involved stakeholders. Quality management contributes to the UL achievements in terms of excellence and strategic development objectives. Quality assurance systems, including the ones used in the provision of the study process, shall be part of the quality management system and shall ensure that the implementation of the processes complies with certain standards. Quality management and quality assurance at the UL shall be the responsibility of the Rector , who shall delegate the implementation of quality management, including quality assurance, to the representatives of administration and heads of departments, and shall provide for the involvement of advisory bodies. The UL also involves each employee and student in the provision of quality management and quality assurance, both individually
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