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Bachelor's paper Preliminary defence in philosophy
The course is intended as supporting measure for bachelor's thesis writing. The aim of the seminar is to improve research as well as academic writing skills. During the seminars students will discuss the guidelines of thesis structure, requirements of drawing up, aspects of academic writings and translation of terminology into Latvian, prepare presentations on research topics and at the end of term submit a draft for discussions. Course tasks: 1) foster a timely development of a bachelor's thesis; 2) to improve its quality, which involves developing such academic skills that can be acquired not only by preparing presentations of one's bachelor thesis project, but also by discussing and evaluating each other's works and assignments.
Phylogeny of Life
The aim of the course is to provide students with opportunities to extend knowledge on the diversity, evolution and significance of life on Earth. Main tasks: (1) to acquire main concepts about origin of life and development of life forms on Earth; (2) to deepen knowledge on the diversity, adaptation for marine and land environment, affinities of different groups of organisms, phylogeny of most significant groups; (3) to acquaint the main stages of evolution of organic world and their relation with the geological history of the Earth; (4) to improve awareness of the disputable questions and problems of animal evolution such as origin of Triblastida, arthropods, and chordates, terrestrialization process, origin of amniotes, radiation of birds and mammals. The course in Latvian and English.
Phylogeny of Life
The aim of the course is to provide students with opportunities to extend knowledge on the diversity, evolution and significance of life on Earth. Main tasks: (1) to acquire main concepts about origin of life and development of life forms on Earth; (2) to deepen knowledge on the diversity, adaptation for marine and land environment, affinities of different groups of organisms, phylogeny of most significant groups; (3) to acquaint the main stages of evolution of organic world and their relation with the geological history of the Earth; (4) to improve awareness of the disputable questions and problems of animal evolution such as origin of Triblastida, arthropods, and chordates, terrestrialization process, origin of amniotes, radiation of birds and mammals. The course in Latvian and English.
Inorganic Chemistry
The course is developed for the Master program in chemistry. The aim of the course is to provide students with in-depth knowledge of the chemistry of transition and internal transition elements, looking at their most important compound classes, clusters, carbonyls, as well as the dimensional structure of molecules and ions and the determination of point symmetry groups. The tasks of the study course: 1. To provide theoretical knowledge about the chemistry of transition and internal transition elements, 2. To develop the ability to use various diagrams to characterize the properties of connections of transition and internal transition elements, 3. To develop the ability to predict the dimensional structure of molecules and ions. The study course is delivered in Latvian and English.
Anti-corruption policy and public-sector ethics
The aim of the course: to develop students' understanding of the nature, causes, consequences of corruption, the means for its repression and prevention, as well as the standards of public sector ethics. Tasks of the course: 1. to present the nature and forms of corruption in different areas of the public sector and in the execution of different functions, 2. to review current research findings on the causes and consequences of corruption, challenges of measuring corruption, etc., 3. to review key approaches to anti-corruption policy, international standards, repression and prevention actions, 4. to build skills for recognising corruption, assessing corruption risks, correctly resolving conflicts of interest and ethical dilemmas. Language of instruction: Latvian.
Machine learning
The aim of this course is intended to introduce fundamentals of machine learning and principled application of machine learning techniques to extract information and insights from data The main objectives of this course are to provide students with knowledge and applied skills in machine learning tools and techniques which can be used to solve real-world data science problems, and cover supervised and unsupervised machine learning methods. This course is taught through a combination of lectures and practical workshops are used to enable the outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated. Workshops will include practical tutorials and advanced tasks for configuring, deploying and analysing datasets using machine learning tools and techniques. The language of instruction is English or Latvian.
Bachelor's Thesis
The Bachelor's thesis in chemistry is the final stage of the study, the student independently conducts research in the chosen sub-branch of chemistry on a certain topic with scientific or practical significance. The aim of the Bachelor's thesis is to systematize and expand the theoretical knowledge, practical skills acquired during the studies and use them by conducting independent scientific research, as well as summarizing and analyzing the obtained results and designing. the Bachelor's thesis in accordance with the requirements of the Faculty of Chemistry. Tasks of the Bachelor's thesis: 1. To acquire skills for preparing a literature review 2. To master the experiment planning and the selection of research methods 3. To acquire skills of results evaluation. The language of instruction is Latvian and English.
Evolution of the Earth
The aim of the course is to provide students with opportunities to improve knowledge on the history and patterns of evolution of the planet Earth, continents, oceans and life through geologic time. Tasks of the course: 1) to promote the deepening of knowledge on the origin and history of the Earth crust, rocks, oceans, atmosphere and life; 2) to promote the deepening concepts of measuring time, determination of age of geological bodies and periodization of geological history; 3) to acquaint with the conceptions on evolution of geological processes in the past; 4) to promote concepts on the prognostic value of historical geology for deeper understanding of patterns of distribution of mineral resources, geological hazards and environmental problems. Language of instruction: Latvian and English
Multilateral Diplomacy and International Organizations
This study course aims to provide knowledge of multilateral diplomatic processes in international organizations. The study course has several tasks: it covers the origins of various international organizations (UN, NATO, CBSS, OECD, WTO, ASEAN, African Union), their development and impact on world politics. The course comprises different fields of political science, international relations history and negotiation theory. Thus, a comprehensive theoretical view is merged with a practical approach. On the basis of knowledge and skills acquired during the course students will be able to analyze Latvia’s activities in different international organizations – potential, commitments, used and unused advantages. The language of instruction is Latvian and English.
Contemporary narrative folklore
The general aim of the course is to acquire an in-depth knowledge of narrative folklore (form, poetics) of the 20th/21st century. The course offers an examination of oral narrative in the context of classical folk narrative genre and as well in the broader scope – in the research field of the humanities and social sciences. During the course the narratives will be viewed in the context of communication, an emphasis will be placed on narrative as a communicative event. The course mirrors different possibilities of narrative analysis, there will be viewed and described the most common contemporary narrative groups. In independent work and presentation a vital role will play an active contemporary narrative gathering by students themselves and an analysis and interpretation of the gathered narratives.
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