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02.09.2020 19:26 Content
Our supporter Blockvis (2017) is a new startup – a blockchain project, whose origins can be traced to the University of Latvia Student Business Incubator. More information about the company Support In 2019, the company donated EUR 1024 to the UL Student Business Incubator. We greatly appreciate the generous support to education and development!
Reporting documents after the mobility
22.12.2022 15:40 Content
Within 30calendar days after the end of the mobility period, the student shall submit the following reporting documents to the Mobility Division: Submit theUL Final Report Form (for traineeship) ; Submit a copy of ERASMUS+ Learning Agreement (After the Mobility) ; Fill in the Online Individual Report (it will be sent to the student via e-mail);
Internship abroad
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
When deciding to do an internship abroad, it is usually the student's responsibility to find a suitable placement in the chosen country. The compliance of the student's chosen internship placement with the requirements of the study programme is evaluated by the internship organizer (authorized personin the particular faculty). Upon confirmation of admission to the internship from the internship placement and approval of the internship placement by the university, a tripartite agreement is concluded between the University of Latvia, the internship placement and the student. The contract is concluded according to the situation – in Latvian or English. This agreement, as well as the cover letter for the placement, is prepared by the clerk at the faculty. If you decide to do an internship: in one of the European Union member states; in one of the 3 countries of the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway); in Switzerland or Turkey, you are eligible
Foreign Policy Analysis
The course aims to provide an overview of the main theoretical instruments that can be used in order to do foreign policy research. The course has a number of specific objectives related to the study of theoretical and empirical aspects of foreign policy. The practical part of the course looks at a number of case studies which test the applicability of the theories of foreign policy analysis. Lectures introduce students to the main foreign policy theories, approaches, and concepts. Levels of foreign policy analysis and the interplay between domestic and external sources of foreign policy are also discussed during this course. Seminars are mostly organized around case studies such as Cuban missile crisis, Yom Kippur War, US invasion of Iraq in 2003 etc. Some case studies are explicitly related to theories of foreign policy decision making and implementation, while other cases are discussed in their own right. The aim of seminars is to discuss foreign policy cases combining empirical
Management, Communication, Risk Management and Legal Aspects in a Health Care Organization
The aim of this comprehensive course is to further develop the student's overall competence for work and multi-faceted professional growth in today's changing healthcare system by acquiring and deepening knowledge of management, communication, risk management and legal aspects of health care organization. The concrete goal of this interdisciplinary course is to develop deeper understanding of the complexity of health care systems and the systemic role of medical professionals by studying the most important issues of health care management, including the emerging importance of the health data accumulation and use for improving healthcare services. The course also focuses on the development of effective communication skills for co-operation with patients and their relatives, as well as provides extensive knowledge of the risks in clinical practice and the basic principles of clinical risk management, and discusses the regulatory basis affecting clinical practice. The deepening
Sustainable Waste Management Principles and Circular Economy Frontiers
Master students acquire the necessary knowledge about sustainable waste management, its role in regional and global economy, as well as further development of the industry in the context of circular economy with other elements of sustainable development - energy and substance flow optimization, Internet of Things, socially responsible investment and innovation. The aim of the study course is to form an understanding and provide knowledge in the development of waste management in the context of the introduction of circular economy in various sectors of the economy on a regional and global scale. Course tasks: 1. To provide knowledge about waste management nowadays, specifics, management problems, framework of circular economy. 2. Understand the impact of the circular economy on waste minimization and reuse to prevent waste generation as such. 3. Analyze success stories and innovative approaches, understand the relationship between regulations and socially responsible investment
Painting III
The aim of the course is to promote students understanding about the development of the artistic qualities of a room and perspective solutions in portraying interior, about the importance of lighting in its varied portrayal, promoting a skill to professionally and innovatively apply these skills and knowledge in graphic design tasks. Encourage an ability to professionally justify the formulation of work’s task and realise the creative idea by using opportunities provided by modern technologies. Course tasks : 1. gain an in-depth knowledge about the various lighting option types, their use in creating a mood for a space, strengthening it with practical work. 2. Use practical work to improve knowledge and skills in creating a single overview of form and its details, using suitable lighting, colour and lights and darks proportion solutions. 3. Learn suitable artistic and technical methods for realising graphic design ideas. 4. Encourage an ability to professionally justify
The Aspects of Baltic Sea Region Cultural History
The aim of the course is to present the cultural history of the Baltics in context of the cultural history of Europe and the world and its major historical turning points from the Middle Ages till nowadays. The course examines cultural and historical heritage of the Baltic as well as the overall context of European and global history. It describes traditional and modern, rural and urban cultures, with a special focus on their multicultural dimension, as well as the general European context, with an emphasis on the development of ideas in the Baltic Sea Region. The students learn of the influence of different schools of historiography on the interpretation of Baltic history. Objectives: 1. to get acquainted with the diversity of historiographies and their schools in the Baltic Sea region; 2. to gain insights into national interpretations of the history of the countries of the Baltic Sea region; 3. to focus on the most important cultural contexts of the Baltic Sea region's historical
Robotics in Education
The aim of the course is to improve teachers' professional competence and understanding of educational robots and robotics construction kits. - To provide knowledge about the most important didactic principles, regularities and guidelines of development, including educational robots as a teaching tool in the learning process. - To analyze the directions, approaches, methods, possibilities and problems of modern robotics. - To provide an opportunity to learn the history of robotics development, the basics of robotics in design, sensor, control and programming processes. - Gain practical experience in working with different sets of educational robotics and provide an understanding of the possibility of applying this knowledge in a general education environment, adapt the curriculum according to the age of students (mathematics, physics, technology, as well as problem solving skills, collaboration and communication skills, decision critical thinking, courage to experiment and create
Methodology of the Social and Civic Field of Study III
The aim of the course is to provide an opportunity to develop competence in the organisation and realization of the learning process for social and civic area subjects at the comprehensive secondary education at the general, optimal and higher levels of acquisition. Objectives of the study course: 1. Promoting knowledge and understanding of the aims, objectives and results to be achieved and forms of evaluation in the subjects of social and civic area in the context of the regulatory documents for the comprehensive secondary education; 2. Improving the competence to independently select, critically evaluate and interpret specific sciences examples, methodological techniques and forms of cooperation to be applied, according to the pupil’s selected level of acquisition in the field; 3. Improving students' skills and knowledge of media, political, financial, cultural and family literacy, in the context of transversal competencies at different levels of acquisition of the social
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