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Latvijas atklātā fizikas olimpiāde
18.12.2023 15:42 Content
Every year, students from all over Latvia have the opportunity to participate in the Latvian Open Physics Olympiad (LAFO), organised by the Department of Physics, Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Optometry at the University of Latvia. The aim of the Olympiad is to stimulate the participants' interest in physics, to promote advanced physics knowledge and to promote opportunities to study in physics-related study programmes. How is the Latvian Open Physics Olympiad different from the National Physics Olympiad? Any student studying a physics course in primary or secondary school can become a LAFO participant without prior selection or restrictions on school representation, regardless of their physics performance or participation in other competitions and Olympiads.During the LAFO, participants may use reference materials that do not contain solutions or answers to the problems. Participants can choose in which language to receive the problems and write the solutions: Latvian
Projects of culture and sports
15.05.2020 16:06 Content
Support to the University Basketball system Integration of the UL Senior Club in modern society 2019 Chemists' Days 2019 UL Faculty of Computing event for the 1 st year students "Sējiens 2020" UL Faculty of Computing birthday celebration "Studentu kurpēs 2019" / "In Student Shoes 2019" Support to the University Football system
IT projects
28.08.2020 19:17 Content
Programming with Delight / Programmējam ar prieku Participation of UL students in the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM ICPC) "Accenture" and UL Faculty of Computing Programmers’ Day
Teaching and Learning Methodology of Design and Technology
The aim of the course is to promote student’s competence in the planning, management and evaluation of the acquiring of the learning content in the design and technology. Course objectives: To introduce the students with the aims and the learning content of the technology field and of the subject design and technologies. To acquire skills to plan the learning process of the design and technology, taking into account individualisation and personalisation, differentiation in the learning process by selecting appropriate methods, strategies and teaching aids. To acquire the skills to use formative and summative evaluation, providing positive feedback, selecting evaluation criteria and testing mode, gaining awareness how to involve pupils in the evaluation process. Students are modelling, analysing and evaluating learning situations individually and in groups. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Teaching and Learning Methodology of Design and Technology
The aim of the course is to promote student’s competence in the planning, management and evaluation of the acquiring of the learning content in the design and technology. Course objectives: To introduce the students with the aims and the learning content of the technology field and of the subject design and technologies. To acquire skills to plan the learning process of the design and technology, taking into account individualisation and personalisation, differentiation in the learning process by selecting appropriate methods, strategies and teaching aids. To acquire the skills to use formative and summative evaluation, providing positive feedback, selecting evaluation criteria and testing mode, gaining awareness how to involve pupils in the evaluation process. Students are modelling, analysing and evaluating learning situations individually and in groups. The language of instruction is Latvian.
In 2005
26.06.2020 17:53 Content
Days of FizMati or the students of the UL Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Fizmatdienas 2005 The event has a long tradition. It traditionally starts with a student march and singing in different parts of Riga. Thanks to the patron "Exigen Services Latvia" for support! INBISCO 2005 In 2005, the British Council supported the organization of the International Biology Students' Conference "INBISCO 2005". Thanks!
The History of Latvian Law
The aim of the course is to provide the students with knowledge regarding the development of Latvian law in the period starting from approximately 10th century AD to this day, thus developing an understanding of the origin and evolutionary conditions of the current legal system in the context of the European legal culture, and the practical application of scientific research methods. Legal issues are considered in the context of interconnection of socio-economic and political relations and theories of other social sciences. The goal of the course is the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, skills, competence in the practical work of a lawyer and the development of science of law.
The History of Latvian Law
The aim of the course is to provide the students with knowledge regarding the development of Latvian law in the period starting from approximately 10th century AD to this day, thus developing an understanding of the origin and evolutionary conditions of the current legal system in the context of the European legal culture, and the practical application of scientific research methods. Legal issues are considered in the context of interconnection of socio-economic and political relations and theories of other social sciences. The goal of the course is the ability to apply the acquired knowledge, skills, competence in the practical work of a lawyer and the development of science of law.
Problematic Issues in Legal Theory, Legal Philosophy and Latvian Legal History
The aim of the course is to give to the students knowledge, develop their skills and competences in theoretical and practical implementation of law and independent understanding/solution of conceptual legal problematic issues, as well as in independent development of research paper. The objective of the course is to promote the learning of necessary skills, knowledge and competences, which are significant for current labour market in developing skills of critical thinking.
Current Issues in Sciences of the Criminal Law
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of current issues of criminal law and criminal procedure law and related national and supranational regulations, as well as national and supranational jurisprudence. Course tasks: 1) to deepen theoretical knowledge of Criminal law and Criminal procedure law institutes; 2) analyze the use of the rule of law and theoretical knowledge in practice; 3) Identify the problematic issues of Criminal law and Criminal Procedure Law.
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