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Our Alumni
13.04.2021 21:23 Content
valuable knowledge and experience in semiconductor physics, metrology equipment setup, data analysis, and problem solving.» Guntis Mārciņš At the institute from 2004 till 2019 Department of Crystal Physics At present – researcher at SIA GroGlass «My daily work is related to creation of conductive and dielectric thin films, their analysis and characterization for applications in large-scale optical coatings. I remember ISSP UL as a place where I was recruited as a second-year student by Ivars Tāle and was put in the laboratory, which I had to free from scraps beforehand. But, to be honest, the institute was a great start to my career. While working at the institute, I gained extensive knowledge in science and engineering skills, both by creating experiments on my own and by consulting with experienced colleagues.» Aleksandrs Kaļinko At the Institute from 2001 till 2013 Solid State Radiation
About the Doctoral School
11.09.2020 12:36 Content
). The interdisciplinary nature of the concept of human capacity requires cross-disciplinary research to be fully understood and put to action. A person’s behaviour must be studied from different perspectives. As a social being and as a dynamic systemic mechanism it is studied in social sciences and in biology. Development of programmes, models and theories that promote human capacity, is a question of pedagogy. Introduction of new pedagogical solutions is a topic for education policy leaders. All this has contributed to a new paradigm of trans- and cross-disciplinary research. Human capacity is closely linked to the quality of learning in all its dimensions. A neuroscientific understanding of the biological basis of learning looks at a biochemical and biophysical activity process of the whole human being’s organism, in which the limbic system has a significant meaning (Roth 1997): “As a fundamental biological phenomenon , memory signifies the modification of an organism ... In this way it lies at the very
LZP fundamental research project No 06.2015 „Philosophical Problems of Education. Criteria for Pedagogical and Educational Research”
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
materiāls studentiem (īpaši doktorantiem), skolotājiem, augstskolu mācību spēkiem, izglītības politikas veidotājiem, visiem, kurus interesē izglītības un filozofijas problemātika. Projekta rezultāti apkopoti vairākās publikācijās: Mežinska, Signe (2006). Nespeciālistu priekšstati par veselību un to saikne ar dzīves kvalitāti. Dzīves kvalitāte Latvijā . Rīga: Zinātne, 217.-237.lpp. Rocēna, Ieva (2006). Philosophical Thinking as a Precondition for Dealing with Diversity. Dealing with Diversity: a Key Issue for Educational Management. Pol, M. (Ed.) Masaryk University, Brno, pp. 31-36. Rubene, Zanda (2006). Kritiskās domāšanas aktualitāte augstākās izglītības reformu kontekstā. Pedagoģija un skolotāju izglītība. LU zinātniskie raksti. (Acta universitatis Latviensis) 700.sējums. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 9.-17.lpp. Rubene, Zanda; Briška, Ilze; Klišāne, Jolanta; Maslo, Irīna u.c. (2006). Plaisa kompetences izpratnē teorijā un praksē. No zināšanām uz kompetentu darbību. Mācīšanās
ASEM LLL Hub Research Network 1 „Development of ICT skills, e-learning and the culture of e-learning in lifelong learning (e-ASEM)”
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
for widening of opportunities for improvement of students’ competencies. Vietnam forum on Lifelong Learning – Building a Learning Society. Hanoi, Vietnam, 6-8 December 2010. Conference Handbook. Edited by Que Anh Dang. ASEM LLL Hub, pp.63-64. 2010. gadā izdota grāmata “e-ASEM White Paper. E-Learning for Lifelong Learning” (Korea National Open University Press) CD formātā un reālas grāmatas formātā, kurā ir apkopota Dānijas, Japanas, Malaizijas, Slovakijas, Dienvidkorejas un Taizemes pieredze e-mācīšanās jomā.2010. gadā pētnieki no 13 ASEM valstīm (Latviju pārstāvēja Dr.paed. Rita Birziņa) uzsāka pētījumu par to, "kā e-mācīšanās veicina mūžizglītību" un plāno izdot grāmatu (White Paper) 2011. gadā, kurā tiktu veidots pamatprincipu kopums mūžizglītības politikas attīstībai valsts un reģionālajā līmenī.
0-8 aged children and digital technologies
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
2015. gada augustā Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultātes mācībspēki un studenti pievienojās Eiropas Komisijas organizētam pētījumam „Bērni vecumā0–8 gadiem un digitālās tehnoloģijas” asoc. prof. Lindas Danielas vadībā. Pētījuma tehnisko norisi nodrošina Latvijas Interneta asociācijas „Net-Safe Latvia” Drošāka interneta centrs un „Microsoft”. Pētnieki, kas iesaistījušies pētījuma norisē, to veic brīvprātīgi no saviem tiešajiem pienākumiem brīvajā laikā. Iesaistītie pētnieki : Asoc. profesore Linda Daniela, profesore Zanda Rubene, docente Daiga Kalniņa, Raimonds Strods, BaibaĀriņa, Ieva Valpētere, Kristīne Kriņģele, Ilze Dinka, Nora Jansone-Ratinika. Pētījuma mērķis ir analizēt bērnu uzvedību internetā un identificēt potenciālos riskus situācijā, kad, strauji attīstoties jaunām tehnoloģijām, arvien jaunāks kļūst arī interneta lietotājs. Līdz šim starptautiskajos pētījumos galvenokārt tika pievērsta uzmanība 9–16 gadu vecu bērnu interneta
Pirmsskolas un sākumizglītības nodaļa
28.12.2020 13:52 Content Asoc. prof. Romenkova Valentīna 212 Pasn. Aija Saliņa Docenta p.i. Gunta Siliņa Jasjukēviča 403 Prof. Maruta Sīle 410 Lekt. Zane Skribanovska 212 Doc. Inga Stangaine 212 Lektora p.i. Eļena Stepanova Doc. Ligita Stramkale 403 Doc. Ilze Šūmane 236 Asoc. prof. Agrita Tauriņa agrita
General rules
21.11.2023 17:13 Content
are rewarded to applicants who have been awarded prizes in Latvian national student scientific conferences, UL organized scientific research and creative work competitions and UL organized young specialist school classes, in accordance with the rules of study programmes. Additional points are added up with competition evaluation in accordance with competition criteria; 1.1.3. preferential claims on a study place are determined for persons, who have been awarded prizes in Latvian national, international and open study subject Olympiads, Latvian national student scientific conferences, UL organized scientific research and creative work competitions and UL organized young specialist school classes, in accordance with the rules of study programmes. The aforementioned persons are given the rights to claim a study place avoiding competition. In cases where the number of persons with preferential advantages are higher than the number of study programme state-funded study places, the study places
VPP Materiālzinātnēs (2005 - 2009)
21.01.2022 14:55 Content
conditions have been developed . Technologies of nanocomposite extraction and production of certain products based on use of Latvian nature resources have been developed. It has been established that due to the intercalated nanocomposite structure the elasticity module and tensile stress increase several times already at a low content of nanofilling. Under the impact of the formation of a specific coplanar structure, the barrier properties of the studied nanocomposites increase considerably. Quantum interference from carbon nanotubes as a new, perspective quantum information processing device has been modelled for the first time. Within the programme the immersion holographic record method has been worked out, allowing recording holographic grids with a very small (50 nm) period, and effective luminescent detector materials of new type have been designed for use in determining the oxygen amounts. Furthermore, a new optic memory device of a greater capacity, consisting of several thin films
Laboratory of Genomics and bioinformations
06.04.2024 20:17 Content
diseases. - development of molecular marker system: microsatellites (MS), single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, and mobile elements in genome (transposons and retrotransposons) of farm animals (cows and others); - evaluation of genetic diversity in farm animals using genotyping of molecular markers and haplotype analysis; - application of marker assisted selection (MAS) in livestock breeding programs; - detection of new polymorphisms in candidate genes of economically important livestock traits using genomic DNA sequencing; Equipment The laboratory is equipped in accordance with modern requirements for molecular genetics research, including DNA genotyping, cloning and gene expression analysis. Participation in the provision of studies Laboratory scientists supervise UL students' coursework, as well as bachelor's and master's theses. Projects 2020–2022 - Taiwan-Lithuania-Latvia cooperation project "Comparative study of vitamin D and its receptor gene polymorphisms
Step 2: Online application
06.02.2024 15:29 Content
The online application form must be submitted to apply for studies at the University of Latvia. Applicant must create an account to complete the online application. Online application form can be saved and completed in multiple sessions. Please submit an application form only after all of the required documents are uploaded! NOTE! Documents are only accepted in .pdf format. Applying for bachelor’s/master’s/PhDprogramme requires completed application form and upload of the following documents: General secondary school diploma/certificate in original language and a notarized copy in English (Applying for Bachelor's degree); Bachelor’s degree diploma in original language and a notarized copy in English (Applying for Master's degree); Two above mentioned and Master's degree (at least two year programme)diploma in original language and a notarized copy in English (Applying for PhD.); Transcript of grades or final examination results in original language and a notarized copy
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