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Ethnocultural Stereotypes in Slavic Languages, Literature and Folklore
” culture with the means of „own” (dominant) language; 5) to acquaint students with the specifics of the crosscultural dialogue between Slavs and their „Other” ethnic neighbors (in this case - Jews); 6) to examine the principles of the „translation” and interpretation of the texts of the „Other” culture on the language of its own. Language of instruction: Russian.
Record Keeping and Correspondence
The purpose of the study course is to introduce students to practical record-keeping, clarifying the nature and necessity of record-keeping, introducing its application in practice, updating the importance of computerized record-keeping in the era of digitization, observing a certain systematization in the design and arrangement of documents. The ability to apply course knowledge is developed. The course covers a range of issues, which includes the nature of record keeping, its service, regulatory documents, rules for the development of individual documents, the most important aspects of business correspondence, circulation of documents, registration and enforcement control. Understand the nature and use of a document management system. Tasks. 1. To provide understanding in the theoretical aspects and legal basis of record keeping and document management. 2. To understand the principles and types of documentation, the nature and use of electronic documents and the Document Management
Record Keeping and Correspondence
The purpose of the study course is to introduce students to practical record-keeping, clarifying the nature and necessity of record-keeping, introducing its application in practice, updating the importance of computerized record-keeping in the era of digitization, observing a certain systematization in the design and arrangement of documents. The ability to apply course knowledge is developed. The course covers a range of issues, which includes the nature of record keeping, its service, regulatory documents, rules for the development of individual documents, the most important aspects of business correspondence, circulation of documents, registration and enforcement control. Understand the nature and use of a document management system. Tasks. 1. To provide understanding in the theoretical aspects and legal basis of record keeping and document management. 2. To understand the principles and types of documentation, the nature and use of electronic documents and the Document Management
Organic Synthesis III

The aim of the study course is to educate students about the basic principles of synthesis planning (including the use of electronic databases) and retrosynthetic analysis. The most important methods of contemporary asymmetric synthesis will be surveyed with an emphasis on reaction mechanisms. Teaching process will involve learning the theory at lectures, followed by analysis of representative total synthesis of natural products at seminars.

The tasks of the study course:

  • to master the basic principles of synthesis planning (including the use of electronic databases) and retrosynthetic analysis;
  • to develop skills in planning of synthesis of complicated organic molecules.
  The language of instruction is Latvian and English.
Painting III
The aim of the course is to promote students understanding about the development of the artistic qualities of a room and perspective solutions in portraying interior, about the importance of lighting in its varied portrayal, promoting a skill to professionally and innovatively apply these skills and knowledge in graphic design tasks. Encourage an ability to professionally justify the formulation of work’s task and realise the creative idea by using opportunities provided by modern technologies. Course tasks : 1. gain an in-depth knowledge about the various lighting option types, their use in creating a mood for a space, strengthening it with practical work. 2. Use practical work to improve knowledge and skills in creating a single overview of form and its details, using suitable lighting, colour and lights and darks proportion solutions. 3. Learn suitable artistic and technical methods for realising graphic design ideas. 4. Encourage an ability to professionally justify
National cultures and globalization in Latin America
Global and local are two keywords that describe modern processes in culture, politics, economics and other fields. Latin America is no exception. The course provides the opportunity to know and understand some of the processes that affect the culture, history and art of Latin American countries from a global and local point of view. Upon completion of this course, students will understand the nature of globalization processes in the context of Latin America, its impact on culture, language, and society as a whole. The local, in turn, is associated with the preservation of identity, its importance for local cultures and development in such a dynamic and globalized world. The objective of the course is to know the cultural processes in Latin America and their development perspectives in the context of globalization. Main tasks of the course: • provide knowledge about global processes in the context of national cultures in Latin America; • provide knowledge on local characteristics
Ethnocultural Stereotypes in Slavic Languages, Literature and Folklore
” culture with the means of „own” (dominant) language; 5) to acquaint students with the specifics of the crosscultural dialogue between Slavs and their „Other” ethnic neighbors (in this case - Jews); 6) to examine the principles of the „translation” and interpretation of the texts of the „Other” culture on the language of its own. Language of instruction: Russian.
Modern statistics and data science
The aim of this course is to acquaint students with modern concepts in statistical methods, data processing and analysis. The course not only includes classical statistical problems such as parameter estimation, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, correlation and regression models, but also shows how to apply these methods in for different data science problems. The second part of this course is devoted to the concepts of data science, which includes big data analysis, data visualization and also statistical learning methods. Aims of the course: To provide an overview of the problems of classical statistics and data science; to show the application of classical methods in the context of data science, where big data and various algorithms as alternative statistical methods are important concepts. Tasks of the course: to teach the main methods of classical statistics and the most important problems and methods of data science; show the relationship between data science methods
General Biology. Introduction to Microbiology
The aim of the course is to acquire basic knowledge on the principles of classification of organisms, the diversity of forms and functions of prokaryotes and microorganisms, their occurrence and research methods. To get acquainted with the most important groups of microorganisms for science, medicine and economy; to acquire basic laboratory methods of work with the microorganisms. To promote student’s awareness on theoretical and applied aspects of microbiology. Tasks of the study course: 1. to strengthen and to develop the knowledge on the Chemistry of Life, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; 2. to familiarize with the principles of taxonomy and classification of organisms, the history of their development; 3. to introduce to the diversity of bacteria and to acquire basic practical work skills in microbiology; 4. to present current problems in Microbiological research and praxis in the world and in Latvia; 5. to provide knowledge on the general issues of bacterial and viral biology
Sustainable Chemical Processes
of energy- and resource-intensive physicochemical processes in manufacturing ● promote students’ collaborative work skills, improve presentation skills and advance the skills of working with the scientific periodicals Languages of instruction are Latvian and English.
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