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Synthesis, processing and applications of modern materials
The aim of the course is to give an insight in synthesis, analysis and applications of selected photonics and electronics materials. Selected are materials relevant to the assigned priority research areas in Latvia, whose studies at LU ISSP have yielded international level results and which are used in Latvian high-tech industries. Taking this course will foster the scientific careers of students by enabling them to join the actual research topics of LU scientific teams and those of their international academic and industrial partners. Tasks of the course are to: 1. develop understanding of the atomic structure, physical and chemical properties of ceramic, glass-ceramic and glassy materials, of their similarities and differences compared to crystalline materials; 2. learn their synthesis methods and the main application areas; 3. learn the material requirements for applications of glass in optical fiber waveguides, optical elements for ultraviolet range, high-power lasers
Synthesis, processing and applications of modern materials
The aim of the course is to give an insight in synthesis, analysis and applications of selected photonics and electronics materials. Selected are materials relevant to the assigned priority research areas in Latvia, whose studies at LU ISSP have yielded international level results and which are used in Latvian high-tech industries. Taking this course will foster the scientific careers of students by enabling them to join the actual research topics of LU scientific teams and those of their international academic and industrial partners. Tasks of the course are to: 1. develop understanding of the atomic structure, physical and chemical properties of ceramic, glass-ceramic and glassy materials, of their similarities and differences compared to crystalline materials; 2. learn their synthesis methods and the main application areas; 3. learn the material requirements for applications of glass in optical fiber waveguides, optical elements for ultraviolet range, high-power lasers
Art and architecture as agents of social change from the 2nd half of the 20th century until nowadays
and architecture as agents of social change. In this course students will gather knowledge about certain architectural minorities approaches from parameters such as identity, the mental construction of cultural practices, gender, age, image, new information systems, new paradigms like sustainability, current changes in the experimentation of domestic and urban space, etc. from the 2nd half of the 20th century until nowadays.
Arabic Language and Communication Culture III
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to speak literary Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic) fluently on various topics, continuing to acquire grammar, and to develop their listening, reading and writing skills up to level B1-1, taking into consideration the most important characteristics of verbal and non-verbal communication and social taboos accepted in Arabic, as well as looking at the specifics of Arabic in comparison with Indo-European languages. The course objectives are: 1) to continue acquiring the phonetics, proper pronunciation and spelling of literary Arabic; 2) to continue getting acquainted with the morphology and syntax of literary Arabic; 3) to expand the vocabulary of Arabic with the words (at least 500) and phrases on the acquired topics necessary for everyday use; 4) to continue getting acquainted with the norms of polite verbal and non-verbal communication in various communicative situations in the context of Arabic cultural environment; 5
Greek / Roman Lyric Poetry
The aim of the course is to develop students' understanding of the emergence of the oldest lyric poetry texts in Europe, their genre variety and peculiarities in terms of form and content. The course focuses on getting acquainted with texts from Greek archaic lyric to lyric poetry texts by Roman authors, evaluating the aspects of the Greek lyric tradition in the Roman cultural environment, as well as understanding the general significance / role of ancient lyric poetry in the origination and continuity of European literary processes. The objectives of the course: provide the knowledge about ancient poetry, its concepts and genres, processes of origin and development and causal relations, as well as the most notable authors; acquaint with the fragments of the most notable works of Greek / Roman lyricists in the original language (ancient Greek, Latin) and in translations; develop translation skills of Greek / Roman lyric poetry texts; promote the understanding
Research design and ethics
The aim of the course is to help students select a sound research approach, improve the scientific strength of their research and provide an understanding of the basic legal and ethical principles recognized in the academic environment. Research design frames a way how a researcher thinks and acts in conducting the research. Research design consists of a set of generally accepted concepts, values and practices that guides research communities. Course tasks: 1) get acquainted in a systematic way with the research process, structure, main stages and the researcher's position / role, which is characteristic of different research designs; 2) get acquainted with the most frequently used quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research designs, understanding their ontological, epistemological assumptions, values, as well as writing / rhetorical style guidelines that are embedded in research paradigms; 3) get acquainted with the basic legal and ethical principles recognized
Research design and ethics
The aim of the course is to help students select a sound research approach, improve the scientific strength of their research and provide an understanding of the basic legal and ethical principles recognized in the academic environment. Research design frames a way how a researcher thinks and acts in conducting the research. Research design consists of a set of generally accepted concepts, values and practices that guides research communities. Course tasks: 1) get acquainted in a systematic way with the research process, structure, main stages and the researcher's position / role, which is characteristic of different research designs; 2) get acquainted with the most frequently used quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research designs, understanding their ontological, epistemological assumptions, values, as well as writing / rhetorical style guidelines that are embedded in research paradigms; 3) get acquainted with the basic legal and ethical principles recognized
History of modern psychology
The aim of the course is to create an idea about the formation, development, problems and current events of contemporary psychology science. Students are provided with extensive knowledge and understanding of the theoretical directions of psychology science and the development of schools from the beginnings to the present day. During the course the acquisition of theoretical knowledge is strengthened by discussions, individual and group practical work. In the course of the course, classical experiments in the psychology of science are made, which allows us to develop an in-depth understanding of the development of theories and research methods. Course tasks: 1. To give an overview of the development of academic and applied psychology, to describe the main directions and schools, providing theoretical knowledge in the history of psychology. 2. To develop understanding and ability to understand the continuity of the development of psychological science ideas and interaction with other
Cross-Platform Development
The phrase "write-once, run everywhere” is often used to evangelise the efficiencies of a single, sharable, software codebase that runs unmodified on multiple platforms – this is increasingly important in the mobile device space. Platform dependent, or ‘native’, mobile development is time-consuming and expensive, multiple mobile operating systems and ecosystems are targeted for maximum market outreach, each requiring ‘per platform’ expert knowledge of specific tools, runtime environments and programming languages. The goal of this study course is to provide students with knowledge on an alternative, and increasingly important, ‘platform agnostic’ approach for mobile development. This approach embraces the use of cross-platform methods by developing applications with a single code base that run efficiently across distinct mobile platforms, with maximum code reuse and interoperability. Tasks of the study course: 1. To investigate platform-dependent constraints by critiquing
Arabic Language and Communication Culture III
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to speak literary Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic) fluently on various topics, continuing to acquire grammar, and to develop their listening, reading and writing skills up to level B1-1, taking into consideration the most important characteristics of verbal and non-verbal communication and social taboos accepted in Arabic, as well as looking at the specifics of Arabic in comparison with Indo-European languages. The course objectives are: 1) to continue acquiring the phonetics, proper pronunciation and spelling of literary Arabic; 2) to continue getting acquainted with the morphology and syntax of literary Arabic; 3) to expand the vocabulary of Arabic with the words (at least 500) and phrases on the acquired topics necessary for everyday use; 4) to continue getting acquainted with the norms of polite verbal and non-verbal communication in various communicative situations in the context of Arabic cultural environment; 5
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