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Academic information
17.01.2022 18:17 Content
field of study. Theoretical examinations are held in a written or oral form. In some fields e.g. in medicine, practical examinations are important. Students are examined by a single examiner or by an examination board. If the student is successful in all the examinations of the session, he/she is allowed to continue the following semester. An examination board chaired by an outstanding academic or a professional person from outside the institution conducts the final examinations. In some cases, especially if the programme prepares an individual for work in a regulated profession, the final examinations may be arranged as State examinations. Marking System In Latvia's higher education a ten-point grading system prevails, where 10 is the maximum and 4 is the pass mark (In some cases where studies lead to a qualification in a regulated profession, e.g. in medical specialties, the universities may consider mark 4 as a failure). Explanation of the grading system and approximate comparison
Kāpēc studēt BF?
17.05.2023 19:15 Content
Extensive knowledge and modern study opportunities Students of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Latvia have the opportunity to study in modern auditoriums and laboratories, where they can develop their scientific works. The share of various practical works in studies reaches about a third. Students have the opportunity to study one of 18 subfields of biology, from molecules to ecosystems, as well as gain knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.
What will be the benefits of the House of Health?
04.07.2022 15:53 Content
1. The House of Health will provide infrastructure for the implementation of medical studies, allowing students to gain practical experience in providing outpatient medicine. 2. The basis for the development of medical science will promote the growth of research at the University of Latvia. 3. The availability of ambulatory medicine and health care focused on an individualized approach will improve the general health of society. 4. As part of the overall basket of services of the Academic Centre of the UL, the House of Health will also offer medical care services to students and employees of the UL, which will attract additional students, including foreign students.
Legal Fundamentals of Spatial Planning
The main aim of the course is to strengthen students’ understanding of the legal and administrative framework within which the policy of spatial development is formulated, adopted and implemented, how decisions on planning documents and on the use of specific plots are made, how disputes are resolved and control over the legality of territorial plans is exercised. The main tasks of the course are to ensure that students understand and are able to apply normative acts regarding spatial planning; develop the ability to orientate in legal practice and problems; know and are able to apply different sources of law; develop legal argumentation skills, acquire a critical approach to the regulatory framework and its application practice. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Legal Fundamentals of Spatial Planning
The main aim of the course is to strengthen students’ understanding of the legal and administrative framework within which the policy of spatial development is formulated, adopted and implemented, how decisions on planning documents and on the use of specific plots are made, how disputes are resolved and control over the legality of territorial plans is exercised. The main tasks of the course are to ensure that students understand and are able to apply normative acts regarding spatial planning; develop the ability to orientate in legal practice and problems; know and are able to apply different sources of law; develop legal argumentation skills, acquire a critical approach to the regulatory framework and its application practice. The language of instruction is Latvian.
22.12.2023 21:00 Content
In 2024 the summer school is planned to be held live in Riga. For the tenth year, the University of Latvia organizes "Summer School of Latvian Language and Culture" for students and other interested parties who want not only to learn and improve their Latvian language skills, but also to expand their knowledge of Latvian history, art and folklore. The students who study the Latvian Language or other Baltic languages at their home universities are particularly encouraged to apply.
Trending developments of the international and the EU law
The course addresses key issues of international public law and EU law. Within the framework of the course the main issues of those areas will be linked to a more in-depth and more complex studies. At the same time, attention will be paid to the topicality of these issues. Thus the course serves both as a deepening of basic knowledge and basic skills of students, while allowing students to review the knowledge and skills acquired in the Bachelor's and Master's programs so far and thus to ascertain their ability to pass a national lawyer's qualification examination.
Year 2021-2022 – time of breakthrough innovation and new discoveries
18.01.2022 19:12 News
While 2021 was a challenging year, it was an important initial mark for innovation, education and science. Changes and the epidemiological situation have contributed to the transition to digitalisation, new studies, discoveries, innovations created by students and ideas in various marathons. "The most important thing is to create the right environment where people with a good idea and sufficient motivation can make their ideas come true and take them all the way to entrepreneurship. This time has shown that the development of the culture of innovation greatly depends on seizing opportunities, experiments, digital skills and new knowledge that need to be continuously improved," says professor Signe Bāliņa, Head of the Innovation Centre LUMIC at the University of Latvia (UL). Looking back at the results and moving beyond Due to the activities carried out by the Innovation Centre LUMIC, 20 idea generation marathons took place, three start-ups were founded, 228 innovations were created
Administrative Procedure Law
Administrative Procedure Law is a mandatory study course in the academic bachelor’s study program of legal science, and is a continuation to the study course Administrative Law. The goal of the course is to give students possibility to get knowledge on institutes of the administrative procedure law and their practical implementation. The task of the study course is to study the general part of the administrative procedure law (concepts of administrative act, actual action, principles of administrative procedure law, participants of the administrative proceedings, procedural terms etc.), administrative proceedings within institutions and the court proceedings, proceedings of administrative offences, state liability, execution of administrative acts and court rulings. Language of instruction is Latvian. A precondition of successful acquirement of the study course is independent studies of legal writings and rulings of courts, which is subject to examination in seminars, tests
Administrative Procedure Law
Administrative Procedure Law is a mandatory study course in the academic bachelor’s study program of legal science, and is a continuation to the study course Administrative Law. The goal of the course is to give students possibility to get knowledge on institutes of the administrative procedure law and their practical implementation. The task of the study course is to study the general part of the administrative procedure law (concepts of administrative act, actual action, principles of administrative procedure law, participants of the administrative proceedings, procedural terms etc.), administrative proceedings within institutions and the court proceedings, proceedings of administrative offences, state liability, execution of administrative acts and court rulings. A precondition of successful acquirement of the study course is independent studies of legal writings and rulings of courts, which is subject to examination in seminars, tests and in the final exam.
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