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Russian and Slavic Literature of the Baltic Region
The aim of the course: to provide students with the opportunity to acquire knowledge about the development of Estonian, Lithuanian and Latvian topics in the Slavic discourse in the end of the 19th century and throughout the 20th century; to find out that due to the prevailing historical circumstances, Slavic literature has not developed uniformly (e.g. in some periods the development of Russian and Polish literature was a priority, Czech, Ukrainian and Belarusian literature was less active). The course focuses on related processes: The theoretical aspect of the course is based on the theoretical aspects of comparative research, as well as the experimental aspects of historical and cultural research in the Slavic and Baltic literature. Tasks of the course: To give an idea about the development of minority literature in the Baltic region. The study course is taught in Russian.
Seminar in Contemporary History of Latvia: Socio-economical and Cultural Development of Latvia (1944-1991)
It is intended within the course analyzing history sources and literature to obtain knowledge about principal events of Latvian contemporary history - both controversial and less known - and to evaluate them. The chronological limits of the course starts from 1944 when the soviet regime replaced German occupation and it ends with restoration of independence of Latvia in 1991. The special attention will be devoted to such problems as resistance movement in 1944-1953, soviet policy of repressions, soviet policy in cultural sphere, relations between individuals and power during the soviet occupation. Besides that the attention will be devoted to the different processes in different periods of soviet occupation. The seminar will be organized in two parts: the first one will be devoted to the analysis of the most principal sources, the second part will include students presentations and discussions on them.
Turkish Language Written Translation I
The aim of the course is to provide the student with theoretical knowledge in Turkish language written translation and opportunities of practical application of the acquired knowledge. The emphasis of the course is on translating texts from both English or Latvian into Turkish. During the course, several translations of one text will be analyzed and compared. The tasks of the course are: 1) to analyze texts both according to their grammatical structure and according to their content and style; 2) to see the language differences in Turkish, Latvian and English, as well as the peculiarities of text translation; 3) to analyze the source language and methods that should be used for translation; 4) to learn to independently translate and edit texts to / from Turkish; 5) to explore the literary norms and stylistic diversity of the language. The course is taught in Latvian, English, and Turkish.
Medical Latin
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge of the Latin language necessary for carrying out the subsequent quality-oriented professional work, as well as the knowledge necessary for the understanding of medical terminology and professional medical literature. Objectives of the study course: 1. To offer the basic information about the grammar of the Latin language, as well as about the peculiarity of the professional medical Latin language; 2. To enhance the acquisition of the Latin medical terminology (both anatomical and clinical), as well as to improve the understanding of the development of this terminology; 3. To systematically develop the basic skills, which are necessary for the professional work, of the understanding of the medical Latin texts, as well as to enhance the ability to independently present the medical information in the Latin language (prescription, diagnosis, etc.). Language of instruction: Latvian and English.
Introduction to History of Diplomacy (1648 -1918)
The course deals with the main problems of diplomacy in Europe since The Thirty Years War till the end of the WWI and with the main problems in historiography, but also includes a short introduction into the history of diplomacy in ancient Greece, Roman Empire and Byzantium. The role of the diplomacy of Venice, Florence and Milan, as well as the quest for hegemony in Europe by Hapsburgs in 15 century receices its due, too. Course deals with the definition of diplomacy as a craft, art and science. Course covers the main problems of the history of diplomacy of France, Prussia, German Empire, Hapsburg's Empire (later - Austria, later - Austria - Hungary), Otoman Empire, Russia, USA. Students study the life of the greatest diplomats: Richelie, Talleyrand, Caslrey, Palmerston, Bismarck, Gorchakov, Grey, as well as the modern tendencies in the historiography.
Field Methods in Earth Sciences II
The aim of the course is to provide an opportunity to strengthen students' theoretical knowledge in such study courses as Landscape Geography, Geomorphology, Hydrology and Human Geography, to get acquainted with and practice the basic methods and techniques of field research, to acquire skills primary data systematization and interpretation skills. Course tasks: 1) to provide basic skills in field research methods and work with research techniques; 2) to provide an opportunity to acquire skills in characterizing and documenting a research object, 3) to provide an opportunity to learn to systematize and evaluate the obtained data. Field studies are organized in teams (groups), promoting the development of skills to work in a team. The field course ends with the preparation of reports and their defence in each of the above sections of the field course. The course is taught in Latvian.
Introduction to Latvian Dialectology
In the course the following themes are dealt with: the main questions of areal linguistics, developing of dialect atlases as the outcome of the research of a territorial distribution of linguistic phenomena, classification of dialects and subdialects of the Latvian language. Attention is paid to the beginning and development of the research of subdialects of the Latvian language, to the gradual development of the phonetic recording, the meaning of the subdialectical facts in the language history, etc. The basic role of dialects is clarified, namely, that of the Middle dialect as the basis for the Latvian written language, and that of the High Latvian dialect as the basis for the Latgalian written language. The main features of the dialects of the Latvian language (Middle, Livonian and High Latvian) are studied, identifying and explaining dialectical peculiarities in texts of different ages. Students acquire a notion of a stability of dialectical peculiarities, their usage in works
English Language Teaching and Learning Methodology*
English language teaching and learning methods course offers analytical overview of the language learning and teaching theories and practical skills how the theories can be applied in development of language projects 2. theoretical knowledge on popular language teaching methods, the ability to recognize the methods and use them in teaching one another: Students will also acquire language learning skills that would improve their own language proficiency and help others improve their language skills. 3. skills to develop language learning tasks, adjust them for the needs of different age groups and try out using them in language teaching 4. Information about the language teaching profession, its challenges and potentials in Latvia and the EU.
Field of mathematics:Mathematics and Methodology I
Course aim: Understand the theoretical bases of number sets, measurements and geometrical objects and their learning in a math course in a competence-based education. Understanding of mathematical relationships, their justification and their interrelation, application and problem-solving in grade 1-3 math. Tasks: 1. Present students with math-related learning goals in each class and every topic. 2. Acquire knowledge of the sets, sizes of numbers and geometrical shapes. 3. Learn the skills to plan, implement math teaching/learning in a competence-based approach. 4. Learn the main themes of the grade 1-3 math subjects and their interrelation. 5. Learn the skills to divide mathematics into tasks, analyse and base your ideas and evaluate their realisation. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Teaching/Learning Methodology of Chemistry I
The aim of the study course is to provide students with an opportunity to master basic issues of chemistry teaching/learning methodology: organisation of the study process, planning, normative documents regulating the content of the syllabus of the subject, development of the curriculum at basic education and general secondary education general level. Objectives of the study course: 1. to provide a teacher of natural sciences with the knowledge necessary for teaching the content of chemistry and to understand the organisation of chemistry teaching/learning process, 2. to develop skills to design and analyse the teaching/learning process, 3. to master basic teaching/learning issues of chemistry as a natural science study subject included in the state standards of general basic education and general secondary education at the general level.
Language of instruction is Latvian.
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