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Contrastive Studies IV: German (2nd foreign language from the beginners’ level)
The aim of the course is to strengthen students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with A2/2 level complying with the Common European Framework for Reference and provide basic knowledge about geography, history and culture in Germany. The objectives of the course are 1. to strengthen the knowledge about the morphosyntactic system of the German language in a contrastive aspect and introduce text building principles; 2. to extend previously acquired vocabulary, raise the awareness about the extensive means of language; 3. to develop language learning strategies and the skill to interpret all information and find necessary details in such texts as advertisements, web articles, articles in printed media, clearly described instructions, letters etc.; 4. to facilitate to describe and compare objects, phenomena, situations, express and justify one’s attitude and opinion, form simple precise questions to meet special needs. The course is delivered in German.
Bachelor's thesis of Mathematician Statistician
Bachelor’s thesis is the main qualification certificate of professional bachelor study programme "Mathematician Statistician”, which is independently conducted on certain topic of mathematical statistics or mathematics with a scientific or practical importance. The individual subject and the specific problems of bachelor's thesis to each student formulates scientific adviser with sufficient qualification. The goal of bachelor's thesis is to systematize and extend the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to use it to carry out independent scientific or practical research, and to collect and analyze the results as well as draw conclusions and formulate recommendations for future view. Tasks of the bachelor's thesis: to carry out an independent research by solving a theoretical or practical problem in mathematics or statistics, to make a description in the form of both an academic paper and a presentation, to develop an understanding of scientific ethics in their field
Anthropology of The Body and Medicine
The course introduces the concepts and theoretical perspectives of body and health research in anthropology. The course examines the concepts of body, disease and health in different societies. The course analyzes the development of medical knowledge, health care in various sectors, doctor-patient relations. The course analyzes the gender aspects of health and disease. Special attention is paid to the cultural aspects of psychiatry, obstetrics, and reproductive technologies in the context of post-socialism. The tasks of the course are - to get acquainted with the concepts of medicine and the body and to learn to apply them by anthropological analysis of the formation of ideas and related everyday practices in different societies. - to look at a number of influential works of social anthropologists (including theoretical debates among these researchers) on various issues of a moral nature in a diverse cultural and social context. - to supplement students' knowledge of social
Information Technology in the Development of Mathematics Teaching and Learning Materials
The aim of study course is increase students' understanding of the use of technology of information in teaching methodological provision in mathematics, as well as to provide practical skills in designing and using different types of teaching materials in mathematics teaching and learning. Study course tasks: • To acquaint with the tasks of construction in geometry and to develop skills to build methodological teaching aids for teaching and learning geometry topics; • To develop the ability to use specific and advanced features of spreadsheets in designing and using teaching aids for teaching and learning various mathematical topics; • To acquaint with the classification and models of textual tasks, to develop skills to develop interactive textual and research models independently and to use them in the process of mathematics learning; • To develop the ability to design websites independently for methodological support for studies of mathematics learning; • To develop skills to learn
Contrastive Studies III: Norwegian (2 foreign language from the beginner's level)
The aim of the course is to develop students’ knowledge, communicative skills and competence in accordance with A2/ B1 level complying with the Common European Framework for Rerefence and provide basic knowledge about Norwegian culture. The objectives of the course are 1. to provide knowledge about the morphosyntactic system of the Norwegian language in a contrastive aspect; 2. to extend the previously acquire vocabulary and raise the awareness about the synonyms, antonyms and polysemy of the Norwegian language. 3. to advance the skill to undertand the gist and details in popular and commonly used media (the Internet, advertising, catalogues, e-mails etc), perceive separate words and phrases in a broader text of unfamilair topic. 4. to strenghen the skill to perceive and understand well short monologues and dialogues, determine speaker’s attitude on the condition it is expressed clearly with the help of intonation and/ or non-verbal communication. The course is delivered
Visual Perception
The aim of the study course is to enhance the knowledge of the processes of visual perception in various aspects of neuroscience and psychology, emphasizing the state-of-art trends in the field of perception research with a possible application in the field of optometry.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to provide the knowledge of visual perception in a trans-disciplinary aspect, rooted in biology, psychology, physiology of brain function, with the contribution of computer science;
  • to give skills to apply theoretical and practical knowledge of visual perception in explaining and researching perceptual phenomena;
  • to introduce students to the leading views on the visual perceptual phenomena, trends and recent developments in vision perception among leading research teams worldwide.
Course languages: Latvian and English.
The aim of the study course is to give knowledge in psychophysics principles: Weber-Fechner and Stevens laws, modified staircase method, multiple random staircase method, trunched constant stimuli and signal detection methods.
The objectives of the study course are following:
  • to explain Weber-Fechner and Stevens laws in psychophysics;
  • to learn how to measure absolute and just noticeable threshold values with non-parametric adaptive and trunched constant stimuli methods;
  • to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills of signal detection method applications in optometry and vision science;
  • to acquire skills and knowledge that are applicable in students master paper.
Course languages: Latvian and English.
Optional course (morphology, anesthesiology and reanimatology, immunology, pediatric gastroenterology)
The course covers 4-week training on the 5th study year of the program and is carried in the form of seminars, interactive sessions and practical exercises. The course is being led by a certified physician in the corresponding speciality at the University of Latvia's teaching bases. The aim of the course: to provide theoretical knowledge and ensure the acquisition of the necessary practical skills according to the student's choice in one of the four directions - morphology, anesthesiology and resuscitation, immunology or pediatric gastroenterology. The course is planned to acquire theoretical knowledge and skills in the chosen field, using the acquired in the diagnosis and / or treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Course tasks: 1. to acquire in-depth theoretical knowledge in the chosen field, using the acquired knowledge in the diagnosis and / or treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver; 2. to acquire clinical skills in the chosen field
Entrepreneurship essentials in the industrial engineering
The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge of business organization and planning, modern approach to business creation and management. Tasks of the course: 1. to study the nature, forms and environment of entrepreneurship in modern industries; 2. to find out the general regularities and principles of functioning of an industrial enterprise; 3. to know the methods of choosing a place of business and to acquire the skills to use them; 4. to acquire skills and abilities of organization and planning of economic processes, incl. manufacturing companies with technogenic activities in an international environment. The course is designed to allow students to critically assess the factors influencing entrepreneurship and to acquire the theoretical skills and abilities of business management that could be later applied in practice, as well as in-depth study of contemporary business, including basic principles of management of manufacturing companies with technogenic activities
Ancient Greek II
The course is intended as a continuation of the Ancient Greek I course and aims at providing students with the opportunity to acquire broader knowledge of the morphology, syntax and vocabulary of the ancient Greek language and at developing the basic skills for working with original Greek texts. The texts read during the course illustrate the grammatical material to be learned, provide an insight into the culture of ancient Greece and form a consistent transition from the texts adapted from ancient Greek to the original texts of prose and poetry. Course objectives: 1. to strengthen and expand the knowledge of the morphological and syntactic structure of the ancient Greek language; 2. to supplement / expand the acquisition of the basic vocabulary of the ancient Greek Attic dialect; 3. to strengthen and systemically further develop the comprehension and translation skills of ancient Greek text and the skills needed for work with original sources. Language of instruction: Latvian and
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