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Legal writing and analysis
The aim of the course is to discuss writing and analysis of different types of documents and to develop skills of argumentation to substantiate own opinions both in relation to documents in preparation and already prepared documents. During the course students study requirements of culture of Latvian, basic questions of documentation, specifics of drafting and negotiation of different types of documents. In order to study practical issues of writing and analysis of documents, the emphasis is put on practical exercises for drafting and analysis of documents. Language of instruction is Latvian.
Erasmus+ worldwide exchange mobility
15.09.2022 13:43 Content
ERASMUS+ KA107 study mobility gives opportunity to students spend one semester at Host institution outside European countries. Main goal of program is to give students gain valuable academic, linguistic and cultural backgrounds, studying in other countries; promote well-qualified, open-minded and internationally experienced young people - the future professional development. In study mobility can participate students without study nor tuition fee debts and those who are not on sabbatical leave. Application call: 1) Exchange studies in Metropolitan Tirana University, Albania for Spring semester 2023 (2 U,P students, scholarship 900 EUR per month). Application deadline October 15th 2022 2) Exchange studies in Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Azerbaijan for Spring semester 2023 ( 2 U students, scholarship 900 EUR per month). Application deadline October 15th 2022 3)Exchange studies in Beijing Foreign Studies University, China for Spring semester 2023 ( 2 U students
Vides zinātne
17.10.2022 02:21 Content
Environmental science is an interdisciplinary branch of science that studies natural systems and their interaction with the human environment. In this field, a systemic approach is used, creating understanding and conclusions based on natural and social sciences research. The study program's structure consists of compulsory courses and free elective courses in related fields that help get to know environmental science. During the study process, students can learn geographical information systems, resource evaluation and management, biodiversity protection and management, and other knowledge, competencies and skills necessary for environmental science specialists. Students acquire practical skills and abilities in the laboratory and practical work, in field courses in various parts of Latvia, as part of applied practice in companies, state administration or non-governmental organizations. At the end of their studies, students conduct independent research in environmental science
Sport night tournaments
16.09.2021 11:54 Content
Four times a semester, UL students are offered the opportunity to participate in the Night Tournament, which usually takes place on Thursday evenings. During the semester, 4 types of Night tournaments are organized, in which volleyball, floorball, beach volleyball or football is played. About 3 weeks before each night tournament, information about the upcoming tournament is posted on the LU Sports Night Tournament Facebook page and the LU Sports page. Each Night tournament must be applied for separately, forming a team with fellow students and friends and filling in the tournament application form, which can be found in the description of each tournament. In tournaments, all teams play a group tournament at the beginning and then the strongest teams take part in the playoffs, fighting for cups, medals and various prizes. The University of Latvia Night Tournaments are available free of charge to all LU students and employees.
Housing Rental Law
The course deals with legal issues concerning rental and ownership of residential property. Regarding the rental agreement of residential property – conclusion, subject, subjects, as well as the termination of the agreement, in total three lectures are devoted to the topic. Issues concerning the relationship between the lessor, the tenant and his/her family members, as well as their rights and obligations, issues concerning the state and local governments are covered. Issues concerning the residential property – the creation, administration, and management thereof – are considered separately. The aim of the course is to enable students to provide an understanding of the legal relationship of rental of residential premises, the norms of apartment property, the management of residential houses, case law.
Cooperation with institutions, professional organizations and enterprises
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
The Faculty of Humanities cooperates with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia (implementation of study programmes, research, organization of school contests; members of the academic staff of the Faculty participate as experts in various work groups, boards, e.g., development of the contents of education, etc). Cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of Latvia in project implementation (support for projects of State Culture Capital Foundation , prepared by the academic staff of the Faculty). Cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the sphere of language acquisition and other ministries. The Faculty closely cooperates with the Latvian National Library in the organization of events, popularizing of science, for instance, in the frames of Canada cultural studies, etc. There are other forms of cooperation, for instance, the members of academic staff and students of the Department of Latvian and Baltic Studies participate
Kas ir apmaiņas studijas?
26.09.2023 16:13 Content
Exchange studies are a great opportunity for students not only to improve the knowledge and get valuable experience at HEI abroad, but also to broaden one’s horizons for further studies in the humanities. The experience of international mobility makes it possible to get the insight into the world, other people, cultures and into yourself. However, before applying, one should evaluate his or her readiness to participate in such venture. It is important to understand that the mobility includes the financial liabilities. The Faculty of Humanities offers various mobility options. Erasmus+ is one of the most well-known mobilities in Europe. The programme got its name from a famous philosopher and humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam (1465-1536). Erasmus+ mobility area includes all EU countries, as well as Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Turkey. The programme offers a scholarship for a semester abroad. There are two types of Erasmus+ scholarship: mobility and internship. Each term about 25
12.10.2021 23:07 Content
Summer School of Latvian Language and Culture 2018 for students with no, little (A1+) or good (B1) prior knowledge of Latvian language was held July 25 – 7 August 2018. The University of Latvia in collaboration with the Latvian Language Agency for the fourth year organized"Summer School of Latvian Language and Culture" for students and otherinterested partieswho want not only to learn and improve their Latvian, but also to broaden their knowledge of Latvian history, art and folklore.
25.03.2021 22:47 Content
Summer School of Latvian Language and Culture 2016 for students with no, little (A1+) orgood (B1) prior knowledge of Latvian language was held 18 – 30 July 2016. The University of Latvia in collaboration with the Latvian Language Agency organized for the second time "Summer School of Latvian Language and Culture" for students and otherinterested partieswho want not only to learn and improve their Latvian, but also to broaden their knowledge of Latvian history, art and folklore.
The Galenieks Family Scholarship
29.10.2020 15:58 Content
American Latvians Valija and Modris Galenieki, in cooperation with the organisation “Friends of the University of Latvia”, have contributed to the excellence of higher education in Latvia since 2018, awarding scholarships to students of the University of Latvia (UL) and Riga Technical University (RTU). The scholarship is intended for bachelor’s programme students of the UL Faculty of Business, Management and Economics specialising in industrial engineering management (1), bachelor’s programme students of the UL Faculty of Computing (1) and RTU Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Aeronautics bachelor’s programme students, starting with their 2 nd year of studies (1). Number of scholarships: 3. Scholarship amount: EUR 1 300 per academic year. Scholarship Commission: Dean of the UL Faculty of Business, Management and Economics Prof. Guntis Bērziņš (Chairman of the Scholarship commission), Dean of the UL Faculty of Computing Prof. Guntis Arnicāns , Deputy
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