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Study for sustainable use of plant and soil biological resources
22.03.2022 19:58 Content
The overall aim of the doctoral school is to promote interdisciplinary studies of plants and soil by enriching experience of participating master and doctoral students. The students will learn about new research methods and get insight into the cutting-edge research in plant and soil science. Participation in the doctoral school will put the narrow research area pursued within students’ master and doctoral studies in a wider context, and will promote interinstitutional and multidisciplinary scientific cooperation. Specific tasks of the school: to promote cooperation between two doctoral programmes of UL in biology and environmental sciences, as well as between the Faculty of Biology UL and the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences in the field of studies and uses of natural resources; to increase scientific competence by involvement of researchers from other universities and research institutions, e.g., University of Daugavpils, Latvian Institute of Forest Research Silava
Why do we need a character curriculum?
12.07.2021 14:44 Content
attainment, health and wellbeing, and life satisfaction. This wide spread consensus is evident by the results of a DfE survey of 880 schools in 2017 which showed that 97% of schools surveyed sought to promote desirable character traits among their students. Furthermore, a poll by Populus and the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues found that 87% of parents surveyed felt that schools should have a focus on character development. Therefore, character education has support from current policy makers, schools and parents. However, just fewer than 17% of the 880 schools surveyed as part of a DfE 2017 report into character education had a formalised plan or policy in place for character education. Furthermore, only 25% of schools had a dedicated lead for character education, although almost all (97%) schools sought to promote desirable character traits among their students. Currently, too much of school provision has a scattergun approach, lacking an underpinning rationale. In a report
Results in 2018
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
.Gehtmane-Hofmane.LU Akadēmiskās attīstības projekta pieteikums „Atbalsts starptautiskās sadarbības projekta iesnieguma sagatavošanai” (Erasmus +) BUCO-lab: Business University Collaboration for innovative work of students and professionals. I.Maslo. Baltic Bonus programma (Valsts Izglītības attīstības aģentūra) "LiLaC -Living Labs for Co-Creating Educational Research and Innovation" LU ZD -Z34/16, 23.05.2018. I.Maslo. LU Akadēmiskās attīstības projekts "Atbalsts doktorantūras skolas 'Cilvēkā kapicitātē un mācīšanās dzīvei dažādību iekļaujošos kontekstos attīstībai un internacionalizācija", LU AAP 22d D.Nīmante. ESF projekts „Latvijas Universitātes inovatīvas, pētniecībā balstītas studiju virziena "Izglītība, pedagoģija un sports" studiju programmas”, Nr. Sagatavotie un iesniegtie projekti: I.Gehtmane-Hofmane. Erasmus + . BUCO-lab: Business University Collaboration for innovative work of students and professionals (Erasmus+) I.Gehtmane-Hofmane. Erasmus + Active-aging: Live &amp
My story
17.11.2021 16:21 Content
. Those, with whom what I say resonates, will see and perceive. It makes me glad when students come up to me and say that they have finally understood why physics is interesting. Why? Because there are certain regularities in nature and even though quite different, such regularities also exist in society, and if the students know them, the life is better. I was the director of the ISSP UL from 1984 to 1992. It was a time of great change. In the early 1990s, after the collapse of the USSR, the number of scientific and technical staff in Latvia decreased significantly. So, I could say that every time has its own challenges, especially in the context of such significant historical events. At the end of the 1980s, the Institute became one of the largest and most productive physics centers in Latvia. The institute regularly organized all-Union, Baltic and local conferences and seminars on crystal physics, the formation of defects in crystalline and glassy materials, ferroelectric materials, incl
My story
22.09.2021 14:34 Content
favoritebooks were onphysics and chemistry, and I was an avid experimenteralthough my experiments werenot always with a positive result. I remember one of my first experiments - I wanted to make sure that the steam was really expanding, so I had lit a fire and boiled waterina stoppered bottle to make sure the cork would really shoot. All this with theintention to becomea designer and make a steam engine. My father also had similar interests, becausein the 1930tieshehadbuilt a radio at home.To save the life stories of my family I used to write down the historical memories of relatives.As part of this, I have discovered that manyin our familyhave talent in thenaturalsciences. For example, my cousin, with whom we study the family tree, did not carry aphonebook with him, becausehe could memorize100 telephone numbers. At school, I was better in chemistry than physics. I had also experimented a lot in my childhood, as chemistry seemed even too easy a science. In the 11th grade, a physics teacher sent
My story
10.05.2022 17:42 Content
. This is important to me as a practical person - the opportunity to see the result. This can also be applied to research. I feel satisfaction when I look deeper and understand how something works or find a solution to a problem or an answer to a question. There is no routine in scientific work. Topics and problems are constantly changing. Some of my fellow students went to programming. I think it's a more monotonous job, but everyone has their profile and passion. To work in science, one must have an interest in things, a desire to explore processes and understand what and why something happens the way it does. We think in analogies about how something else could be built or improved. This kind of thinking and interest is noticeable in childhood. This can be applied to both experimental and theoretical physicists who are interested in solving, for example, mathematical problems. Regularities and correlations must be sought in any scientific issue, and not just in physics or chemistry but in all
16.06.2022 15:36 Content
or by the notary. The University of Latvia accepts students from First and Second Division (upper class) only. Officially certified copies of the documents must be presented in original language and in English; It is recommended to submit all education documents for more qualitative recognition of education. Documents (education diploma and statement on punishability) have to be legalised. RESIDENCE PERMIT Documents for temporary residence permit have to be submitted: Personally in the Embassy of Latvia in Egypt (Cairo). Note! If you are still studying in last semester and don’t have a diploma, you can apply with provisional results from your school. You will need to submit an obtained diploma afterwards. Note! Applicants, who submit documents for temporary residence permit after August 20 th , have to choose express examination of documents for 10 days. If the residence permit obtaining process continues longer than expected, LU makes a decision on the commencement of study options
Etilēna oksīda CO2 – balstīta elektrosintēze - CO2EXIDE
28.09.2021 14:25 Content
and resource efficiency combined with an enormous reduction of GHG emissions. All improvements will be quantitated using life cycle assessment. The CO 2 EXIDE approach will bring together physicists, chemists, engineers and dissemination and exploitation experts from five universities/research institutions, three SMEs and two industries, innovatively joining their key technologies to develop and exploit an unprecedented process based on CO 2 , renewable energy and water to connect the chemical and energy sector. The project was funded by the EU in cooperation with SPIRE. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 768789. Partners: No Participant organisation name Country 1 (Coord.) Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB Germany 2 AGH
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