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Latvijas Universitātes Studentu padome
22.08.2021 22:07 Content
Probably those students who choose to work in the Student Council of the University of Latvia, seem very serious and even a little obsessed with improving the quality of studies and election commissions of various representatives, but this is not the case. TheStudent Councilis actually a place to challenge, learn responsibility, work in a team and make lots of new friends. Officially, the Student Council is an elected, independent, collegial institution for the representation of students' rights and interests at the University of Latvia. From all 13 student self-governments of the faculties, there are elected representatives who form the Council of the highest decision-making bodies of the Student Council, which annually elects the chairman from among themselves and the heads of the board directions according to the chairman's model. The structure of the Student Council, although it seems a bit complicated from the beginning, is necessary and fights for the opinion of students
Kārļa Ozoliņa-Emīla Medņa trasta fonda stipendija
29.10.2020 16:03 Content
In 2019, the Kārlis Ozoliņš – Emīls Mednis Charitable Trust (USA) in cooperation with the "Friends of the University of Latvia" established a scholarship to support students of theology and religious sciences at the University of Latvia (UL). The scholarship is intended for students of all programmes at the UL Faculty of Theology, starting from the secondyear of bachelor’s programme studies, to cover tuition fees, daily expenses, participation in conferences or purchase of study materials. For doctoral students of the final year, the support is intended for development of their doctoral thesis. Number of scholarships: For students of bachelor’s and master’s programmes – 2; For students of doctoral programme to support development of their doctoral thesis – not exceeding 2. Scholarship amount: For students of bachelor’s and master’s programmes: EUR 3 000per academic year (EUR 2 000to cover tuition fees,EUR 1 000 – to cover daily expenses); up toEUR 1 500
Fundamentals of Roman Civil Law
The aim of the study course is to acquaint students with the legal system of the time of the Roman Empire and its significant impact on modern legal thought and practice, i.e., in Latvia. During the course Fundamentals of Roman Civil Law, the students must gain knowledge of the Roman sources of law, legal process, individuals, family laws, obligation and inheritance laws. During the studies, the student must get acquainted with key written sources of Roman law, the system and structure of the Code of Justinian (Corpus Iuris Civilis) and its most important and frequently quoted components – Institutes and Digests, their structure and method of quoting, the influence of these laws on modern laws, in particular – the Civil law of Latvia.
International Justice III
The course offers the students opportunity to participate in the moot courts and to integrate their theoretical knowledge (research, written and oral preparation) into practice in competing environment. The goal of the course is to deepen understanding of the work of the international justice institutions.
International Justice III
The course offers the students opportunity to participate in the moot courts and to integrate their theoretical knowledge (research, written and oral preparation) into practice in competing environment. The goal of the course is to deepen understanding of the work of the international justice institutions.
Problems of the police law
The aim of the course is to help doctoral students to deepen their knowledge in the police law. The course includes an overview of the contents and development trends of law science, the main theoretical practical questions and the latest legal doctrine in solving them. The course is a support program for doctoral students in independent work with literature as well as preparing publications. The study course forms the view of scientific research work in the field of the police law and related scientific research methods. The acquisition of the study course is related to the preparation of doctoral students for the work of the teaching staff of the higher educational institutions in teaching the law of law and research work in this sub-field, as well as the acquisition of in-depth knowledge of the interpretation of substantive and procedural norms and their practical application.
Innovations in Higher Education
The course is intended to enable and promote the professional development of the doctoral students as university lecturers.The course will explore the latest tendencies of development in tertiary education, aspects of paradigm change in knowledge management, development of modern learning environment, various study modes, lecturers' and students' roles and activities. The doctoral students will have opportunities to improve their critical thinking skills, competences how to develop a supporting learning environment in higher education, to develop themselves as lecturers. The course is delivered in the Latvian and English languages.
Innovations in Higher Education
The course is intended to enable and promote the professional development of the doctoral students as university lecturers.The course will explore the latest tendencies of development in tertiary education, aspects of paradigm change in knowledge management, development of modern learning environment, various study modes, lecturers' and students' roles and activities. The doctoral students will have opportunities to improve their critical thinking skills, competences how to develop a supporting learning environment in higher education, to develop themselves as lecturers. The course is delivered in the Latvian and English languages.
Introduction into Forensic Expertology.
The aim of the study course is to give the students a systematised insight into forensic expertology today. The study course characterises the historical development of expertology, its content, as well as the use of forensic science in the criminal proceedings, administrative proceedings and civil proceedings. During the course, students will be given an opportunity to use modelled situations in order to receive an insight in necessity of commissioning of expert evidence, fundamental aspects of expert opinion assessment in judicial processes, as well as drafting of procedural documents linked to expert examination.
Basic notions of the Latvian legal system
The aim of the study course is to provide students with a possibility of reinforcing basic knowledge of the basic principles of the Latvian legal system and its practical application. At the study course, students acquire the most important issues of the Latvian legal theory and obtain skills for applying the acquired knowledge to solve legal issues. During the study course, the most essential basic principles of the Latvian system as belonging to the legal system of the Northern legal area (the Continental Europe of the Romano-German legal area).
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