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UL Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
The Institute of Clinical and Preventive Medicine of the University of Latvia (UL) was founded to develop research in the fields of oncology and preventive oncology, as well as tuberculosis and septicemia; to carry out organised pilot studies to optimize cancer screening, and to carry out a unique population study in Europe for gastrointestinal cancer prevention (GISTAR). The Institute develops common patients’ with tumours and other patients’ biobanks intended to be part of the National Biobank structure. Workplaces for doctoral students, post-doctoral scientists and other new scientists are created on the basis of the Institute. Residents and students are attracted to research work. The Institute cooperates closely with Latvian research and medical institutions, private sector, as well as with the leading research institutions in the Baltic region, Europe, the United States of America and Asia. The Institute's activities are interdisciplinary. The Institute carries out research
UL Centre for Judaic Studies
13.07.2020 14:32 Content
The aim of the Centre is to promote and implement the inclusion of Judaic issues in the educational programmes and scientific research in Latvia, as well as to consolidate and support the activities of teaching staff and students of the University of Latvia in the field of Judaic studies. Within this goal, the Centre provides students, researchers and others interested with the opportunity to gain academic knowledge in Judaic studies, as well as organises research and educational activities and prepares publications on Judaic issues. The main objectives of the Centre: to organise and participate in research projects related to Judaic studies; to involve Latvian and foreign scientific institutions and experts in the Centre's projects; to organise educational and scientific conferences, seminars and other events; to develop and implement new study courses, as well as to implement existing study courses in the framework of the Centre and study programmes of the faculties
Additional information
27.01.2022 12:55 Content
During the studies students learn the science and methods of medicine based on human morphology (structure), functions (physiology), psychology, basic clinical practice (anamnesis, overall objective examination and interpretation of results, manipulation competence), obtains knowledge on health promotion and disease prevention in the context of family and society. After successful completion of the programme graduates may enter residency and PhD studies. The programme corresponds to EU standards and professional requirements set for MDs. The obtained degree is in line with European labor market requirements (part of European comparative degree system) and allows free movement within Europe. After successful completion of the programme graduates work in the field of health care, medical firms, governmental institutions. Graduates may also work in hospitals or health centre under the supervision of a certified Doctor. ERASMUS+exchange possibilities UL full-time students, regardless
Music in Latvia
Course (continue)
The objective of the course is to introduce different aspects of Latvian musical culture, to reveal its universal and specific features and to show its place and meaning in the life of the Latvian people, thus providing students with the necessary background knowledge to discuss and to evaluate this music. Different kinds of music and its contexts are presented: from traditional to modern and postmodern. Archaic vocal forms, main genres and contexts of traditional vocal music are discussed, including music of historical minorities. The main functional groups of musical instruments – shepherd, ritual, ceremonial, signalization, magic and dance music instruments, and psaltery kokles – are characterized. The main religions and their musical practices are briefly touched. Academic (classical) music is presented from national romanticism and choral singing to minimalism and other modern developments. Different forms of musical folklorism – from staged folklorism to folklore movement
Music in Latvia
Course (continue)
The objective of the course is to introduce different aspects of Latvian musical culture, to reveal its universal and specific features and to show its place and meaning in the life of the Latvian people, thus providing students with the necessary background knowledge to discuss and to evaluate this music. Different kinds of music and its contexts are presented: from traditional to modern and postmodern. Archaic vocal forms, main genres and contexts of traditional vocal music are discussed, including music of historical minorities. The main functional groups of musical instruments – shepherd, ritual, ceremonial, signalization, magic and dance music instruments, and psaltery kokles – are characterized. The main religions and their musical practices are briefly touched. Academic (classical) music is presented from national romanticism and choral singing to minimalism and other modern developments. Different forms of musical folklorism – from staged folklorism to folklore movement
Approved projects 2016/2017
30.03.2022 18:09 Content
Nitišs Orientation of organic materials in electro-optical waveguide device SJZ/2016/26 Jurģis Grūbe New materials for infrared light visualization SJZ/2016/27 PhD students Name, Surname Title Project No Kaspars Pudžs Development of a prototype for organic IR radiation sensor SJZ/2016/2 Andris Antuzevičs Spectroscopic properties of oxyfluoride glass matrices and their ceramics deactivated by gadolinium and europium SJZ/2016/3 Edgars Butanovs Development of photodetectors for transition metal chalcogenide hybrid nanostructures SJZ/2016/6 Arturs Bundulis Research on the spectral dependence of the Kerr and two-photon absorption effects of organic materials SJZ/2016/10 Aleksejs Zolotarjovs Acquisition and research of PEO coatings for dosimetry applications SJZ/2016/12 Aleksandrs Platoņenko
Paneuropean University in Bratislava, Slovakia
07.02.2022 14:06 Content
Pan-European University is a private higher education institution, offering university education at all 3 cycles of studies in 20 accredited programs of studies at its 5 faculties. Since its founding in 2004 more than 12.000 students have graduated from the studies at PEU. Each of the five faculties delivers modern ways of tuition, including individualised approach, attractive specialisations and professional training in the form of work placements. Read more: www.paneurouni.comen/about-us/about-us/information/ The Faculty of Psychology, founded in 2011, is the only of its kind in Slovakia. It offers full university education in all 3 cycles – bachelor, master´s and PhD. Additionally, a professional doctorate (PhDr.) may be achieved in a special proceedings.The faculty offers a combination of theory and practice. Our mission is to react to current needs on the education market in psychology and that is why we aim at offering an expertise which reaches beyond the general
Basic skills of a tour guide
Course (continue)
The goal of the course is to acquaint the students with the specifics of the tour guide's profession in historic context and perspective of contemporary requirements, from travel philosophy, different types and forms of tourism, to the functions and role of the guide within each of these types. The objective of the course is to provide a comprehensive insight into the guide's / tour manager's workload, interaction forms with tourists, in tourist, as well as help navigation of research sources and information to be offered in museums.
Issues of the Ethics in the Social Studies
Course (continue)
Study course includes the characteristics of the essential questions and problems of contemporary ethics in the subject social studies, marks the main theoretical concepts, introduces with the assumptions about the human life and place in the world of 21 century and different approaches to important ethical questions and their solutions. The target of study course is to give the opportunity for students to analyze the problems of contemporary ethics and reflect about their consequences in pedagogical practice.
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