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Bachelor thesis II in International Economics
The aim of the Bachelor thesis is to demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and empirical research methods in the study. In developing the Bachelor 's thesis the student is based on the knowledge acquired during the studies and practical skills, as well as using information and practical experience gained during the practice. The tasks of the Bachelor thesis are to demonstrate the ability to work independently with statistical information sources, to compile and analyze scientific literature, to choose adequate research methods, to carry out practical research, to analyze and interpret the obtained results, to present and defend conclusions and proposals that have scientific value. Bachelor thesis is an independent research under the guidance of a scientific supervisor. The course is implemented in Latvian and English.
Master Thesis in Sport Sciences
The aim of the course is to develop an independent research in one of the fields of Sports Science and Public Health, as a result of which a master's thesis is developed, designed and defended. Course tasks: 1. to choose and use the research methods necessary for the development of the master's thesis; 2. to acquire practical skills for performing scientific-research work; 3. to acquire methods of statistical analysis of results and interpretation of results, creating theoretically or practically significant new information in one of the fields of Sports Science. Upon successful defense of the master's thesis at the State Examination Commission meeting, the student obtains a Master's degree in Health and Sports sciences. The Master's thesis can be written in Latvian or English.
Bachelor's Thesis in E-Business Management
The aim of the Bachelor thesis is to demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and empirical research methods in the study. In developing the Bachelor’s thesis the student is based on the knowledge acquired during the studies and practical skills, as well as using information and practical experience gained during the practice. The tasks of the Bachelor thesis are to demonstrate the ability to work independently with statistical information sources, to compile and analyse scientific literature, to choose adequate research methods, to carry out practical research, to analyse and interpret the obtained results, to present and defend conclusions and proposals that have scientific value. Bachelor thesis is an independent research under the guidance of a scientific supervisor. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Teaching and Learning Methodology of Biology II
The aim of the study course is to provide knowledge on the content of biology as a study subject representing the brunch of natural sciences at secondary school. It is done by also revealing the idea of the use of effective teaching/learning methods and technology in a contemporary teaching/learning process thus developing the competence to apply the formulated principles in work at school. Objectives of the study course: - to acquire an understanding of biology didactics, - to be able effectively organize the teaching/learning process using a variety of teaching/learning methods and to manage practical and laboratory work by using modern technology, - to be able to collaborate with students in extra-curricular activities involving them in creative and research work.
The language of instruction is Latvian.
Russian Literature and Culture in Latvia
The aim of the course is to develop students’ understanding of the nature of the Russian literature and culture in Latvia, and the peculiarities of the literary process. The objectives of the course are the following: 1. To study the peculiarities of the historical process and the main characteristics of the Russian culture in Latvia; 2. To develop the skills of the analysis of texts of the Russian literature in Latvia, to determine their main features; 3. To develop the ability to express one’s opinion about particular cultural and literary phenomena; 4. To master the scientific literature on the phenomena and processes of the Russian literature and culture of Latvia, in contrast to the literature and culture of the metropolis, as well as on the peculiarities of poetics, the image of the reader, etc. 5. To broaden the understanding of the essence of the informative and cultural field. Language of instruction is Russian.
Scandinavian languages and culture: Contacts and contrasts I (Sweden)
The course is the first stage in a three-part series targeting the study of North Germanic or Scandinavian languages (Swedish) and culture as relevant to the Baltic Sea region. The course is focused on geopolitical and comprehensive transnational cooperation and as such aims at equipping students with a thorough and multifaceted knowledge in the field of humanities, thus ensuring their engagement in professional activities or further academic education. The objectives of the course are related to 1) the acquisition of Scandinavian (Swedish) language at A1 level, 2) the development of contrastive linguistic-analytical skills, 3) the acquisition of comprehensive knowledge regarding Sweden and the Nordic countries in the context of the Baltic languages and cultures (primarily Germany and Latvia). Language of instruction: Swedish and/or English
Private Law Aspects of Economic Activity
The aim of the study course is to introduce students with the regulation of economic activity from the point of view of private law. The course covers not only the disucssion of general issues such as the concept of economic activity and its types, but also the regulation of economic activity in specific sub-branches of law such as commercial law, financial law, regulation of competition relations, consumer protection law. The course pays special attention to issues of legal liability within the course of economic activity, discussing it from the perspective of different types of legal liability. The tasks of the course are to gain knowledge about the regulation of economic activity in connection with current court practice in Latvian private law. The course is taught in Latvian.
Korean Language Consecutive Interpreting III
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to develop the skills of consecutive business translation and to learn the basics of business etiquette, paying special attention to the practical aspects of hosting Korean government officials and delegations. The objectives of the course are: 1) to further develop practical consecutive translation skills in Korean in the context of business meetings; 2) to introduce Korean business etiquette and its differences from the business etiquette of European countries; 3) to acquaint with the meaning and basics of diplomatic protocol; 4) to deepen the knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of the Korean language; 5) to create a glossary of translations and a dictionary of terminology (on the acquired topics). The course is taught in English, Korean and Latvian.
Biotechnology I (Industrial Biotechnology)
The aim of the course is to provide the basics of physiology and cultivation of microbial producer strains, as well as to introduce the principles of bioprocess control and the current problems of metabolic engineering of industrial producer strains. Tasks include: 1) an overview of the physiology of microbial growth and product synthesis, 2) the fundamentals of the macroscopic balance method, with applications to bioprocess control, 3) an introduction to the kinetics and stoichiometry of culture growth. In a practical laboratory session students perform a batch cultivation in fermentor, and calculate its kinetic and stoichiometric parameters, using the acquired theoretical knowledge. Review papers are presented in seminars, focussed on the current problems in metabolic engineering and bioconversion of renewables. Language og instruction is Latvian.
Computer analysis of text and data visualization
Course aims: to provide comprehension of computer-assisted methods of text analysis that are frequently used in digital humanities and digital social sciences and to equip students with practical skills necessary for working with software that performs operations of text analysis and visualization. Learning outcomes: 1. Comprehension of the role and place of quantitative methods in studying textual sources. 2. Knowledge of frequently used computer-assisted methods of text analysis and visualization. 3. Ability to apply skills for working with software of corpus management and corpus analysis. 4. Ability to apply skills for working with programming languages that are frequently used for the statistical analysis of texts and visualization in humanities and social sciences. The language of instruction is Latvian.
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