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Course Paper III
The aim of the course work is to strengthen students' knowledge about the organization of internal monitoring of the work environment within the framework of the research. Course objectives: - Based on the knowledge gained in the course, perform a literature analysis on the procedure for organizing the internal monitoring of the working environment in the company of the chosen industry, - Based on the methods of work environment risk factors learned in the course, perform a risk analysis and evaluate the involvement of employees. for prevention - perform effective planning of internal monitoring of the work environment, incl. developing a plan for improving the quality of the working environment, promoting an effective cooperation model between the employer and the employee, cooperation with the representatives of the employee and improvements in the safety of the working environment in the organization. Course language: Latvian.
Teaching/Learning Methodology of Chemistry II
The aim of the study course is to provide students with an opportunity to master basic issues of chemistry teaching/learning methodology: organisation of the study process, planning, normative documents regulating the content of the syllabus of the subject, development of the curriculum at general secondary education optimal and highest levels. Objectives of the study course: 1. to ensure a natural science teacher with the knowledge necessary for teaching the content of chemistry and to understand the organisation of chemistry teaching/learning process, 2. to develop skills to design and analyse the teaching/learning process, 3. to master basic teaching/learning issues of chemistry as a natural science study subject included in the standard of general secondary education at the optimal and highest level.
Language of instruction is Latvian.
Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting (ES-LV)
The course is delivered in Spanish and Latvian. The course provides theoretical knowledge and practical experience in two types of interpretation: consecutive and simultaneous. Within the course, the students learn translation methods and strategies, as well as acquire practical experience and norms of professional ethics and behaviour. The source language is mostly Spanish, but the target languages is Latvian. The aim of the course is to provide an opportunity to learn specific translation methods and techniques that are used in consecutive and simultaneous interpreting. Main objectives of the course: • to develop a comprehensive understanding of the specifics of interpreting and its types; • to provide in-depth theoretical knowledge of the process and methodology of consecutive and simultaneous interpreting; • to acquire practical skills in consecutive and simultaneous interpreting. Language of instruction: Spanish and Latvian.
Human Security and Religious Conflict in Asia and Europe
The aim of the course is to provide the students with the opportunity to acquire basic knowledge of security threats in Europe and Asia, inter-judicial conflicts, the concept of human safety, theory and threats, broadening the research perspective beyond armed conflicts for political economic or politically narrow reasons in order to explore the fears and threats to individual people and communities is a focus on security research, investigating religious, cultural, socio-political themes that lead to both transnational conflicts and terrorism. The objectives of the course are to explore large-scale idealistic, social, economic and political causes that have contributed to outbreaks of violence and mutual mistrust and to analyse in-depth today's Islamic terrorism as the most visible form of organised violence. Languages of instruction are English and Latvian.
Business intelligence tools and data visualization
Business Intelligence (BI) combines business analytics, data mining, data visualization, data tools and infrastructure, and best practices to help organizations make data-driven decisions. The aim of the course is to provide students with an understanding of the goals of business intelligence, as well as practical skills in using the most popular business intelligence tools. Tasks: 1) to find out the main components, concepts and project life cycle of business intelligence; 2) perform processing and transformations of various data formats with the selected business intelligence tools; 3) to realize the visualization of different combinations of categorical, discrete, continuous and geospatial data; 4) learn data analysis expressions. Language of instruction is either Latvian or English.
The aim of this course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of logic, its systematic and historic aspects and to show the area of its applications. Course will equip student with practical skills of application logic in theoretical and practical analysis. Course will give a special emphasis on interactive forms of teaching. The analysis of thinking and language will be explored in the context of their formal and content-based aspects. An analysis of the scope of logical methodologies will be given as well. Criteria of a logically consistent, clear and coherent thinking and correct argumentation (regarding science, ordinary and technical languages) will be discussed. Another emphasis will be focused on the logical analysis of argumentation. Course will also explore the direct and indirect forms of arguments, logical operations, the relevant truth tables and their application in the analysis of compound expressions.
Semiotics and visual rhetoric
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge of the basic concepts and theories of semiotics and visual rhetoric, developing students' skills of independent semiotic and rhetoric analysis, as well as fostering critical thinking and information literacy in a semiotically saturated information environment. The objectives of the course are: 1. to define and contextualise the basic concepts of semiotics, tracing their origins in the philosophical tradition. 2. to introduce the fields of semiotics and related disciplines, providing insight into both cultural and biosemiotics. 3. to examine and practice the methods of visual rhetoric in cultural analysis. 4. to promote independent research skills in semiotics and visual rhetoric through practical exercises and assignments. 5. to develop competence in critical analysis, interpretation and communication of information. The course is being taught in Latvian.
Personality Psychology
This course aims to provide students with the opportunity to gain knowledge of personality constructs widely used in contemporary psychology and their research methods. Constructs are explored in the frame of six personality domains according to classical and contemporary major personality psychology approaches. Personality is analyzed from the Dispositional, Biological, Intrapsychic, Cognitive/Experiential, Social Cultural, and Adjustment domains, using their theoretical and empirically tested evidence on personality assessment, influencing factors of individual differences and their relationship with personality functioning, and social interaction. The course provides both theoretical information as well as an opportunity for practical assignments that aim to increase a more thorough understanding of factors and processes explaining individual differences and to critically evaluate the empirical basis of the findings related to them.
Personality Psychology
This course aims to provide students with the opportunity to gain knowledge of personality constructs widely used in contemporary psychology and their research methods. Constructs are explored in the frame of six personality domains according to classical and contemporary major personality psychology approaches. Personality is analyzed from the Dispositional, Biological, Intrapsychic, Cognitive/Experiential, Social Cultural, and Adjustment domains, using their theoretical and empirically tested evidence on personality assessment, influencing factors of individual differences and their relationship with personality functioning, and social interaction. The course provides both theoretical information as well as an opportunity for practical assignments that aim to increase a more thorough understanding of factors and processes explaining individual differences and to critically evaluate the empirical basis of the findings related to them.
Mathematics for Optometry

The aim of the study course is to learn the basics of mathematics, which allows to describe both the model of the eye and the light flows through the surface of the eye. The main researched or analysed objects of mathematical analysis are functions. The course covers the following core themes: real number, differential calculus, and integral calculus.

The objectives of the study course are following:

  • to introduce students with the above-mentioned topics;
  • to introduce with topics, which are oriented to the ability to read modern scientific literature in optometry using mathematics technique.

Course languages: Latvian and English.

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