Found 716 entries
13.05.2022 21:45 Content
DOCUMENTS FOR ADMISSION When applying for a Bachelor’s programme, applicants have to present the following documents: Graduation Certificate Senior Secondary School Transcript (Grades X-XII) Chinese National University Entrance Examination (GaoKao) When applying for Master’s programme , applicants have to present the following documents: Bachelor´s Degree Certificate (Xueshi Xuewei) Graduation Diploma (Biye Zhengshu) Academic Transcript Officially certified copies of the documents must be presented in original language and in English; It is recommended to submit all education documents for more qualitative recognition of education. Documents (education diploma and statement on punishability) have to be legalised. RESIDENCE PERMIT Documents for temporary residence permit have to be submitted: Personally in the Embassy of Latvia in China. Note! If you are still studying in last semester and don’t have a diploma, you can apply
Kas ir apmaiņas studijas?
26.09.2023 16:13 Content
Exchange studies are a great opportunity for students not only to improve the knowledge and get valuable experience at HEI abroad, but also to broaden one’s horizons for further studies in the humanities. The experience of international mobility makes it possible to get the insight into the world, other people, cultures and into yourself. However, before applying, one should evaluate his or her readiness to participate in such venture. It is important to understand that the mobility includes the financial liabilities. The Faculty of Humanities offers various mobility options. Erasmus+ is one of the most well-known mobilities in Europe. The programme got its name from a famous philosopher and humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam (1465-1536). Erasmus+ mobility area includes all EU countries, as well as Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Turkey. The programme offers a scholarship for a semester abroad. There are two types of Erasmus+ scholarship: mobility and internship. Each term about 25
Basketball trainings
23.02.2022 10:50 Content
Basketball trainings take place in two trainings a week, where one part is dedicated to the improvement of individual technique, while the other half is dedicated to active play. If the number of visitors in a training is smaller, the coaches pay more individual attention, which will definitely give additional satisfaction to the student for learning and improving new skills. Men's basketball, as it is known, at the University of Latvia is highly developed and teams in these sports start in the leading championships, so this is the right time to remind that these training sessions do not take place with professional athletes, so everyone can feel comfortable and meet players of a similar level if the sport is a close hobby. Location: LU PPMF basketball court, Imantas 7. līnija 1 Contact: Edgars Burkevics, tel. nr. +371 22372883 Any LU student can participate in the trainings, regardless of the level of mastery. If you want to apply for basketball training, click here
Football trainings
03.04.2024 14:06 Content
Together with football, the University of Latvia wants to grow, improve and give you inspiration with which it is possible to achieve all your goals and dreams. Information about the training venue and time will be posted in the coming days. Participation in trainings promotes participation in LU football league competitions, LU indoor football team and LU mini football team. LU students, lecturers and graduates can participate in the trainings, regardless of the degree of mastery. Training times : Thursdays, at 9 pm Training place : Uzvaras bulvāris 18, Stadium "Arkadia" You must apply for each sports training at the University of Latvia by filling in the application form. The registration for each training ended 5 hours before the start time of the specific training. If more than 20 people have applied for the training, a message will be sent to those who will be outside the first 20, 3-4 hours before the start of the training. The registration confirmation is not sent, therefore
LU Studentu sporta spēles
23.03.2023 17:23 Content
” or “Going” to Sport game Facebook event, so you don’t miss any important information about the Sports games, nevertheless you should start to identify about your potential teammates. If you have any questions at the moment, please contact the main organizer for this event Nauris Osis: or on Messenger.
Studies abroad
28.09.2023 16:16 Content
bilateral agreements concluded between Erasmus+ Programme partner universities. These agreements fix the number of mutual exchange students, as well as the level of studies (bachelor's, master's, doctoral) in each academic year. Coordinator of the Faculty of Computing – Prof. Zane Bičevska Email for communication: IMPORTANT! A student must contact a foreign university or internship organisation in order to find out the possibilities and decide whether he/she is satisfied with them. The faculty cannot make a decision for you.
European Pharmacopoeia
17.04.2024 18:09 Content
Access to e-resource (only for registered users) For registration to European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) please contact the Library consultation desk by e-mail: European Pharmacopoeia ( Pharmacopoeia Europaea , Ph. Eur. ) is a major regionalpharmacopoeia providing the common quality standards in Europe’s pharmaceutical industry to control the quality of medicines and the substances. Ph. Eur. is a published collection ofmonographsthat describe both the individual and general quality standards for ingredients,dosage forms, and methods ofanalysisfor medicines. These standards apply to medicines for bothhumanandveterinaryuse. The European Pharmacopoeia is administratively supported by theEuropean Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM), a directorate of the Council of Europe and governed by the European Pharmacopoeia Commission. 11 th edition is currently in use. The European Pharmacopoeia page provides access to the electronic
Magnētisku mīkstu materiālu laboratorija
29.03.2023 18:40 Content
and theory, which was soon followed by a chemistry unit, providing materials for research. Today, the laboratory has obtained a great experience and suitable equipment to work on topical problems of the field. In this site you can also find information on our team , publications , current and previous projects , our students' theses and open topics for students . You can also see the timeline of our important moments on the wall . Are you interested in collaboration or visiting us? Check our contact information .
Laboratory of Organic Materials
13.03.2024 15:56 Content
Scientific degree Name Surname Position Contact information Dr.phys. Aivars Vembris Head of the laboratory and Leading researcher Aivars.Vembris 67260787 Ph.D. Arturs Bundulis Leading researcher Arturs.Bundulis 67260787 Dr.phys. Kaspars Pudžs Leading researcher Kaspars.Pudzs 67260787 Dr.chem. Anna Pidluzhna Researcher Anna.Pidluzhna 67260787 Mg. Natālija Tetervenoka Researcher Natalija.Tetervenoka 67260787 Dr. phys. Raitis Gržibovskis Researcher Raitis.Grzibovskis 67260787 Mg. Andrejs Tokmakovs Researcher Andrejs.Tokmakovs 67187790 Ph.D. Andrejs Gerbreders Guest Researcher Andrejs.Gerbreders Bejan Hamawandi Guest Researcher Bejan.Hamawandi Bc. Anete Bērziņa
My story
03.02.2022 15:41 Content
My job is to pre-treat samples, sometimes I use an ion gun to do that. My speciality is thin films. I can apply various materials’ thin films by different methods in different thicknesses and as many layers as needed. And by saying thin I mean nanometers, which are at least a million times smaller than a meter. I take the sample through the modules so that it does not come into contact with the circumambient air and doesn’t get dirty. I assist scientists both in research and in various innovation projects related to, for example, sensors. I have a special power too - I can apply organic thin films, which is especially important in creating various photonic and electronic devices, from OLEDs (organic light-emitting diodes) to OFETs (organic field-effect transistors). I keep a close watch on the things happening in the world and I am really proud to be able to help with research in the fight against the pandemic, because I can also apply special antiviral coatings, thus reducing
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