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The aim of the course is to provide basic knowledge in economical theory and practice, to identify the role of individuals and the community in production and consumption; to provide the essential level of theoretical and practical knowledge of economics for students in order to reason on the development of the society and the progress of economical phenomena; to stimulate the development of a socially active and educated personality, which, based on economical regularities, would justify the understanding of economical and social processes in the society for an active engagement in the contemporary society.
1.To acquaint with the essence of economical theory and its basic principles.
2.To analyze economical systems and competitive market situations.
3.To extend the knowledge of consumer behavior.
4.To acquaint with the nature of demand and supply and market price formation principles.
5.To acquaint with the theory of manufacturing and formation of expenses
Strategic Management and Policy
The main goal of the study course is to provide students possibility to master methodology of planning business strategies and policy, performance of management methods, as well as, stills to use these methods. The tasks of the study course: 1. To clarify the role of strategy and policy in business management. 2. To acquire the methodology of business strategy and policy management. 3. To clarify the methods of forming the company’s strategy and business policy management system. 4. To cognize the methods of sales policy. 5. To find out the preconditions of elaboration and implementation of production strategy. 6. To acquire the methods of planning production resources provisions. 7. To clarify the basic principle of personal policy development. 8. To master approaches and develop strategies for estimation and diminishment of production costs. 9. To find out the basic principles of sales policy development. 10. To cognize the basic principles of finance policy development
Mathematical Statistics and Its Methodology
The aim of this course is to introduce students with main notions of mathematical statistics, data analysis in program R and various statistical procedures and methods. It includes descriptive statistics and main characteristics of a random sample. We will discuss the main methods in statistical inference: parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, association and correlation analysis and finally regression analysis. Nonparametric and robust statistical methods will be shortly introduced. We will pay our special attention to the connection between probability theory and mathematical statistics. The program R will be used for practical exercises. Tasks: 1) to provide in-depth knowledge of mathematical statistics, which will allow an understanding of the nature of the formulas and appropriate procedures and will therefore make it easier to explain this knowledge to pupils. 2) to raise awareness of the key concepts of mathematical statistics. 3) to teach choosing the appropriate methods
Specialization Course of Estonian
The lectures and seminars in the Specialization Course are intended to broaden students’ knowledge of the Estonian language, to gain specific information and practical research skills in relation to other courses taught in the Finno-Ugric Subprogram. The Specialization Course is taught by the academic staff of the University of Latvia as well as visiting lecturers and professors from the universities of Estonia. The content of the specialization course can vary. For up-to-date information on the course, see Comments below. The aim of the course is to deepen the understanding of language phenomena, focusing on one specific field, research direction or method in the Estonian language research. Course objectives: 1) to provide basic information on phenomena, concepts and research in the specific field of language; 2) to develop the capacity to analyze language and understand the diversity of its phenomena; 3) to develop transferable skills to deepen knowledge of the field, to read
Ancient Literature
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire knowledge of ancient (ancient Greek and Roman) literature, its meaning, development and specifics in Classical antiquity, giving the opportunity to study and evaluate the origins of European literature - notable texts and authors, as well as general literary trends and the system of aesthetic representations in chronological view. The objectives of the course: 1. to provide general information on the concept of ancient (ancient Greek and Roman) literature; 2. to provide the knowledge of the development processes of ancient literature, their chronology and connection with general socio-political development in ancient society; 3. to provide the knowledge of the general variety of ancient literature, the most important texts and their authors; 4. to promote the understanding of the system of values and aesthetic ideas in ancient literature; 5. to promote the first reading skills of ancient texts
Basics of psychology
The course examines knowledge of the main theories of psychological science, their findings on the foundations of the human mental and behavioral processes. Students are introduced to theories that allow understanding how human cognitive, affective and behavioral processes work, using problems and situations typical of law science. The processes of the human psyche and behavior are considered both at the level of individuals and intergroups. In the course, the main skills necessary for solving various communication problems in the investigator's work are learned. The aim of the course: to acquire basic knowledge about the basic processes of the human psyche and behavior and their relationship with law science. Course tasks: 1) get to know and understand the main theoretical knowledge of psychological science about the human psyche and behavior; 2) learn to analyze human mental and behavioral processes using the theories of psychological science; 3) learn practical skills to use
Undergraduate work in economics
The aim of bachelor thesis is to demonstrate ability to apply theoretical knowledge and empirical research methods in research. In developing the Bachelor's thesis, the student is based on the knowledge and practical skills acquired during the studies, as well as using the information and practical experience gained during the internship. Bachelor's thesis tasks: 1. to work independently with statistical information sources, to compile and analyze scientific literature, 2. choose appropriate research methods, 3. to carry out practical research, analyze and interpret the obtained results within the framework of the Bachelor Thesis, 4. to present and defend conclusions and proposals of scientific value. Bachelor's thesis and its defense is divided into several stages: 1. development of a research project and presentation of a Bachelor's thesis in the 5th or 7th semesters; 2. Development and presentation of the final bachelor's thesis in the 6th or 8th semester. Bachelor thesis writing
Theory and Practice of Medieval and Modern Paleography
Paleography is a discipline of history that explores writing and handwriting techniques as historical phenomena. The knowledge acquired in this study allows researchers from different sciences to read handwritten texts created during different periods of European and Latvian history. The aim of the course is the acquisition of paleographic knowledge and skills required for independent work in archives and libraries with handwriting stored in these memory institutions. The tasks of the course are 1) to present the students with paleography theory and practices that enable them to learn and to improve different methods of reading handwriting and to familiarise themselves with manuscript patterns, 2) but also to discover them as sources of cultural, social, religious, political and other history. Samples of the manuscript corpus, the reading of which and the preparation of transcription of the contents will be dedicated to practice sessions, have been created mainly in Latvia
Applied cryptograpfy
The aim of the course is to provide critically necessary cryptographic knowledge to the specialists of the future National Data Security School. The task of the course is to master the currently used 1st generation cryptography algorithms to such an extent and level of detail that students can independently master the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation cryptography algorithms. The course covers the following aspects of modern cryptology: - the role of cryptography and cryptanalysis in the Internet infrastructure and web software environment of data security systems; - historical information coding algorithms, their discipline and their shortcomings; - principles of construction of cryptographic algorithms widely used today, their mathematical bases and discipline of their use; - elements of a secure communication channel: symmetric block ciphers, symmetric file ciphers, one-way hash functions, data authentication functions; - asymmetric encryption algorithms, their applications
Applied cryptograpfy
The aim of the course is to provide critically necessary cryptographic knowledge to the specialists of the future National Data Security School. The task of the course is to master the currently used 1st generation cryptography algorithms to such an extent and level of detail that students can independently master the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation cryptography algorithms. The course covers the following aspects of modern cryptology: - the role of cryptography and cryptanalysis in the Internet infrastructure and web software environment of data security systems; - historical information coding algorithms, their discipline and their shortcomings; - principles of construction of cryptographic algorithms widely used today, their mathematical bases and discipline of their use; - elements of a secure communication channel: symmetric block ciphers, symmetric file ciphers, one-way hash functions, data authentication functions; - asymmetric encryption algorithms, their applications
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