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Results in 2018
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
. “School-aged Children’s Internet Use in Relation to Socioemotional Development and Parenting Practices in Latvia, Lithuania and Taiwan: A Longitudinal Study” – VIAA līgums nr. LV-LT-TW/2018/1 Citi sasniegumi: S.Sebre. Recenzēšanas pienākumu veikšana zinātniskiem izdevumiem 2018.gadā: 1)Baltic Journal of Psychology; 2)Lithuanian journal "Psichologija". Studentu iesaiste publikāciju sagatavošanā, projektos utt.Mihails LImonovs, datu ievadīšana un statistiskā analīze. VIAA līgums nf Lv-LT-TW/2018/1.Sandra Sebre ir projekta vadītāja.
05.11.2020 20:43 Content
BIOLOĢIJAS INSTITŪTĀ SALASPILĪ 28. septembrī aicinām uzEiropas Zinātnieku nakts pasākumiemLU Bioloģijas institūtā, Miera ielā 3, Salaspilī Bioloģijas institūta vēsture, kolekcijas, herbārijs, zinātniskās iekārtas. Iespēja mikroskopā aplūkot dažādus objektus, apmeklēt laboratorijas un spēlēt interaktīvas spēles. Liepājas Universitātes Jauno mēdiju mākslas studiju programmas studentu radošas izpausmes Darbosies sekojošas stacijas: 18:00 – 23:00 Liepājas jauno mediju mākslinieku izstāde "Mīmikrija" – vestibils Darbi: Rasmas Kroģeres "Digimuts"; Paulas Ostupes "Solution"; Kristas Dinteres "Binaurālās ainas" un Māra Dejus "Kādā ostas pilsētā". 18:00 – 23:00 Institūta vide un personības - BI zāle un bibliotēka 18:00 – 22:00 Kukaiņu & Co kolekcijas – 223. un 230. telpa 18:00 – 22:00 Mantotā zeme un tās augsne - 102.un 103. telpa 18:00 – 22:00 Senais herbārijs - vērtība nākotnei - 424. un 432. telpa 18:00 – 22:00 Baltijas jūra – senā un jaunā - BI zāle, 324. telpa 18
About the Repository
25.07.2022 11:59 Content
and projects by the staff of other scientific, cultural and educational institutions and students. The wide geographical and temporal scope of the fieldwork is revealed by the list of collections and the electronic inventories of the collections. In order to alleviate searches, the data in the electronic inventories are systematized according to culture-historical region: Vidzeme, Kurzeme, Zemgale (together with the culture-historical area of Augšzeme/Sēlija) and Latgale. The inventories make it easier to ascertain in which particular country, district, parish and homestead data on a particular theme have been collected. List of Collections More detailed information is obtainable and the material itself can be accessed by visiting the repository, subject to the rules for utilising the repository. Alternatively, please send requests for information by email.
12.05.2022 16:44 Content
. Prototype No.3 is designed to practically show the process of holographic recording of a real dimensional image. For this purpose, a recording scheme to be used in the student learning process is being developed: the dimensions of the scheme have been optimized, and the compatibility of components has been tested, including the testing of different types of microscope lenses required for beam splitting in case of a dimensional object recording. It is also planned to develop methodological guidelines for the use of the study kit in the teaching process. The project plans to improve these prototypes to be used in the teaching process in secondary schools in Latvia. The further commercialization process would consider options for mass production and distribution of the study kits. The full project description is here .
Quarter 2 (01.04.2022. – 30.06.2022.)
13.07.2023 19:43 Content
and nanoribbons with their well-defined geometry are promising for further fundamental studies of exotic charge transport via “edge-state”, however their growth methods are far less explored compared to the synthesis of WTe2 crystals and thin films. Along with the research within the activities <WP1> “WTe2 growth” and <WP2> “Structural characterization” student training to work with the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), as well as with the tools in the cleanroom (ISSP, UL) was carried out.
(LV) 11th International Conference on Biodiversity Research | 20.-22.10.2022
15.02.2023 14:57 Content
As the world changes, so does its biodiversity. Biodiversity can be described as all the different species found in one place, and is a crucial indicator for ecosystem health. Unfortunately, due to human activity causing habitat loss and climate change, the world is rapidly losing its biodiversity, putting a large emphasis on biodiversity research to map out these changes. Therefore, Daugavpils University within the LIFE For Species project on October 20-21, 2022 organized the 11th International Conference on Biodiversity Research with the aim of connecting researchers from all over the world to share their findings. A wide variety of topics were covered in the conference. Biodiversity loss and sustainability don’t just concern biology and chemistry, but all disciplines, such as politics and economics. For example, a study by Green Liberty (presented by Rolands Ratfelders) showed that nature restoration adds 8-38 euros in economic value for every 1 euro spent on the restoration
Laboratory of Ornithology
19.01.2021 14:53 Content
Address: Jelgavas Street 1, LV-1004 Riga and o.Vācieša Street 4, LV 1004 Rīga e-mail: Head of the laboratory: Dr. biol. Oskars Keišs Staff The laboratory has 18 employees, incl. 6 doctors of biological sciences Dr. biol. MartinsBriedis - leading researcher Dr. biol. Mara Janaus -leading researcher Dr. biol. Maris Strazds - leading researcher Dr. biol. Dmitrijs Boiko - researcher Dr. biol. Viesturs Vintulis - researcher Dr. biol. Aivars Mednis - emeritus, M. Sc. Antra Stīpniece- researcher M. Sc. biol. Viesturs Vīgants (PhD student) M. Sc. Donāts Spalis -research assistant M. Sc. Arturs Laubergs-research assistant M. Sc. Jānis Bētiņš -research assistant B.Sc. Ivo Dinsbergs - research assistant (master student) M.Sc. Rasma Aupmane - laboratory assistant Andris Stīpnieks -laboratory assistant Toms Endzins -laboratory assistant Zacmane Elza - laboratory assistant The laboratory conducts research
"FoodLink" wins a cash prize for its platform
19.06.2021 19:47 Content
solution is emerging in southern Europe, and also in Asia. In our opinion, such a solution will act as a bridge to the improvement of this area. Currently, the platform only offers an ordering function, but the possibilities to grow it with several additional solutions are wide. Do you recommend others to participate in the UoL Student Business Incubator? I definitely recommend participating! As I said before, I think that learning and constantly updating knowledge is one of the keys to success. I will admit that when I joined the incubator and saw the list of lectures, at first it seemed that I already knew all this and I would rather be able to teach someone here than me. But looking back, I am a little ashamed that such thoughts I had in mind, because the lecturers are really professionals in their field and each lecture was useful and only revealed more and more things that I do not know and need to think about when developing my business. The incubator has also provided very valuable
Conference Towards a non-violent anthropology abstracts
02.11.2021 12:36 Content
tried to overcome this division (Butz and Besio 2009). In my presentation I connect the practice of autoethnography to overcoming what Henze-Pedersen calls the lived experience of violence after the act (Henze-Pedersen 2021). By reflecting on my experience with applying autoethnographical methods in my doctoral thesis research, I argue that by embracing the potentially transformative nature of reflection and witnessing (Binford, 2004), anthropology may work towards overcoming the violence that sometimes colours the life of anthropologists themselves. I also discuss the possible implications of introducing autoethnographical approaches in the curricula and how it may help to support students in dealing with their past experiences. ___ Emmanuel Uchenna Chidozie, Leuven University Towards a non-violent Anthropology: Evidence from the International Christian Centre, Nigeria Terrorism associated with Boko Haram have contributed immensely to the destruction of human lives, livelihoods
Theory of Law and History
30.01.2024 12:29 Content
:// ) History of family law in the territory of Latvia in the 20th century Supervision of the development of scientific works and management of a group of scientists onthe history of family law in the territory of Latvia in the 20th century, paying special attention to the full rights of women in the family, the rights and obligations of spouses, as well as the relationship between parents and children. Integration of related knowledge and skills for the development of other sub-branches of legal science, contributing to the creation of new knowledge and methods for the needs of both scientific research and professional activities. Sanita Osipova ( ; +371 67034727; ) Legal methods In-depth research regarding the process of application of the legal norms characteristic to the Western legal system in connection with all the legal methods that can be used to reach a fair and reasonable decision in each specific
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