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2. novembris | Doktoranti un grāda pretendenti
30.11.2022 17:31 Content
About a year and a half ago, the first seminar was organized where doctoral students and degree applicants talked about the progress and plans of developing their theses. We plan to repeat this procedure again and make it an annual tradition. A discussion with degree applicants was already held; during it, those present were introduced to the procedure for submitting and defending a doctoral thesis at the FMOF UL, Physics Department. Now we plan to move further and let the 1st year doctoral students, who are just starting their doctoral studies, talk about their plans, while the next seminars will be attended by 2nd and 3rd year doctoral students. For november 2nd we plan to listen: Dace Ņilova Pāvels Rodionovs Gatis Tunēns Edgars Vanags
Penalty Enforcement law
The aim of the course is to provide to the students quality learning of theoretical knowledge and research skills in sentence execution law. The course provides knowledge on the content of sentence (criminal punishment) execution law, policy on sentence execution and its development, its role in prevention of crimes; aim of sentence execution; sentence execution institutions (including prisons) and their tasks; development of most important penitentiary ideas; internationally recognised recommendations in work with convicts by emphasising requirements set out in Recommendation Rec(2006)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the European Prison Rules. The course turns attention to the meaning and functions of the State Probation Service, understanding of various forms of supervision in society; as well as experience of foreign legislators and practice in the Republic of Latvia; basic knowledge of terminology in sentence execution law in English. In order to achieve the aim
Field Practice II
The aim of the practice is to apply theoretical knowledge of labor protection in practical activity, carrying out work environment expertise in a commercial company, a state or local government institution or a public organization. The main task of the practice is to strengthen skills and abilities in work with qualitative, quantitative and semi-quantitative risk assessment methods (matrices and computer programs). The language of instruction is Latvian.
Field Practice II
The aim of the practice is to apply theoretical knowledge of labor protection in practical activity, carrying out work environment expertise in a commercial company, a state or local government institution or a public organization. The main task of the practice is to strengthen skills and abilities in work with qualitative, quantitative and semi-quantitative risk assessment methods (matrices and computer programs). The language of instruction is Latvian.
English I
The course is designed to develop and improve students' written and spoken academic English language skills for application in their studies as well as various fields of biology/biotechnology and bio-engineering. The course elaborates on the skills for terminology acquisition as well as builds students' understanding about the concept of the professional and academic language. The areas of terminology examined in the course partly depend on the students' selected research articles. The enabling objectives of the course shall be as follows: 1. to learn the criteria for choosing professional literature, to read the recommended and self-selected materials; summarize and present them and discuss the materials with their colleagues; 2. to acquire the fundamental biology/bio-engineering terminology in English as well as revise the practical use of selective grammar issues; 4. to improve the skills for using various online resources for obtaining information and and checking its validity
English I
The course is designed to develop and improve students' written and spoken academic English language skills for application in their studies as well as various fields of biology/biotechnology and bio-engineering. The course elaborates on the skills for terminology acquisition as well as builds students' understanding about the concept of the professional and academic language. The areas of terminology examined in the course partly depend on the students' selected research articles. The enabling objectives of the course shall be as follows: 1. to learn the criteria for choosing professional literature, to read the recommended and self-selected materials; summarize and present them and discuss the materials with their colleagues; 2. to acquire the fundamental biology/bio-engineering terminology in English as well as revise the practical use of selective grammar issues; 4. to improve the skills for using various online resources for obtaining information and and checking its validity
Personality psychology: Methods of self development and self- efficacy promotion
The objective of the course is directed to help students better understand their personality, its individual particularities, formation and growth opportunities as well as to introduce with theoretical principles of stress nature, its impact on personal self-efficacy and practical techniques for overcoming stress that help in sustaining psychological balance and increase life quality both in personal and professional areas. The course includes active participant engagement in the learning process where individual work mingles with different group working methods: discussions, experience exchange, feedback. Theoretical questions intermingle with practical exercises as a result of which participants gain not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills. Practical sessions take place in closed groups and require active course participant engagement in group work.
Personality psychology: Methods of self development and self- efficacy promotion
The objective of the course is directed to help students better understand their personality, its individual particularities, formation and growth opportunities as well as to introduce with theoretical principles of stress nature, its impact on personal self-efficacy and practical techniques for overcoming stress that help in sustaining psychological balance and increase life quality both in personal and professional areas. The course includes active participant engagement in the learning process where individual work mingles with different group working methods: discussions, experience exchange, feedback. Theoretical questions intermingle with practical exercises as a result of which participants gain not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills. Practical sessions take place in closed groups and require active course participant engagement in group work.
UL Faculty of Law team’s participation in Telders International Law Moot Court Competition 2020
28.08.2020 18:56 Content
Telders International Law Moot Court Competition is one of the most prestigious and important competitions for law students in Europe. Annually, more than 40 university teams compete in national and regional rounds to gain the right to represent their country internationally at the UN International Court of Justice at The Peace Palace in The Hague, the Netherlands. The UL Faculty of Law has been representing Latvia in this competition since 1998. Project manager: lecturer Māris Lejnieks, UL Faculty of Law.
Chinese language consecutive interpreting II
Upon successful completion of the course “Chinese language consecutive interpreting I” students are offered an opportunity to broaden their skills in oral interpreting. At the beginning of the course, there will be a short survey of interpreting in the context of cultural communication between Europe and Asia (in the Latvian language). Tasks of the course are to introduce consecutive and simultaneous interpreting methods in the Chinese language (such as literary language expressions and descriptive method) in detail as well as to practice interpreting from Latvian into the Chinese language. The main objective of the course is to develop students’ skills in interpreting documentaries, movies, news and interviews from Latvian into the Chinese language. Latvian and Chinese languages are used in translation.
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