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Latvian V for prospective (foreign) medical practitioners (conversation practice)
Course (continue)
The course is for students with basic skills in Latvian. The aim of the study course is to develop students' Latvian language proficiency to speak freely in professional communication situations. The task of the study course is to strengthen the practical skills of the Latvian language, improve speech proficiency by acquiring general vocabulary and terminology of the profiling specialty. The course is implemented in Latvian.
Projekta galvenie rezultāti
21.01.2022 14:11 Content
Name of the project activity Result Plānotais Achieved Establishment of new scientific panel (group) New panel (group) 1 1 Research Scientific articles in journals with citation index at least 50% from Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report average industry citation index 6 13 Reports of young scientists or doctoral students at international scientific conferences 12 16 Reports of other project participants at international scientific conferences 12 28 New product 1 1 Description of new technology 1 1 Creation of new jobs Jobs (PLE) 6.75 6.75
Sociālais darbs
08.12.2021 15:46 Content
In accordance with the amendments to the Law on Higher Education Institutions, which in force as of 01.01.2019, the term of accreditation of study programmes has been extended. The content of this professional master's study programme encompasses the latest findings in the theory and practice of social work, management, project management, research and psychology, promoting professional competence, administrative, creative and research skills. The students have a unique opportunity to specialise in social work in the field of criminal justice and profoundly study the work with former prisoners, methods of socio-psychological intervention in work with a non-voluntary client, introduction to forensic psychiatry, as well as other study courses required for specialisation.
Veselības māja
04.06.2024 18:38 Content
UL Academic Centre future vizualization Health is the basis and prerequisite for the development of society and the country. The UL House of Health project envisages the creation of a study, science and research base in the field of outpatient services, which will create a synergy of treatment, pedagogy and science and promote the development of new treatment technologies. The House of Health will have a social paediatrics centre, a centre of competence/excellence for general practitioners and a centre for sports science and medicine. The health centre will provide services to 28,000 clients - UL students and staff, and residents of the Torņakalns neighbourhood.The University will inform the public as soon as a decision is made on the implementation of this project.
Fizikas olimpiādes tiešsaistes uzdevumu komplekts angļu valodā
18.12.2023 14:51 Content
Since 2012, the Department of Physics has been organising the regional stage of the National Physics Olympiad online, preparing the tasks in Moodle. This provides the opportunity to receive quick feedback on the Olympiad immediately after the Olympiad, to ask questions and receive answers from the organisers in the forum, and to use the tasks from previous years in preparation for the Physics Olympiads. In order to be able to present the work of the Department of Physics staff and students in the Physics Olympiads movement to international partners in physics education, the Department of Physics has created a set of interactive Physics Olympiad exercises in English, available at: .
Spanish II
Course (continue)
The aim of the course is to consolidate and improve the students’ knowledge of Spanish to reach level A1-A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The aim of the course is to improve the students’ conversational, reading and listening skills, to extend the knowledge of grammar through communication. Authentic audio and video materials are used to acquire the language.
29.04.2020 14:06 Content
In order to promote and develop young people’s knowledge about energy efficient solutions and their application in today’s world, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL) announced competition Solar Cup 2014. The final competition took place on May 17. As part of the event, students had to use the resources provided and / or materials available to them to create: (a) Solar powered vehicle models for competition in speed, power and water disciplines; (b) Compressed air / water mix boats for water competition. The Solar Cup competition took place for the 7 th year and also this time children of grades 5-12 had an opportunity to demonstrate in practical way their ideas, knowledge and skills in usage of energy efficient and renewable resources by developing and building model vehicles powered by clean energy. There were 3 people in each team. In previous years, students had already proven their ability to make solar-powered land and water vehicle models
Stipendija "Ceļamaize"
05.09.2022 19:32 Content
Excellence scholarship for the University of Latvia first-year students in all fields of science. Scholarships are intended for the first-year students of undergraduate study programmes at the University of Latvia, who, upon graduating from secondary school, have demonstrated excellent study results and high achievements both in their studies and extracurricularactivities. Number of scholarships: not stipulated. Scholarship amount: EUR 2 200per academic year. Scholarship Commission : Patron, Honorary Consul of Latvia in Texas Peter Aloizs Ragaušs ,Chairman of the Board of the UL Foundation, Prof. emer. Ivars Lācis , representative of the patron company Arčers, Public Relations Specialist Aiga Dakule , Head of the UL Department of InfrastructurePlanning Unit Rolands Parasigs-Parasiņš , Executive Director of the UL Foundation Laila Kundziņa , the UL Foundation scholarship recipient Līga Stokmane Blaua . Documents required for scholarship application: completed
Ernests Felsbergs Memorial Scholarship
29.10.2020 16:44 Content
The scholarship was established in 1999 by Guntis Bērziņš, a patron, professional engineer and public figure, in honour of his grandfather – the first elected rector of the University of Latvia (UL), Professor Ernests Felsbergs (1922–1923). The aim of the scholarship is to support capable, diligent and socially active students of humanities at the University of Latvia. Scholarshipis intended the UL Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, as well as Faculty of History and Philosophy master’s and doctoral students with excellent study achievements. Number of scholarships: 3. Scholarship amount: EUR 3 000 per academic year. Scholarship committee: Patron Guntis Bērziņš (Chairman of the Scholarship commission), Professor at the UL Faculty of Humanities Ilze Rūmniece , Chairman of the Board of the UL Foundation, Prof. emer. Ivars Lācis , Dean of the UL Faculty of History and Philosophy, Assoc. Prof. Valda Kļava , Executive Director of the UL
PhD Theses defended in the sub-field of pedagogy of higher education (2003-2015)
29.03.2020 17:16 Content
No. |Author|Theme|Scientific supervisor|The defence date1. |Ruth Lea Frankel|School for residence practicum internship as a means of teacher training |Dr.paed., doc. T.Kurilova |16.09.2003. 2. |Edgars Kramiņš |Development of students’ communicative competence while acquiring speech habits|Dr.habil.paed., prof. A.Špona|11.01.2005. 3. |Dzintra Grundmane |The enhancement of learning experience in action research |Dr.habil.paed., prof. T.Koķe|22.03.2005.4. |Vita Balama |The development of the intercultural communication competence in the study process |Dr.habil.paed., prof. I.Žogla|24.04.2007.5. |Anna Artamonova |The development of students’ collaborative competence in foreign language studies at tertiary level |Dr.habil.paed., prof. I.Kramiņa|25.09.2007. 6. |Ineta Lūka |Development of students’ ESP competence in tourism studies at tertiary level |Dr. habil. paed., prof. I.Žogla|03.04.2008. 7. |Gundega Lapiņa |Pedagogical
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