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Contemporary Theories in Psychology IV ( Theories of Developmental and Clinical Psychology)
The aim of this course is to provide opportunity for doctoral students to gain a greater in-depth understanding of contemporary developmental and clinical psychology theory and research directions. This course will provide opportunity for in-depth analysis in regard to individual cognitive and socioemotioanl development, especially taking into consideration biological, social and psychological impact upon the individual’s development within the developmental trajectory. This course will also provide opportunity for in-depth analysis in regard to various psychological and psychiatric disorders – the assessment of the disorders, and understanding of the etiology and risk factors, as well as treatment possibilities. There will be discussion of the wide range of topics covered within clinical psychology, including psychological well-being. The course provides opportunity to be able to analyze with greater understanding the theoretical constructs of one’s dissertation, and to prepare
Sensation and perception
The aim of the study course is to develop an understanding of perception of vision, the meaning of smell, hearing, taste and tact in the perception of surrounding world and the interaction of all senses.
The objectives of the study course are the following:
  • to provide knowledge of the consequence of external visual stimuli in the perception of light, colour, shape, texture, and space;
  • to give an idea of the perception of hearing, smell, taste and tact and their meaning in the perception and processing of information;
  • to present students with the concept of synaesthesia and its role in the perception of world;
  • to demonstrate the role of visual perception in the learning process, visual marketing, art, and sport.
Study course languages: Latvian and English.
French I
The course goal is to form and to develop the basic speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in French which are necessary for communication in everyday situations as well as in professional context. The course provides basic knowledge in phonetics, the vocabulary and grammar elements that are essential for primary communication focusing on the learners communicative competence (linguistic, socio-cultural and learning competence). All the class activities are based on practical real life situations so that the students can become active participants in learning process. All the lessons have joint approach: 1) reading/listening of the document (text, dialogue), 2) verification of understanding, 3) memorization, 4) communication, 5) consolidation of knowledge. This course corresponds to beginner level (A1 - „Breakthrough”) of the Common European framework for language learning.
Human Microbiome
The study course aims to provide in-depth knowledge about the human microbiome, its diversity, functions, role in ensuring human health, and disease pathogenesis mechanisms. Course tasks: • to acquaint with the functions of the human microbiome and the mechanisms underlying the interaction with the host organism; • to give an idea of the latest and most modern methods of microbiome research, analysis, and modulation; • to promote students' ability to independently and critically analyze scientific articles related to microbiome research; • to ensure the acquisition of the basic principles of application of microbiome data analysis tools The course provides the latest information on the human microbiome, its interaction with host functions, and its relationship to disease. The course's emphasis is on developing skills that enable the use of the acquired methods for the elemental analysis of specific features of the microbiome and the application of these skills in research
Military and Political Processes in Latvia 1914-1920
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the political-military and social processes of the First World War and the Latvian War of Independence in 1914–1920. per year. In lectures and practical classes (seminars) the tasks will be realized: - to gain an understanding of historiography, Latvia's place in the First World War, the activities of the Provisional Government and its armed forces (in the first case - domestic and foreign, in the second - operational and political), - relations with Soviet Russia, Germany, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Finland, as well as the great powers of the Entente, - the processes of the First and Independence Wars in Latvia and neighboring countries will be briefly compared, as well as the main stages in chronological order, starting from the beginning of the war and ending with the formation of state borders and achieving international "de iure" recognition. The language of instruction is Latvian.
Science of Mires
The aim of the course is to provide an opportunity for students to acquire an interdisciplinary understanding of the peatlands as a complex ecological and hydrological system, its formation and as an important component of the environment, which is of great natural, cultural, historical and economic importance.  Tasks:  1) to acquaint with peatlands in Latvia and in the World, their development dynamics, interaction of peatland ecosystems with the environment;  2) to develop an understanding of peat as a mineral resource and its importance in the national economy;  3) to teach to understand the nature of mire ecological and hydrological systems, mire management and protection.  The course is taught in Latvian and English.
Field Methods in Earth Sciences
The aim of the course is to provide an opportunity to strengthen students' theoretical knowledge in such study courses as Earth Sciences, Basics of Climatology and Meteorology, Soil Science, Biogeography, Human Geography, to get acquainted with basic methods and techniques of field research, to acquire skills to handle various tools and equipment, as well as to acquire the skills of primary systematization and interpretation of the collected data. Tasks of the course: 1) to provide basic skills in field research methods and work with research techniques; 2) to provide an opportunity to acquire skills in characterizing and documenting a research object. 3) to provide an opportunity to learn to systematize and evaluate the obtained data. Field studies are organized in teams (groups), promoting the development of skills to work in a team. The field course ends with the preparation of reports and its defense in each of the above sections of the field course. The course is taught
Fundamentals of tourism geography
Understanding the basics of tourism geography and the basics of work organization in the tourism industry improves knowledge of the diversity of the geography-related industry in our everyday lives. Tourism is a sector that is an essential part of the economy and affects almost every active member of society at different geographical levels, both as a consumer and as a service provider. The course aims to provide students with the opportunity to learn the theoretical and practical aspects of the basics of tourism geography. The tasks of the study course are: 1. to promote the acquisition of knowledge about the basic principles of tourism geography in Latvia and in the world, their research directions and methods. 2. to look at the demand for tourism and recreation services, the location of the industry, to assess the impact of tourism in different environments. 3. promotes the acquisition of tourism based on tourism services and geographical features. The course is taught
Research Methods in Folklore and Ethnology
The course offers an insight into the development of research into folklore and ethnology across the world, discusses the most significant theories, trends, schools and methods of research from the 17th century up to the present day and outlines the theoretical basis of the development of Latvian folkloristics. Within the course framework it is planned to discuss the most significant publications by Latvian and foreigh scholars of ethnology and folklore such as J. G. Frazer, B. Malinowski, C. Jung, K. Levi-Stross, V.Propp, Y.Meletinski, V.Toporov, V.Ivanov, N.Velius, G.Beresnevicius, K.Straubergs, P.Smits, H.Biezais etc. The aim of the course is to spotlight the specifics of independent research, recommend the most appropriate research methods and prepare the students for independent field research.
Research Methods in Folklore and Ethnology
The course offers an insight into the development of research into folklore and ethnology across the world, discusses the most significant theories, trends, schools and methods of research from the 17th century up to the present day and outlines the theoretical basis of the development of Latvian folkloristics. Within the course framework it is planned to discuss the most significant publications by Latvian and foreigh scholars of ethnology and folklore such as J. G. Frazer, B. Malinowski, C. Jung, K. Levi-Stross, V.Propp, Y.Meletinski, V.Toporov, V.Ivanov, N.Velius, G.Beresnevicius, K.Straubergs, P.Smits, H.Biezais etc. The aim of the course is to spotlight the specifics of independent research, recommend the most appropriate research methods and prepare the students for independent field research.
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