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Development Anthropology
The course objective is to enhance students' understanding and skills in analysing developemnt ideologies, practices and relations of power, situating development projects and strategies of Latvia in their underlying historical, global, socio-material and economic processes. The course tasks are explore what is a good life and the ways this question is addressed by various socio-economic practices in particular historical and spatial contexts; engage in the debate between two opposing approaches in anthropology of development: one highly critical of international development at a systemic level versus an applied perspective that seeks to use anthropological knowledge to make development projects more beneficial to the people involved; gain understanding of intricacies of power, ethnocentrism, wellbeing, global interdependencies and temporal frames of thinking about planetary future; analyse anthropological writings on development projects around the world, and specifically
Fermentation – product identification and purification
The course overviews methods for isolation and purification of organic compounds on a semi- and preparative scale as well as most widely used analytic methods for the determination of purity of organic compounds. The necessity for the pure compounds per se, and for the information on their purity is discussed. Most common methods for fractionation are overviewed: extraction, crystallization, distillation, sublimation, centrifugation. Application of modern analytical methods (chromatography, mass spectrometry, NMR, UV, and IR spectroscopies) to quantitative and qualitative analyses is overviewed. The aim of the course is to prepare students, both theoretically and practically, for isolation and analysis of organic compounds based on their physical properties and functional groups present in the molecule. Course Tasks: 1. To obtain knowledge and understanding of isolation, purification and analysis of both biotechnologically produced macromolecules and small molecule metabolites. 2
Ancient Literature
The aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire knowledge of ancient (ancient Greek and Roman) literature, its meaning, development and specifics in Classical antiquity, giving the opportunity to study and evaluate the origins of European literature - notable texts and authors, as well as general literary trends and the system of aesthetic representations in chronological view. The objectives of the course: 1. to provide general information on the concept of ancient (ancient Greek and Roman) literature; 2. to provide the knowledge of the development processes of ancient literature, their chronology and connection with general socio-political development in ancient society; 3. to provide the knowledge of the general variety of ancient literature, the most important texts and their authors; 4. to promote the understanding of the system of values and aesthetic ideas in ancient literature; 5. to promote the first reading skills of ancient texts
Project Development in the Field of Humanities
The aim of the course is to provide students with basic knowledge of current issues in the development and implementation of various projects in the field of humanities, as well as to develop practical project planning, presentation and evaluation skills. The course pays special attention to the aspects of interdisciplinarity in project development and potential implementation, while considering the research interests, goals and general topicalities of the respective fields of humanities (Classical Studies, German Studies, Romance Studies, Russian and Slavic Studies, Baltic Sea Region Studies). Objectives of the study course: 1. to provide general information on the types of projects in the field of humanities, their development methodology and topicalities in the field; 2. to advance skills to systematically develop a project application, formulate and substantiate a project idea; 3. to raise awareness of potential difficulties and the options of overcoming them at project
Biology of Plant Resources
The aim of the course is to develop students' understanding of the biological properties of plant products in the context of their practical use. Tasks: • To gain an understanding of the diversity of plant resources; • To develop knowledge about the biological basis of the use of various plant products; • To gain an understanding of the need to conserve plant resources in connection with their use for sustainable development; • To form a connection between various aspects of human life and certain plant state resources, understanding of the importance of plant products in culture and development of civilization. The aim will be achieved through an interdisciplinary approach - based on plant taxonomy, morphology, physiology and biochemistry, to link the functional diversity of plant resources with food science, pharmacology, cosmetology, perfumery, materials science, anthropology, etc. The acquired knowledge will be used in the development of practical work and will be strengthened
Natural capital and ecosystem services
The course provides theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the identification and analysis of natural capital and ecosystem services, as well as the application of the results of the identification and analysis in decision-making. The course provides an in-depth theoretical insight into the identification and planning of natural capital, ecosystem services and nature-based solutions. Through practical work, students learn methods for identifying and mapping ecosystem service potential, provision and demand, their integration into decision support systems and the development of future scenarios. The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and skills in the assessment and application of natural capital and ecosystem services in decision-making. The objectives of the course are to provide knowledge in the conceptual framework of natural capital, skills in ecosystem services identification and mapping, skills in the analysis of ecosystem services identification results

The aim of the course is to give the general concept of the eukaryotic cell and molecular biology, basic principles of genetics, eye development, as well as general understanding of human tissue structures. Within the first part of the course, students will be introduced with the basic elements of life, cell structure, physiological processes within the cell and mechanisms of genetic information realisation. Within the course, the molecular basis of the eye development will be discussed. A detailed overview on different tissue structures in human body and their representation in the eye as an organ will be given, eye as an immunopriviledged organ will be described. During the course, attention will be drawn to cell ultrastructure and ocular tissue characterisation via microphotograph analysis.
The aim of the course is to deepen students' knowledge of the relationship between cognitive, affective and behavioral processes with the functioning of the brain and other neural systems. The course provides basic knowledge about the causes of psychopathology in the perspective of neuropsychology. The course provides basic knowledge about neuropsychological research methods. In addition, an understanding of the preconditions, possibilities and restrictions of rehabilitation is developed. Course tasks: 1. To provide a basic knowledge of the relationship between cognitive, affective and behavioral processes with neural systems. 2. To provide a basic understanding of the relationship between psychopathology and the functioning of the neural system. 3. To ensure the application of the acquired theoretical knowledge by analyzing clinical cases with various neurological disorders. 4. To promote critical and analytical thinking skills by comparing the use of different neuropsychological
Information Technology
The aim of the course is to give students an opportunity to form understanding of the various possibilities of using information technologies in professional activities and studies, the advantages and disadvantages of their use, as well as to teach the practical use of IT. Objectives of the study course: 1. to acquire skills of preparation of documents and presentations necessary for work and studies; 2. to acquire skills to use useful hardware and software for professional activities and studies, for example, digital teaching materials, questionnaires, equipment for public speaking; 3. to learn error calculation, data processing and data visualization methods.
The language of instruction is Latvian.
Parallel programming
Objectives - raise students parallel programming knowledge, skills and competences. Tasks - 1. to get understanding on the fundamentals of parallel and distributed computing with focus on communication and coordination among the processes, performance and scalability; 2. to get insight into different parallel architectures and their comparison including multi-core processors, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGAs) etc.; 3. to discuss optimisation issues related to development of parallel algorithms; 4. tp get insight into fundamental parallel programming patterns and algorithms such as reduction, scan, sort and search; 5. to get knowledge of application of parallel computing via many practical examples from computer graphics, computer vision, physics simulation, etc.; 6. to get parallel programming skills via programming of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) using the state-of-the-art parallel programming platforms such as CUDA, OpenCL etc.
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