See a dedicated website of our group at

Mathematical modeling can tell us what is possible and what is not, and the reasons why. It is extremely useful to avoid unnecessary experiments from the long list of opportunities.

Modeling sheds the light on something that is not obvious, thus allowing to conduct less useless experiments.


COMPUTATIONAL SYSTEMS BIOLOGY GROUP uses mathematical modeling to find the way how interactions of components form a biological or anthropogenic system. The SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS OF THE GROUP include:

I. In the areas of microbial biotechnology and medicine:

  • stoichiometric and kinetic modeling and optimization of metabolism,
  • metabolic reconstructions,
  • modeling of signaling networks,
  • modeling of microbial communities, and
  • software development.

II. In the areas of environment and sustainable development:

  • sustainable transitions modeling,
  • greenhouse gas emissions and system's decarbonization,
  • waste valorization and circular economy,
  • environmental and industrial biotechnology, and
  • integrated assessment and management of systems.

We apply tools and methods such as COPASI, SpaceScanner, COBRA, life cycle assessment (LCA), system dynamics, multi-criteria analysis, optimization, etc.



Head of the group Egils Stalidzans