Ali Mulakhudair from Sheffield visits Kalnenieks group

Metabolic Pathway Analysis conference from Bozeman (USA) this year, comes to Latvia in 2019

Participation of LU MBI in the 33rd International Specialised Symposium on Yeast (ISSY33), Cork, Ireland

Designer Biology: from proteins and cells to scaffolds and materials

LEANPROT project comes to Riga for a meeting

Seminar Nr.8: Organelle-specific targeting of mixed-charge gold nanoparticles in cancer by Prof. Kristiana Kandere-Grzybowska

Visiting Marie Curie Individual fellowship writing workshop in Tartu

Seminar Nr.7: Bacterial respiration and novel antimicrobial agents - it's a gas, gas, gas! by Prof. Robert Poole

Technology transfer workshop “Lean-proteome towards improved biotechnological processes”