A Technology Transfer Workshop will take place in the Academic Center for Natural Sciences of the University of Latvia 07. June 2017, 15:30, room 401 concentrating on the lean proteome idea implementation in E.coli.

Four countries will be represented as speakers: 15:00 Registration and coffee 15:30 Introduction by the coordinator of the project LEANPROT Raivo Vilu, director of Competence Center of Food and Fermentation Technologies, Tallinn, Estonia 15:40 Collaboration of academia and industry Juris Vanags, Chairman of the Board of Latvian Biotechnology Association, member of Cleantech Latvia, Riga, Latvia 15:50 New biotechnological strain design approaches using modeling Andrus Seiman, Competence Center of Food and Fermentation Technologies, Tallinn, Estonia Agris Pentjuss, Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia 16:10 Implementation of modeling based strain designs Peter Neubauer, Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany Agnieszka Gawin, Norwegian University of Science and Technology 16:30 Work in groups -       engineered strains related bottle-necks and hurdles in biotechnology -       process control related collaboration potential -       ways to improve industry-academia collaboration in biotechnology -       perspectives of E.coli strains in biotechnology 17:20 Group reports
