Joint COST action NutRedOX CA16116 and Postdgraduate Training network NutriOx meeting was held in 27.-29. September 2017 in European School of Chemistry, Polymers and Materials (ECPM University of Strasbourg, France). Dr. Janis Liepins presented the poster of “Whoos and wheres in antioxidative research in Latvia” giving an overview of antioxidant related research in Latvia.

The meeting brought together researchers from more than 30 countries of Europe and near neighbour countries. One of the central topics of the meeting was oxidative stress, it’s appearances in different physiological or pathological states of the cell/ tissue/ organism and options how to alleviate it. Oxidative stress is typical marker during type II diabetes, Alzheimer, cardiovascular, metabolic disease, etc. Environment (including active or sedentary life style, food) plays important role in the development of these pathological states. Still it is difficult to judge weather oxidative stress is the reason or outcome of those pathological states. Nevertheless, if reactive species are produced in excess, there is risk of molecular and hence structural damage of the organism. Food enriched in antioxidants (polyphenols, glutathione, other radical scavengers) is promising tool of enhancing body ROS scavenging activity. More information on the meeting and COST NutriRedOX activity can be found there:
