Experimental research of combined wood biomass and propane burning processes

The main purpose of experimental research is to create environment friendly, stable, controllable burning process of fossil fuel (biogas, propane) and renewable resources (wood). Experimental research body include flame dynamics and heat and mass transfer processes as well as research of flame temperature and composition in different combined burning process development stages, evaluating the effects of combined burning process on changes of composition burning products. Experimental apparatus:   1st image. Digital image of experimental apparatus (a) and schematic image (b) : 1- gasificator filled with wooden, 2- steel grid, 3- propane and air vortex flow mixture burner, 4- Primary air feed, 5- secondary air feed, 6- cooling channel, 7 openings for the insertion of diagnostic devices. 8- ash opening 9- cooling water input 10- cooling water output 11- opening for measurement of combustion product composition using TESTO -350XL probe. 12- opening for infrared light measurements   Primary air input initiates primary burning of wooden biomass, ensuring heat required to advance gasification of wood and creation of evaporable molecules in the gasificator. Secondary vortex air advances evaporable molecule mixing with air, ensuring complete combustion. For controlling the combined burning process in applied research an outer field is used, that forms between axially placed electrode and cooling channel walls. Electric fields influence on combined burning process is researched by changing electrode potentential between -3kV and +3kV. Within the burning zone, Ion electric current is limited so it does not exceed 1mA. In result interaction of flame and electric field, combined burning process changes with correlating flame temperatures and composition radial and axial distribution changes can be perceived, meanwhile changing burning fields shape and structure (2nd image). Research is done to evaluate mechanism of electric fields influence on combined burning process.  2nd image. Effects of electric field on creation of otherwise unrestricted flame creation in combined burning process: a- U=+3kV, b- U=0, c- U=-3kV. 3rd image. Combined burning process parameter characteristics within the experimental apparatus.
  • Primary and secondary air feed is alterable between 20 and 90 l/min
  • Propane feeding speed is variable between 0,5 and 0,9 l/min, but for the purpose of stehiometric ratio creation of burning process speed of air feed is variable between 7,5 and 22,5 l/min
  • Input heat to wooden biomass, created by burning propane is variable between 0,4 and 1 kWh which is about 10-25% of the total produced heat in the combined burning process.
  • Total produced heat within experimental apparatus is variable between 4 and 5 kW

Diagnostic methods:
  • Measurements of Burning fields radial and axial temperature distribution is done using Pt/Pt-Rh 10% heat pairs that transfer the output to circuit board PC-20TR ;
  • Measurements of flames axial and tangential speed disdributions are done using Pito tubes (Testo) and laser dopler speed measurements (LDV-ILA) 
  • Heat generated is measured by calometric measurements within the cooling column  that transfer the data output to circuit board PC-20TR ;
  • Measurements of combustion product temperature and composition is done using gas analyzer Testo-350-XL
  • Local flame composition changes whithin the combined burning process is controlled using gas sample spectral anlysis method in infrared spectre region (spektrofotometre- SPECORD 2–15μm)
Main publishings:
  • M. Zake, I. Barmina, A. Desnickis, Control of pollutant emissions by co-firing the renewable with fossil fuel, CHISA-2006-17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, Praha, August 2006, CD-ROM with full teksts, P5.95, p. 1-15.
  • M. Zake, I. Barmina, A. Meijere, Electric Control of Combustion and Formation of Polluting Emissions by Co-Firing the Renewable with Fossil Fuel, Magentohydrodynamics, 2005, N3, pp. 255-271.
  • M. Zake, I. Barmina, A. Meijere, The Formation of Polluting Emissions by the Wood Biomass Co-Firing with Propane, LFTZ, 2005, N1, pp. 33-42.