Main research direction of Research group of Combustion Research and Control of Laboratory of Heat and Mass Transfer is the research and optimization of combustion of fossil and renewable fuels with the aim to develop an efficient and environmentally friendly heat production technology that would simultaneously ensure a rational use of heat production resources and reduce the production of greenhouse gases and emission. Main directions of research are:
  • Experimental research of combustion in swirling flow flame
  • Experimental research of combined gasification and combustion processes of biomasses of various origin (wood, peat, straw and their mixes) and combustible gases (propane, biogas)
  • Influence of electric field on dynamics of combined combustion processes
  • Influence of magnetic field on dynamics of combined combustion processes
  • Influence of microwave preprocessing of biomass on thermal decomposition, formation of the combustion zone and efficiency of the generated heat energy

Head of research group: Dr.phys. Maija Zake, e-pasts: