Incoming exchange and local students meet at the "Get Together" event

“ChoirUp” Invites to a Sing-Together Event at the House of Science

UL Students Achieve Victory at Quarterfinals of International Programming Contest

Take a step inside in the next century

With an exhibition “Alphabet of Latvian Culture” at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris Latvia is celebrating 100th anniversary of Latvian National Institutions

UL Achieves the Highest Results in Latvia in QS EECA University Rankings 2020

Invitation to Watch the Stars at the University of Latvia

Career Opportunity Day will bring together 50 enterprises of different specialisations

Come and join in "UL Autumn Sports Night 2019"!

UL Rhododendron Nursery “Babīte” creates new cultivars dedicated to University of Latvia centenary

Exhibition reveals student life throughout the century

New UL doctors receive their diplomas at the Degree ceremony

Visitors of Researchers’ night at the UL delighted with thrilling experiments

Two new postal stamps issued to celebrate the centenary of the University

3 myths about the University of Latvia

Ceremonial UL Senate meeting calls upon University of Latvia to safeguard national values

Project Competition 2020 of the Baltic-German University Liaison Office

UL advances 50 places in QS Graduate employability ranking 2020

The 30th Annual European Society for Social Drug Research Conference is hosted in Riga

The biggest Student Business Opportunity Festival - Icebreakers'19 will take place at the University of Latvia Science House

UL achieves the highest results in Latvia at World University Rankings

Circular economy aspects enter syllabus of Environmental economics

Attention to all UL e-mail users!

Invitation to apply for the conference "Literature and Religion: Fathers’ Sins: in the Bible, Literature, Art and Culture"

New planners in Latvian language available for students in the centenary of the University of Latvia

Significant changes in the master’s study programme “European Studies”

Metabolic Pathway Analysis 2019 brings 120 participants from 25 countries to Riga

The Centre for Applied Linguistics offers Latvian language courses

The best musicians of Latvia on stage at University of Latvia centenary celebration in Arena Riga

University of Latvia becomes a member of European Foundation for Quality Management