

Associate Professor, Georgian Technical University (Georgia)

Mr Abuladze is an Associate Professor and Deputy Head of the Business Department at the Georgian Technical University. His research interests include: E-Governance, E-Government of Georgia; E-Commerce and Internet-Marketing. He earned his Ph.D. in Business Administration at the Georgian Technical University. Dr. Abuladze is an owner of the scholarship of Turkey, recipient of the Grant of the President of Georgia (Presidential Grant for Young Scientists), author of 47 scientific works, Professor (Contractor) of 5 Universities. He has published 3 Text-books. Abuladze is a supervisor and Expert of Master and Doctorate level students’ Dissertations at Georgian Technical University and the University of Georgia. He is also a chief of Master’s Dissertations Committee at the University of Georgia.


Jean Monnet Chair ad personam, University of Regensburg (Germany)

Mr Arnold is a Professor at the University of Regensburg. Dr. Arnold has been nominated for a number of positions including Chair of Public Law, particularly Comparative Law, EC Law, Economic Administrative Law, and Public Law of Foreign Countries in 1978 including Jean Monnet Chair of EC Law in 1999. In 2008, Dr. Arnold assumed the position of Jean Monnet Chair ad personam in the area of “Legal Relation of the EU with Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.” Dr. Arnold has also held positions as Director of German Studies at Moscow Lomonosov State University in the Faculty of Law; Correspondence Member of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna; Membre associé de l’Académie internationale de droit comparé; Fellow of the European Law Institute; Fernand Braudel Fellow of the European University Institute in 2008; repeated visiting Fellow at the EUI; hostující professor Univerzity Karlovy Prague; and repeated visiting professor at the Universities Paris I, Paris II, Strasbourg, Rome La Sapienza, Lisbon and Santiago de Chile.

Michael BOLLE

Director, Jean Monnet Centre, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)

Mr Bolle is the Director of a Jean Monnet Centre at Freie Universität Berlin (www.jmc-berlin.org). As an economist by training, he started his scientific work on topics of mathematical systems in economic theory. After having spent some time in prestigious American universities – among them Harvard University, Berkeley and Austin Texas- he became interested in political science and has conducted lectures and seminars in modern political economics while serving as a full professor at Freie Universität Berlin. In regards to applied empirical research including policy consulting, Prof. Bolle has focused on topics of national and international politics and the European Union. He has been engaged with numerous projects on the EU, notably Governance of EuroMed and the Eastern Enlargement and Monetary Politics at the Balkan. More recently he is concerned with the stability of national/international regimes.

Andrea BOSCO

Jean Monnet ad personam Chairholder, University of Florence (Italy)

Mr Bosco is currently Jean Monnet “ad personam Chairholder and “expert” of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of Florence. He was the Jean Monnet Chairholder at South Bank University, London between 1995 and 2002, focusing on the history and theory of European integration During his time at South Bank University, TITLE Bosco taught BA and MA courses on the history and policy of the European Union. During the same period he was Co-director (with Professor Ian Begg) at South Bank University of the European Institute organising lectures, seminars and conferences on the challenges facing the EU. In 1988 he took part in the creation of the Lothian Foundation in London, raising substantial funds from a wide membership and partnership by a number of British organisations interested to promote European integration. He became the Foundation’s Director in 1989, and since then the Foundation organised a number of lectures (in cooperation with Chatham House) and conferences (in cooperation with British universities), which provided a platform to British academics and politicians to advocate a pro-European British foreign policy.


Professor, Head of European Integration Department, Kyiv National University of Economics named after Vadym Hetman (Ukraine)

Mr Chuzhykov is a Doctor of Economic Science and head of the European Integration Department at the Faculty of International Economics and Management, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman. He also manages the Master’s degree program in European integration. Prof. Chuzhykov is the author of more than 130 scientific papers. Currently he is running three Jean Monnet projects in economics and interdisciplinary studies: a European module “European Integration Advocacy Training” (2011–2014), a European module “European Union Innovation and Investment Development (2012-2015), and the Jean Monnet Chair “European Regional Development Model” (2012–2015). Prof. Chuzhykov is also the president of the public organization European Integration Promotion Foundation. He actively develops international scientific cooperation through a number of international networks.


Associate Professor of Political Science, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University (Turkey)

Mr Demiryol is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the Istanbul Kemerburgaz University in Turkey. Dr. Demiryol received his PhD at University of Virginia, specializing in comparative political economy and international relations. His research areas include geopolitics and energy policy.

Oleksandr FEDIRKO

Associate Professor, Department of European Integration, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (Ukraine)

Mr Fedirko currently holds a Ph.D. in world economy and international economic relations. He is associate professor of European Integration and deputy head of the European Integration Department at Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman. Dr Fedirko has a 12-year experience in scientific, educational and consulting practices. He is currently a post-doctoral research fellow, working on his Doctor of Economic Sciences degree thesis in the field of European studies. He occupies the position of the project manager at “European Integration Promotion Foundation” in Ukraine. Oleksandr is an active member of the Regional Studies Association in the U.K. and a co-author and team-member of the three Jean Monnet Modules. Oleksandr Fedirko is the author of over 40 scientific papers (8 of which have been published abroad), co-author of 4 monographs and 5 text-books


Director, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence,National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" and Pesident, European Community Studies Association (Ukraine)

Mr Petrov holds LL.M in EU Law (Durham University, UK, 1998), PhD in Law (National Academy of Science of Ukraine, 2000), PhD in Law (Queen Mary, University of London, UK, 2005) and Doctor nauk (Institute of Legislation of the Parliament of Ukraine, 2014). He conducted postdoctoral research as a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute (Italy, 2006-2008) and has been visiting research fellowships at the University of Heidelberg (Germany), the University of Oxford (UK) and Ghent University (Belgium). Dr. Petrov is the founder and first elected President of the Ukrainian European Studies Association. Currently Dr. Roman Petrov is  the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law and Head of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" in Ukraine. The areas of Dr. Petrov’s research and teaching include: EU Law, EU External Relations Law; Approximation and Harmonisation of Legislation in the EU; Rights of Third Country Nationals in the EU, Legal Aspects of Regional Integration in the Post-Soviet Area.


Professor, Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration and Centre for Business Research and Development, Tallinn Technology University (Estonia)

Mr Prause is a Professor at the Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration where he holds a DAAD – Visiting Professorship at the Department of Business Administration. He is Board Member of the Centre for Business Research and Development at Tallinn Technology University, the Institute of Cooperative Studies at Humboldt University Berlin and the Baltic China Science Park Network. He published more than 100 scientific articles in international refereed journals about regional development, SME management, innovation and logistics. Professor Prause enjoys a long experience in EU projects.


Project manager, Centre for Social Innovation (Austria)

Mr Spiesberger is a senior project manager and researcher within the Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI – www.zsi.at) in Vienna, Austria. He is specialised in R&D and innovation (RDI) policies in Eastern Europe. He is coordinating the FP7 funded ener2i project (www.ener2i.eu), which stimulates the EU-EaP linkages in research and innovation in the field of energy. Previously he was responsible for innovation at the European R&D funding organisation INTAS. He studied Political Science, Russian and History of Eastern Europe at the Universities of Vienna (Austria) and Volgograd (USSR).


Advisor to the Director General "Regional and Urban Policy",European Commission (Belgium)

Mr Streitenberger completed his studies with a PhD in Political Science and a Master's in Economics. He also completed a postgraduate study at College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium. Dr. Wolfgang started his professional career as an economic researcher at the Largest Austrian bank at that time. After that he continued as an economic editor and head of strategic planning for the public Austrian Broadcasting and TV, Vienna. Between the years 1991 and 1994, he was a Member of the Board of the Lower Austrian Capital City Planning Corporation, which developed a new regional capital city and constructed its buildings. Since 1996 Mr Streitenberger is a senior official of the European Commission. His first function there was Head of European Commission Representation to Austria, since 2002 he has acted as senior Adviser of several Directors General. He currently acts as advisor to the Director General "Regional and Urban Policy" in the European Commission in Brussels. He published numerous programs in his TV-time, articles and journals particularly as Head of the EU Representation to Vienna. In his current position, he holds numerous speeches and lectures all over Europe mainly about the reforms of the EU Regional Policy. Some of his published works are: "Austria's future is Europe" (1998), and "Ambassador in his own country" (2013).

Speech of the Dr. Wolfgang Streitenberger at the Jean Conference in Riga, June 2014


Associate Professor, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Russia)

Ms Iuliia Sushkova is a Lawyer, a Ethnographer, and a Pedagogue. She is a doctor of historical sciences (2009),  and a associate professor (2007). She graduated from Naples High School in Florida, USA with honors in 1996. After graduation with honours from Ogarev Mordovia State University in 2001 she started as a scientific researcher of the Department of History of Mordovia of the Scientific Research Institute of Humanities by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia until 2003. From 2003 started to teach at the Ogarev Mordovia State University. From 2008 till now – Chair of the International and European Law Department. In 2005 she became the vice-dean of the Law Faculty, from 2009 till now she is the Dean of the Law Faculty. She is a member of the expert council of Association of Finno-Ugric peoples from 2006 onwards, she is also an expert group of the Highest Court of the republic of Mordovia from 2009 onwards. She is an active member of the Community Council by the Ministry of the Interior affairs from 2013 onwards. Her field of scientific research is primarily legal anthropology, history of the state and law of Russia, Finno-Ugric studies, European institutions, customary law, protection of the ethnic minorities, Canadian studies. She is also the author of more than 150 scientific works, including five monographs.


Assistant Professor, Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw (Poland)

Mr Zajączkowski is an Assistant Professor and the Coordinator for Research and International Cooperation at the Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw. Kamil is also the recipient of the prestigious fellowship of the Polish Ministry of Higher Education and Science for the Best Young Scholars (2013). Kamil’s main research interests are; the EU in international relations, the EU’s policy towards Africa, and development and humanitarian policy. He is also an author of numerous publications on these topics. Kamil also is the Editor of two books; Introduction to European Studies, A New Approach to Uniting Europe from the Publishing Programme of Centre for Europe University of Warsaw, Warsaw 2013 (co-editors with D. Milczarek and Artur Adamczyk. Kamil’s second book is Poland in the European Union: Adjustment and Modernisation, Lessons for Ukraine, Publishing Programme of Centre for Europe University of Warsaw, Warsaw-Lviv 2012, (co-editors with Artur Adamczyk). He is also a prominent visiting professor having given many lecturers at many universities around the world.