Erasmus+ Study Mobility is available for all level students (Bachelor, Master, Doctoral), who are registered for studies at the UL and are not in an academic leave. The minimum period of study mobility – 2 months, the maximum – 12 months.

Students have an opportunity to experience up to 12 months long Erasmus+ study and/or traineeship mobility during one study cycle.

Erasmus+ Study Mobility is based on Erasmus+ bilateral agreements signed individually by each UL faculty stating the number of students and study level in corresponding academic year.

The list of partner universities can be found here.

For more information about the Erasmus+ bilateral agreements in your study area, please, contact the international coordinator of your faculty.

The application and selection of the candidates for the Erasmus+ Study Mobility takes place each  semester and is administered by the international coordinator of the respective faculty.

The basic criteria for the candidates are the following:

  • Candidate has successfully completed at least the first year of Bachelor level studies;
  • Candidate is registered for studies at the UL;
  • Candidate does not have academic or study fee debts;
  • Candidate can demonstrate and prove good foreign language skills.

N.B. Faculties may apply additional selection criteria. For more information about the selection criteria and call for applications, please, contact the international coordinator of your faculty.

Each nominee for the Erasmus+ Study Mobility shall fill and sign the UL Application form for the Erasmus+ Study Mobility and hand it in to the international coordinator of the respective faculty for approval. The application form will be forwarded to the Mobility Division of the Department of Student Services. Mobility Division will do the official nomination to the chosen partner university (except of the Faculty of Business, Management and Ecoomics. Students of this faculty are nominatad by the faculty coordinator).

Please note that the nomination does not guarantee Erasmus+ studies yet. After the nomination student has to wait for an instruction sent by the chosen partner university for a successfull Application procedure at the respective university.


The host university will contact the nominated student and send the instruction for the application procedure. Before that the nominee can already check the website of the chosen host university and clarify the application procedure, application deadlines and required application documents.

The application procedures may differ from university to university, therefore it is important to follow the guidelines and to submit only the required documents.

Frequently required application documents:

  • Application form

Application form should be filled in electronically or in capital letters. The Erasmus code of the UL is LV RIGA01. If the application form shall be signed by the Departmental coordinator – it should be signed by the international coordinator of your faculty. If the application form shall be signed by the Institutional coordinator – it should be signed by the Head of International Relations Ms. S.Maculevica. In this case please contact the international coordinator of Mibility Division to arrange the signature. Home address shall be written precisely including the postal code (e.g. LV-1586). Phone number shall be written precisely including the international code (e.g. +371).
Student shall check if he or she has signed all documents, where required.

  • Transcript of Records 

The Transcript of Records should be ordered at the study programme’s secretary of the respective faculty. It will be issued at the Department of Student Services (Raiņa Blvd. 19, Information centre) after 2-3 working days. First semester Master level students and doctoral level students can submit accordingly the copy of a Bachelor or Master diploma supplement in English instead of the Transcript of Records. This document can be ordered and collected at the Department Student Services (Raiņa Blvd. 19, Information centre).

  •   Learning Agreement

Learning Agreement is one of the most important documents during the Erasmus+ Study Mobility for recognition of obtained study courses abroad. This is a must document for all students applying for the Erasmus+ Study Mobility. Learning Agreement shall be prepared before the study mobility or within the first month of studies abroad. There is an official Erasmus+ LA form but some host universities offers their own LA form. If content is the same, student is allowed to fill in the LA offered by the host university but if the contents differs it is strongly suggested to fill in the official LA form or to fill in both forms (if the host university request to fill in their form). 
The Learning Agreement shall be approved by the respective study programme’s director at the UL by signing the form as the Responsible person in the Sending Institution. The signed form shall be sent to the host university to be approved and signed by the Responsible person in the Receiving Institution. LA shall we approved by the study programme's director latest before leaving to the host university.

Students are able to prepare their Learning Agreements also within an online system (OLA). The objective of the online platform is to enable students to prepare, approve and sign their Learning Agreements online,  

  • Confirmation of Language Proficiency

Many partner universities require a certificate of language proficiency (diploma, reference or confirmation stating the language proficiency level) to make sure the student is eligible for study mobility abroad. Some partner universities accept only internationally recognized language certificates like TOEFL, IELTS, Test DaF etc.) with a set score minimum and valid date. If the student cannot submit such document, the host university has the right to refuse the application.
If the student does not have any certificate confirming the corresponding foreign language proficiency level, he or she shall contact the lecturer of the Centre for Applied Linguistics of the Faculty of Humanities for evaluation; or contact the lecturer/professor, who has conducted the course in the corresponding language and ask for confirmation of language skills. If the language of instruction at UL is English, Mobility Division can prepare a reference as approval.

  • Application for Accommodation

Student has to check information if the host university offers an opportunity to make reservation at the student dormitory or assists in finding a place of residence for the study period. If the application to housing at the student dormitory is online, the student has to apply individually and take the application deadline into consideration, due to limited places. If the application to housing at the student dormitory is paper based, it should be filled out carefully with necessary additional documents (copy of the passport, photo etc.) and should be handed in together with other application documents. Student shall be informed that in some countries (for example, in Germany) the place in the student dormitory is often reserved for a longer period than the actual time of residence in the respective country. Student shall be ready to pay the deposit (security deposit) to make reservation for housing. In many cases the reservation is not made if the student has not paid the security deposit. If the deposit has to be paid before the student receives the Erasmus+ grant, the security deposit shall be paid from student’s own funds. Some partner universities do not offer housing options and do not assist in finding housing. In this case, students will have to search for place of residence individually via Internet or other information sources.

  • European Health Insurance Card

All students receiving Erasmus+ grant have to apply for the European Health Insurance Card. Some partner universities require to add the copy of the EHIC card to the application documents. The EHIC card is valid for three years. Students must take out health and civil insurance, as well as accident insurance.

  • Other types of application documents

Host university can request to submit also documents like CV, motivation letter, photo, copy of the passport; copy of the residence permit, nomination letter etc.

Application for studies must be completed within the set deadlines. Many partner universities refuse to accept applications after the application deadline.

Once the  application has been submitted student has to wait for the decision. The host university will send an official confirmation about the acceptance for exchange studies (Letter of Acceptance, Aufnahmebestätigung). Such confirmation is mostly sent as a  to the student’s e-mail address. Please, note that official confirmation about the acceptance for exchange studies is mainly issued after the official application deadline.

  • Wait for the Acceptance letter and once received forward it to the Mobility Division by sending it to: 

Once the  application has been submitted student has to wait for the decision. The host university will send an official confirmation about the acceptance for exchange studies (Letter of Acceptance, Aufnahmebestätigung). Such confirmation is mostly sent as a  to the student’s e-mail address. Please, note that official confirmation about the acceptance for exchange studies is mainly issued after the official application deadline.
If the host university does not send approval  for a very long period of time and does not respond to students' e-mails, it should be reported to the Mobility Division of the Department of Student Services, which will contact the foreign university coordinator to find out the situation.

  • Get acquainted with the home page of the host university

Student shall study carefully all information intended for Incoming Exchange Students, which is available on the home page of the host university, describing what the student should do before arrival and what documents should be taken with them. If there are specific questions concerning studies in the host university, the arrangements for residence in the country, etc., the student should not be shy of writing e-mails to the coordinator of the host university. If the coordinator does not respond quickly, it should also be noted that the co-ordinators of partner universities may be very busy.

  • Email needs to be checked regularly

During this period, it is very important to check your email every day in order not to miss important information and to respond promptly to the letters you have received.

  • Fill in the OLS test

Before and after mobility, all Erasmus+ students should perform their foreign language skills assessment in the Online Language Support Tool (OLS). Access to the OLS test shall be granted by the Mobility Division.

  • Formalities to be completed

In order to successfully complete all of the commitments with UL before participating in the Erasmus+ study mobility, the student needs to complete the following formalities:

1) fill in the aplicaton to the dean in connection with studies abroad and submit it to the secretary of your porgramme;

2) sign Erasmus+ grant agreement;

3) register in LUIS for the current study semester during the registration week;

4) according to the payment schedule of the UL study agreement, pay the tuition fee for the current semester

  • get an approval about the beginning of your mobility studies on the Certificate of Attendance (CA) from the coordinator of the host university. A scanned CA must be transferred to the Mobility Division;
  • fill in the During the mobility part of the LA, if necessary;
  • complete the Midterm report form in the middle of the semester and transfer it to the Mobility Division in a scanned manner;
  • inform the Mobility Division  at least one month before the official end of your mobility, if the mobility period needs to be shortened or extended so that the grant agreement can be amended and the amount of the grant recalculated.

Within 30 calendar days of the end of the mobility period, the following report documents shall be submitted to the Mobility Dividion

  • Final report form;
  • Copy of the Learning Agrement (Before the mobility part and During the mobility part (if student made any changes to the LA));
  • Original of the Certificate of Attendance:official statement by the host university on the dates of beginning and ending of the Erasmus+ Study Mobility 
  • Copy of the Transcript of Records issued by the host university.

If you have any questions regarding the Erasmus+ Study Mobility and its rules or report documentation, please, contact or visit the Mobility Division of the Department of Student Services. Please, arrange the visit in advance:

Contact information
Mobility Division
Raiņa Blvd. 19, room 122
Ph.: +371 67034706