- Promoting European Excellence in Multidisciplinary Research and Teaching: Social Dialogue and Working Environment in the Baltic Association States. Marie Curie Research/ Marie Curie Chair, EC DG Research, No.MEXC – 2003- 509727.

- Assessing and Benchmarking Financial Participation of Employees in the EU 25. Survey on Latvia. EC DG Employment, Social Affairs, No. VS/2006/770, leader- Free University Berlin.

- Marie Curie Research Training Network Transnationality of Migrants: Enduring ties with the Home Country and Integration in the Host Country. MRTN – CT -2006 –035873, T EC, DG Research, leader- Universita degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" – CEIS, Rome.

- Interdisciplinary Approach to Assess the Impact of the European Innovation Policy and Common Energy Policy on the Competitiveness and Sustainable Development of Latvia. Grant scheme: LR Ministry of Education and Research. No. 2007/ZP-49.

- Jean Monnet Chair on European Economic Integration. EC DG Education and Culture, CO03/0085.
- Tuning-Methodological Structures in Europe. Socrates Programme, EC DG Education.

- Challenge and Illuminate Regional Creators and Unfold Societal Strength (INNOVATION CIRCUS). EC DG Research No.038825, leader- Copenhagen University.

- 13 December. 2nd Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Presentation of Mr. Romāns Putāns on Client Satisfaction Measurements at Latvian State Revenue Service;
- 1 November. 1st Jean Monnet Doctoral Colloquium. Presentation of Mr. Česlavs Gržibovskis on Growth and Employment Related Factors in Latvia. The work of the Colloquium is continued in the framework of the Doctoral School: European Integration and Baltic Sea Region Studies at the University of Latvia.