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Muravska, T. (et al) (2015),
Impact on European Union Studies of the Developing EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreements with Third Countries: The Case of Canada, in Katsikides, S., Koktsidis, P. I. (ed.) "Societies in Transition: Economic, Political and Security Transformations in Contemporary Europe", London: Springer
Muravska, T., Sloka, B. (ed.) (2015),
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View full version of the publication here
Muravska, T. (ed.) (2011),
European Integration and Baltic Sea Region: Diversity and Perspectives, Riga: The University of Latvia Press
View full version of the publication here
Muravska, T., Ozoliņa, Ž. (ed.) (2011),
Interdisciplinarity in Social Sciences: Does It Provide Answers to Current Challenges in Higher Education and Research?, Riga: University of Latvia Press
View full version of the publication here
Prause, G., Muravska, T. (eds.) (2009),
Baltic Business and Socio-Economic Development 2008, Berlin: BERLINER WISSENSCHAFTS- VERLAG GmbH
Muravska, T., Berlin, A., Lavalle, E. (ed.) (2009),
Promotion of Social Policies - An Investment in the Future, Canada- European Union-Baltic States-Nordic Countries, Riga: University of Latvia
Muravska, T., King, R. (ed.) (2006),
European Union Enlargement of 2004 and Beyond: Responding to the Political, Legal and Socio-Economic Challenges, Riga: University of Latvia