CRE:HUB│ Ljubljana: Partner meeting in a region of knowledge, talent, and innovation

Project ComPass successfully launched with the first experience exchange in Burg (Spreewald)

Latvijas Universitāte piedalās projektā par kultūras un radošo industriju veicināšanu (CRE:HUB)

An ESMP student participates in the International Summer School in Bremen

The European Studies Master Programme celebrates its 15th graduation ceremony

University of Latvia participates in the preparation of IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook – the results of research 2016 announced

Prof. B. Góralczyk from University of Warsaw gave a lecture on EU and Global Order

Prof. Muravska is giving a lecture at the Carleton University in Ottawa

A new lecturer at the ESMP - Mr.Andris Kužnieks