The InnoCom project partners and selected stakeholders met on June 8 and 9, 2023, for an international experience exchange visit held in Latvia, where the project partner - Zemgale Planning Region and the Advisory partner – University of Latvia hosted a two-day visit.
On the first day, June 8, InnoCom partners visited Jelgava Business Incubator, where its manager Agnese Oļševska presented the functions of the incubator and the development of a successful working model, the representative of the financial institution ALTUM Daina Cinovica informed about their programs and available support, and Videga Strautniece from the rural partnership "Lielupe" explained the activities implemented by the partnership.
Also, partners then met with a local entrepreneur who described her experience developing an innovative method to improve learning by children with different abilities. This method developed by the Barboleta Ltd. presents a body balance platform with a special technique used in Jelgava kindergarten and development center. The final visit of the first day was to the Youth Entrepreneurship Activity Cocreation Space, where partners learned about the creation of the space, its goals, and the future of the team.
On the second day, June 9, the partners went to the University of Latvia (UL) for a workshop and practical exercises on co-creation and design thinking “Co-production and design thinking for improving the communication between public and private stakeholders." organized by the UL Centre for European and Transition Studies to learn how to develop solutions in cooperation between public institutions, business organizations, NGOs and other interested parties that could improve the communication and decision making on involving businesses in more active exploitation of EU funds and other public financing.
“The study visits in Jelgava introduced us to some interesting activities, including ones to support small businesses that could be easily transferred to our region. In addition, the co-creation exercise prepared by the University of Latvia was stimulating and left us with ideas we can apply to our policy improvement,” noted Cathleen Foderaro representing the InnoCom Lead partner Sviluppumbria.
Please, find learning materials designed in result of the workshop “Co-production and design thinking for improving the communication between public and private stakeholders." and a video of this event here:
Learning materials:
Co-Creation: Development of the concept and its practical application
Project summary
Administrative barriers can keep SMEs from gaining full benefits of EU funding opportunities intended to help elevate their competitiveness, so city and regional authorities must improve their governance and regulatory framework to reduce barriers, improve messaging and increase the visibility of support and EU funding opportunities. These actions will benefit SMEs and the reputation of institutions delivering the services and support programs. Recent global events (COVID-19, War in Ukraine, etc.) have made it even more crucial to support SMEs’ development and competitiveness. European cities and regions can respond by making funding more accessible, so businesses can expand or innovate, export within and beyond the single market, undertake energy-saving upgrades, hire from traditionally disadvantaged groups, increase digitalization, etc. Communication of funding opportunities must be better targeted, digitally accessible, interactive, equally distributed, and clearly presented, reducing bureaucratic jargon as much as possible. Building on existing practices and informed by interregional learning, the InnoCom will improve local policy instruments to introduce innovative models, digital tools, and services, reduce obstacles, and make other changes for better and more user-friendly interaction with businesses. In follow-up, it will monitor the expected outcome: SMEs empowered to raise their game through access to public services, and other support. Partners from Italy, Romania, France, Latvia, Slovenia, and Ireland will work together to identify weaknesses, seek solutions, and exchange good practices and ideas through the interregional learning process. The University of Latvia acts as the Advisory partner of the InnoCOM project.
The project involves a total of 8 partners from 6 countries/regions: Lead Partner Sviluppumbria (IT), Advisory Partner University of Latvia (LV), Project Partner Bucharest Ilfov Regional Development Agency (RO), Project Partner Municipality of Grosuplje (SI), Project Partner Hauts de France Regional Council (FR), Project Partner Carlow County Council (IE), Project Partner Zemgale Planning Region (LV), Associated Policy Authority Umbria Region (IT).
Project duration
March 2023 – February 2027
More information:
Homepage: https://interregeurope.eu/innocom
Introduction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpdUrTD4X4Y
Information about the project on LU page: https://www.lu.lv/en/cets/research/euproject/innocom/
For addition information contact: Endija Latvena, LU ESASAC, endija.latvena@lu.lv