The first day of the meeting was devoted to the project meeting, where partners discussed the improvement of Actions Plans in each region and future commitments of the CRE:HUB project.
After the meeting partners had a chance to see one of the good practices of cultural and creative industries that are promoted within the CRE:HUB – the Valley of Arts (Művészetek Völgye). It is Hungary’s one of the largest multi-art festival and is held in three picturesque villages of the region near Balaton lake. The Valley of Arts has started on 1989 to promote the Kapolcs region's cultural and economic values. The secret of multi-art festival lies in the liberated atmosphere and the series of cultural, musical, theatrical, literary programs. Over the past decades the festival became a brand of tradition, innovation and quality. Although the Valley of Arts has become highly popular among visitors, its primary intention is to preserve the commitment to cultural quality, our local ties, the special atmosphere and its familiar characteristics. This huge festival hosts more than 500 programs on different locations for 10 days generally at the end of July.
On the second day partners had a chance to visit the House of Secrets in Székesfehérvár where the meeting was devoted to the innovative and creative educational programmes that are offered by the House of Secrets. Later on, partners concluded visit with the meeting on financial aspects given by the lead partner.
Learn more about CRE:HUB by visiting:
it’s FB profile: https://www.facebook.com/crehubproject/
and website: https://www.interregeurope.eu/crehub/