Specialists in thermalism and preventative health from eight EU countries got together in Lithuania, in July, to take part to the 3 rd Study Visit organized within the InnovaSPA project. Part of the interregional learning process, the Study Visit represented an opportunity for the participants to learn about the thermal ecosystem in Lithuania and discuss about the policies that support the development of the medical SPAs and wellness resorts in Vilnius area.

The event was hosted by the Lithuanian Innovation Center in the second week of July 2019 and included visits at medical SPAs and wellness centres in the cities of Druskininkai and Birštonas, two of the oldest and most developed balneary resorts in Lithuania.

During the Study Visit the participants had the opportunity to learn about the policies that support the preventative health and thermalism in Lithuania and how two of the cities with great potential in terms of natural factors, developed using public funds. The main natural factors used in Lithuania are climate, mineral water and mud. The Lithuanian herbs and amber are also natural remedies with healing
properties that are successfully used by the health services providers. The main use of these natural factors for health promotion, treatment and rehabilitation services in resorts are in climatetherapy, balneotherapy (drinking mineral water, mineral water baths, mineral water pools, mineral water inhalations) and peloid therapy (mud applications, mud baths). 
Therefore, in order to see in practice how these natural factors are used in medical treatments and wellness services, visits at medical SPAs and wellness resorts located in Druskininkai and Birštonas were organized.
