On February 20, 2013, in the framework of University`s of Latvia Doctoral School "European Integration and Baltic Sea Region Studies (EIBSRS)" colloquia a presentation took place of the second volume „European Integration and Baltic Sea Studies: University-Business Partnership through the Triple Helix Approach” (Muravska, T., Prause, G. (ed.) 2012) of the Conference`s „European Integration and Baltic Sea Region: Diversity and Perspectives” proceedings.

The book presentation was opened with introductory remarks by Head of the Council of Doctoral School, one of the book`s editors professor Dr. Tatjana Muravska and member of the Council of Doctoral School professor Dr. Biruta Sloka followed by word from authors - asoc.professor of Tallin Technical University, doctor of political sciences Mikhail Rodin and Ph.D. and master students from universities in Latvia. The event was attended also by foreign researchers and exchange students.

It was emphasized at the book presentation that authors have greatly contributed to theoretical and practical research of triple helix approach, and the book can be considered as one of the first comprehensive editions for this topic in Latvia. Authors participating at the presentation expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to prepare and publish their articles as well as their interest and hope about publishing doctoral school scientific journal on a regular basis in the future exploring more deeply the triple helix approach and other issues related to European Integration and Baltic Sea Region Studies.

The publication of the book "European Integration and Baltic Sea Studies: University-Business Partnership through the Triple Helix Approach" was supported by University of Latvia, its Doctoral School "European Integration and Baltic Sea Region Studies (EIBSRS)", Baltic-German University Liaison Office in Riga, Wismar Business School in Germany, as well as more than 40 authors, proof readers and reviewers from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Finland, France, Poland, Belgium, Ukraine, Norway, Canada and Italy.

The electronic version of the book that is partly available online on the homepage of Centre for European and Transition Studies of the University of Latvia - www.lu.lv/cets/publications/ and also on the homepage of publishing house BWV - Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH - bwv.verlag-online.eu/shop/bwv/apply/viewdetail/id/4593/
