Overall, CRE:HUB meeting was devoted to the several topics: learning examples of good practices in Centru Region (Romania); assessment of finding and recommendations provided by CCI peer review experts after on-field visit in Riga.
Also, representative of Altum, state-owned development finance institution, Mrs. Madara Dambe-Krastkalne, Head of Programme Development Department, was invited to the seminar in order to present the research results of surveyed CCIs enterprises about their needs on financial support. The survey were conducted in cooperation with the research centre SKDS within the Interreg Europe project RCIA - Regional Creative Industries Alliance
Finally, CRE:HUB team has presented the draft Action Plan with the potential measures to be implemented in the 2nd project phase. After the presentation, a debate with stakeholders were moderated to define which of the measures would be most effective and needful for development of Latvian CCIs.
Among participants of the seminar were representatives from the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA); LIAA Creative Industries Incubator; Ministry of Culture, Creative Industries Division; Ministry of Economics; Altum – state finance institution; the University of Economics and Culture; Design Factory of Riga Technical University and other persons interested in CCI.