Considering that the 1st project phase will be completed at the end of September 2018, the main focus of the meeting with given to the final output of this phase – Action Plan about cultural and creative industries in Latvia that aims to tackle policy instrument Operational Programme “Growth and Employment” 2014-2020 in order to stimulate development of CCI SMEs in Latvia.
The Action Plan were elaborated based on the regular work with Latvian stakeholders (seminars and workshops, consultations and interviews); exchange of experience, knowledge and good practices during the CRE:HUB study visits as well as exchange of experience with peer review experts.
Additionally, participants were informed about the latest outcomes of the project –publication about Peer Review results and joint report with research analysis on the CCI, good practices from study visit in Lisbon, Interreg Europe database with good practices as well as monitoring during the Phase 2 of project implementation. Latvian stakeholders highlighted that additional value of CRE:HUB project is ability to bring various CCI stakeholder together at one table and discuss the challenges and potential solutions within the sector.
CRE:HUB stakeholders’ meeting was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Culture, Creative Industries Division; Ministry of Economics; Ministry of Finance; Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA); Altum – state finance institution; Riga City Council; Latvian Art Academy; Design Factory at the Riga Technical University and other interested persons.