We are glad to welcome a new lecturer at the European Studies Master's Programme (ESMP)- Dr.iur. Irēna Ņesterova. She will be giving a course on Law 2-Regional Human Rights Protection Systems.

Dr. Ņesterova is an experienced lawyer who has defended her Ph.D. title in Law in 2013 at the University of Latvia. She has acquired her professional experience by working as a legal adviser at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia, EU Court Department and lawyer at the private companies. Besides, she is practicing her academic skills by giving lectures at the Riga Stradiņš University and Latvian Judicial Training Centre.

Mrs. Ņesterova has also participated in number of conferences, published articles and frequently gives opinions at Latvian Law journal (www.juristavards.lv/autori/1327-irena-esterova - only in Latvian though).
