Peer Review in Potenza (Basilicata Regiona), Italy

In autumn 2017, experts on Latvian cultural and creative industries (CCI) together with representatives from the CRE:HUB project team in Latvia participated in the on-field visits (peer review) of CCIs regional policy systems in two project regions – Lisbon Metropolitan Area (Portugal) and Basilicata Regions (Italy). Aim of the peer review within the CRE:HUB project was to assess the CCI system and to provide important suggestions and inputs by experts with the relevant skill to improve policy system, adopt new measures/policies as well as to optimise two project deliverables (Roadmap and Action Plan) useful for strengthening and for making more effective.

On 7th - 8th November, in Potenza, Basilicata Region hosted the on-field field visit of the CRE:HUB Peer Review team represented experts from the University of Economics and Culture (EKA); University of Latvia in Riga (Latvia) as well as the Pordenone’s Technology Park (Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region, Italy).

The agenda of the event was conceived in order to present to the Peer Reviewers a picture of the CCI sector and policies implemented in the region.  A number of local stakeholders were involved in the interviews with Peer Review experts representing the following organisations the Regione Basilicata, Lucana Film Commission, University of Basilicata, T3 Innovation, Sviluppo Basilicata, Fondazione Matera – Basilicata 2019, Creativity Centre –  Casa Cava, Association of Architects, and Foundation of the Association of Architects.

During meetings with representatives of the Basilicata Region and local stakeholders, the policies and initiatives to be set up for the promotion and development of the cultural and creative industries sector were discussed. At the end of the Peer Review, experts produced a first set of recommendations for the optimization of the two projects (Roadmap and Regional Action Plan) for the CCI sector.


Whereas, the on-field visit in Lisbon, Portugal took place on 24th – 25th October, 2017. It was hosted by the ADIST – Association for the Development of IST Tecnico Lisbon. The peer review team consisted of experts from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia (Latvia), the Pordenone’s Technology Park (Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region, Italy) as well as representative from the University of Latvia – CRE:HUB partner in Latvia.

 Among the local stakeholders in the peer review were involved representatives from the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-LVT); Portuguese Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (IAPMEI); BETA-I Innovation Acceleration HUB, Ministry of the Economy, Ministry of Culture, and Tecnico Lisboa Innovation Lab (IStartLabs). During the on-field visit, CCI experts had also chance to visit the FabLab and Mouraria Creative Hub; Polo Cultural Gaivotas | Boavista (service providing assistance to arts professionals and organisations) as well as the (creative hub).

At the end of the on-field visit, CCI peer review experts presented their main findings and initial recommendations.


CRE:HUB │Project meeting in Székesfehérvár (Hungary)

CRE:HUB │Project meeting in Székesfehérvár (Hungary)