Graduation Ceremony 2017

On June 16th the University of Latvia’s Faculty of Business, Management and Economics recognized its first graduation ceremony of the year. The European Studies Masters Programme students graduated in a beautiful ceremony that was attended by faculty, friends, and family, as well as by distinguished guests from the Latvian and international diplomatic services. The European Studies Master Programme (ESMP) at the University of Latvia would like to offer heartfelt congratulations to the Class of 2017!

The graduation ceremony began with an opening address from ESMP director Prof. Tatjana Muravska, followed by greetings from Vice-Rector Jānis Ikstens and Faculty Dean Gundars Bērziņš. H.E. Ms. Odile Soupison, Ambassador of the Republic of France to Latvia, gave a stirring speech, as did H.E. Mr. Tönis Nirk, Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia, and H.E. Mr. Hayri Hayret Yalav, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey. Prof. Dr. Inna Šteinbuka, Head of the European Commission Representation in Latvia, also offered words of wisdom to the graduates. To close the ceremony graduate Ms. Paula Podoļska shared a valedictorian speech from the graduates, thanking their families and professors for their unwavering support throughout their studies. Afterwards there was an elegant and delicious reception, which provided guests the chance to mingle and celebrate the occasion.

The ESMP was established in 2000 as an interdisciplinary academic programme at the University of Latvia, which provides students with the opportunity to study the European integration process. Since its establishment, the ESMP has produced more than 500 graduates. Graduates of the ESMP work in international, national and European public and private institutions, diplomatic services, academic institutions and in the field of public communication. Last week’s ceremony marked the ESMP’s 16th graduation class.

Our graduates are now at the end of one journey and the beginning of the next. We wish them every success in their future endeavours, and hope that they will stay in touch.
