The annual four-week long study tour to Canada for European students will take place from September 4th to October 2nd, 2011.
This year Valters Lācis and Kristīne Kince, European Studies Master's students, from the University of Latvia will represent Latvia during the Study Tour. It will commence with three days of briefings in Brussels on the EU and EU-Canada relations.
After receiving more than 350 applications, 42 students were chosen as the EU-Canada Study Tour 2011 participants, among them were 12 applications from Latvia.
"Thinking Canada" is aimed to offer European students a unique opportunity to experience an in-depth exposure to a wide variety of institutions (both private and public), government bodies, think tanks and NGOs in Canada. At each place, the students will receive briefings and have the opportunity to exchange views with representatives of these bodies, many of them leading experts in their fields. The tour will begin in Brussels, and travel to Ottawa, Québec, Montréal, Toronto, Vancouver and Victoria.
In addition, an internship opportunity is offered to participants immediately following the end of the tour. These will take place at leading think tanks, foundations, cultural institutions and government departments across Canada.