News 2010 - 2011

European Studies Master Programme students meet Stanford University students (Apr 2013)
Presentation of book „European Integration and Baltic Sea Studies: University-Business Partnership through the Triple Helix Approach” (February 2013)
Roundtable Debate on Latvia and EU - Eastern Partnership: Focus on Armenia + Video (January 2013)
Representatives of the University of Latvia gain experience in the field of integration of unemployed people (January 2013)
Project „Centralbaltic Job Ferry” participates in the job fair "Darbs EXPO 2012" in Riga
European Business Support Network dedicated to internationalization of regional economies
LU CETS starts new project: Innovative Strategies for Equal Employment – Labour Plus
Dr. Anders Åslund public lecture "WHAT TO EXPECT FROM RUSSIA WHEN PUTIN IS BACK?", 10 May 2012
Unique business support network has been launched online for the entrepreneurs
Roundtable Discussions on EU relations with Eastern Partnership countries and Canada
Prof. Rainer Münz public lecture "DIASPORAS AND HOMELANDS: WHAT DO WE KNOW?“, 13 April 2012
An international project ‘Centralbaltic Job Ferry’ for stimulating labour market mobility
European Union Commissioner A. Piebalgs Lecture (19.03.2011)
Unique partnership of European Supply Chain regions inaugurated (16.03.2011)
Photo Gallery: Second Workshop on Canadian Studies (14.03.2011)
Second Workshop on Canadian Studies, 11th March (04.03.2011)
Visit to the Danish Cluster Academy 15.12.2010
The European People's Party Group’s 3rd Study Visit for Students to Brussels, Belgium 10.12.2010
European Studies master Students joint event. University of Latvia and Institute of Europe, Kaunas University of Technology 01.12.2010
Practical Seminar at the EU Institutions and NATO in Brussels and Luxembourg 19.11.2010
Guest lecture by Professor Dr. Tibor Palánkai, Corvinus University, Budapest 10.11.2010
Latvian scholar visiting European Policies Researcher Centre 01.11.2010
Workshop on Developing Canadian Studies within the Social Sciences, Updated 11.10.2010
Paid Study Trip to EU 01.10.2010